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ESO character talent calculator

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Those of you who are looking for skill values and descriptions, please visit our ESO skill database.



Guide to designing your ESO character before you start playing:


Step 1) Choose your class.

Choose which Ultimate you like the most! Every class has 12 passive abilities nd 15 active abilities to choose from. If you choose your passives and actives you can make any of the classes come pretty close to what you want it to be in the end, so choosing this based off of 1 out of the 9 Class Ultimates that won't change makes the most sense. If you can't decide which ultimate you like, then make a list of the all 4 classes 12 passive abilities, and see what combinations you can come up with that appeals to you the most. Then, as you play, use abilities from the Skill Tree that has the move of those passives and you will unlock them quicker.


Step 2) Choose your weapon.

Look at the Passive abilities that you can choose for that weapon. Just like for Active Class abilities, all weapons are able to perform similarly by morphing the Active abilties, so Passive abilities are what is important here.


Step 3) Choose your armor.

Look at the passive abilities that you can choose from for each armor type and decide which one synergizes best with class and weapon passives.


Step 4) Choose your 2nd weapon.

You'll probably want at least one Range weapon to be able to utilize the game's Stealth ability, by attacking from a distance while still unseen. If your first weapon choice is either a destro or resto staff then I'd recommend taking the other staff (resto if you took destro, destro if you took resto) as your second weapon. This way you can go pure Magicka instead of putting points into Stamina (because Class abilities all cost Magicka). On the other hand if you take a melee weapon or a bow you still need to put points into Magicka because your class abilities use it, so in that case it is still okay for you to choose one of the staves as your secondary weapon. But, choosing another phsysical weapon will be better because you can balance Mag/Stam accordingly for your primary and it will work well still for your secondary weapon choice.


Step 5) Choose your race.

Each race gets an active ability and four passive abilities. Some races get +% XP towards certain skill trees, increased healing taken, increased fire damage given, increased weapon power, etc. passive abilities. So you really do want to choose your race last. If you chose it first you might get +15% to Bow experience, yet you might never want to use a bow. In that case it would either persuade you into using a bow, which isn't cool, or you wouldn't get the 15% bonus for one of the skills you do have that you could have gotten if you already knew what you wanted to play as.


Step 6) Choose your active abilities.

Do you want to Nuke, DOT, HOT, AOE, Single Target Heal, CC, Anti-CC, Maximize Mobility, Tank, etc.. Or, do you want to be a hybrid of two or more of those? Well this is where choosing your abilities comes into play. They will end up being dramatically more refined to your desires in the end than they are in the beginning, but the general message of the abilities is there. Remember that you need to use abilities from the sections that you want the passives from, or you'll never unlock those passives.


Step 7) Play!

The options are practically endless, so don't take too long trying to decide (like I have). Just play the game and you can always start leveling up something else after you're more experienced in the game! :)


Here are links to the currently known skills:





Post what you plan on playing here:



Good luck!



Someone should really make an ESO character calculator.. Maybe I should.. XD

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Not a bad concept, but its still too early to discuss a talent calculator as the community has no idea how the slotting of abilities will really work. Do passives have to be slotted? Are they contigent on your current weapon selection? Racial bonuses? Plus the simple mechanic of unlocking things are all, as of yet, unknown to the masses.


Again, I appreciate the idea, but it is all pure speculation at this point.




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Not a bad concept, but its still too early to discuss a talent calculator as the community has no idea how the slotting of abilities will really work. Do passives have to be slotted? Are they contigent on your current weapon selection? Racial bonuses? Plus the simple mechanic of unlocking things are all, as of yet, unknown to the masses.


Again, I appreciate the idea, but it is all pure speculation at this point.




We pretty much do know all of that. http://www.twitch.tv/bethesda/b/439743009  Skip to 0:48:50.

The only thing we don't know are the racials for AD and Daggerfall, and exactly how the passives are slotted. So the only speculation we'd do is that based on the video it looks like you can only have one of your Class skill tree passive abilities active at one time. And for now the only thing missing would be AD and Daggerfall racials.

All the other information (when things unlock, etc.) is available from beta leaks. How your active abilities are slotted, etc. I mean.. the guy in yesterdays official gameplay video was level 16 and he barely had anything unlocked--so I think having a beginning talent calc wouldn't be trivial at all + whoever makes it can update it as more info is released.


Anyone else interested in making one--or should I start? XD

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From what I can gather, it looks like passives are always on, but most of them are contingent on certain conditions. For instance, armor passives do nothing if you aren't wearing the right armor. That said, I have no source for confirmation of this -- but I've seen no UI to indicate the slotting of passives (and I do believe I've seen all of the leaked + official footage) and most of the passives are worded to be effective only in specific situations.


That said, I'm a hardcore roleplayer so I'll completely disregard this in favor of flavor. My Ebonheart character will be a Dunmer Templar, even though at this juncture Dragonknight appears to be the optimal class for Dunmer -- but if I'm a Dunmer, I'm gonna be an Ashlander, and I need my (Aedric for some reason) spears! Well, my Breton (Sorcerer) and Khajiit (Nightblade) characters are likely to have good race-class synergies, at least.

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From what I can gather, it looks like passives are always on, but most of them are contingent on certain conditions. For instance, armor passives do nothing if you aren't wearing the right armor. That said, I have no source for confirmation of this -- but I've seen no UI to indicate the slotting of passives (and I do believe I've seen all of the leaked + official footage) and most of the passives are worded to be effective only in specific situations.


