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The Offical "So, i herd u pl4y LoL?" Topic


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I know League of Legends is a semi-popular game around here, so rather than figure out who plays, feel free to include your summoner name, favorite champ/position, server, and whater you see fit.


Who knows? Maybe playing League together will be a common occurence. Or maybe we'll realize how bad Saucy is at Cho'gath and we'll never talk to each other again.


Summoner name: Blexun

Server: 'Murica

Usual Positions: Support>Top>Mid

Usual Champions: Leona, Thresh, Twisted Fate, Singed, Yorick, Kassadin, Kha'Zix, Fiddlesticks

Most Hated Champions: Lux and Nami supports

Champions that give me cancer: Teemo

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Summoner name: Swafffffle,

Usual Positions: Not Support,

Usual Champions:Singed, Varus, Elise, Tryn, Eve, Udyr, Kog, Graves, Lux, Ahri, Ori, anyone that i feel like to be prefectly frank,

Most Hated Champions: Fed ones,

Champions that give me cancer: Ones that my premade botlanes feed,

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