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will dragonborn and other expasions be deleted?

Guest rzgdp9999


Guest rzgdp9999

I hav just lost all my data on a character of mine that I put over 150 hrs into and I want to remove the patches so i can ogmha infinium him. If I remove patches will it delete any of the add ons and if so will they be recoverable without the code or paying for them again? Am on ps3:-)

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As David said if your using the same profile as you downloaded them on (which I assume you would be) it will have record of your previous purchases so you won't have to buy it again. Just follow the steps as though you were buying up until the point where it would normally say something along the lines of "Buy. Cost $xx.xx" it will instead just say something like "redownload" so you just select that.


I'm not exactly sure of the process on PSN but I know its almost identical to the way it is on Xbox Live.

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