That said, I'm a hardcore roleplayer so I'll completely disregard this in favor of flavor. My Ebonheart character will be a Dunmer Templar, even though at this juncture Dragonknight appears to be the optimal class for Dunmer -- but if I'm a Dunmer, I'm gonna be an Ashlander, and I need my (Aedric for some reason) spears! Well, my Breton (Sorcerer) and Khajiit (Nightblade) characters are likely to have good race-class synergies, at least.

Haha, awesome man! I wish I knew exactly what I wanted to play. It'd save me so much headache! I can't play a game unless I know I'm min/maxing as much as possible, and since it doesn't look like you can respec later or anything except for re-morph abilities...well I want to do it right the first time.


I know I'll have open beta to fuck with everything at a nearly finished level, but I don't think that'll be long enough to decide for me. =( /wrist.. Jesus tits I'm obsessive.


Edit: It does really really look like all the passives you unlock will always be active without a limit (as long as you meet the conditions, of course.) This is insane.

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Now here's a question: Will passive skills also have morphs? That could make things real interesting!


That'd be too much, haha. I doubt it. If you look at the Nightblade leaked skills on these forums it shows a Spell Level next to it, but no spell level next to the passives. I take this to mean that they can't be leveled, but who knows? :P


I think it's more about strategically placing your skill points into them. "Is it worth putting a point into this instead of morphing that or getting this new active?" And, because a lot of the passives are essentially useless if you're not using a certain setup, I feel like they should stay how they are. I mean, you can eventually get enough skill points to get ALL of them... but you don't need to because some won't benefit your build.


This is a huge part of what makes building characters so interesting: The passives you choose matter a ton when you're matching them with your actives. This is why a DK Fire staff in light armor has the most damage output, not because loading the skill bar with a bunch of damage abilities does the trick, but because when you have the MOST AMOUNT of passives that directly affect you..while other characters might only get 3 or 4 from their whole Class that directly helps them.


Most the armor passives seem hellamazeballs though, I'm glad they're making it a big deal..cause in Skyrim it wasn't at all.

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Most the armor passives seem hellamazeballs though, I'm glad they're making it a big deal..cause in Skyrim it wasn't at all.

That's something, though, isn't it? I'm replaying from Morrowind bringing the same character through all the way to Skyrim right now, and I'm thinking...


Morrowind: Light armor will always encumber you less but provide less protection. Heavy armor will always weigh you down but offer the best protection. (And then there's medium armor -- even with expansions, always heavier than light armor but only providing marginally more protection. Why?!?!)


Oblivion: With maxed armor and armorer skills, the only difference between light and heavy is that light breaks slightly more quickly.


Skyrim: Heavy and light provide a master perk that makes a slight difference (dodge vs. reflect damage), and heavy takes fewer perks to max out (since it has several useless perks you can skip), but other than that there's no difference between them.


ESO: Armor type is a deciding factor in your build/role in the group. I like this!

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That's something, though, isn't it? I'm replaying from Morrowind bringing the same character through all the way to Skyrim right now, and I'm thinking...


Morrowind: Light armor will always encumber you less but provide less protection. Heavy armor will always weigh you down but offer the best protection. (And then there's medium armor -- even with expansions, always heavier than light armor but only providing marginally more protection. Why?!?!)


Oblivion: With maxed armor and armorer skills, the only difference between light and heavy is that light breaks slightly more quickly.


Skyrim: Heavy and light provide a master perk that makes a slight difference (dodge vs. reflect damage), and heavy takes fewer perks to max out (since it has several useless perks you can skip), but other than that there's no difference between them.


ESO: Armor type is a deciding factor in your build/role in the group. I like this!

That's funny, I'm doing the exact same thing right now (starting in morrowind and playing through with the same class!) I personally am having troubles playing morrowind though right now, it's just too cheesy looking back on it, haha!



My take on ESO Armor:

If you want to take get more Heals and take less melee damage use heavy armor.

If you want to have more Stamina and get more mobility use medium armor.

If you want to have more Magicka and get more spell resistance use light armor.


Heavy armor can add slight melee damage. Medium armor can increase Sneaking/Crouching efficiency. Light armor can increase spell damage.


I honestly think that heavy armor needs a buff to the melee damage right now, otherwise it just doesn't look that great unless you plan on being a pure PVE tank. Medium armor Stam increase is probably enough to outdamage people in Heavy armor, and at the same time the mobility it adds is super amazing. Full Light armor seems to add the most damage of them all.


The biggest problem that I have with armor is that you get a set bonus if you have 5+ (6 with shield I guess) pieces of one armor weight. The reason why this is a problem is because it pushes people away from using what they want. I personally would love to mix Light and Medium to balance my Stam and Magicka regeneration.



Edit: Yeah, Heavy armor you can "Brace" better. But Medium armor you can DODGE better. No damage > less damage.

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Keep in mind that crafting "additives" are also supposed to add traits to armor. Perhaps different armor classes will have different bonus traits available, so with crafting you can get that bonus to melee damage you're after?


Do we know if Brace costs stamina? The difference could be that bracing is free, while you have to be more choosy about when to dodge. Or, it's possible that it's easier to hold aggro while bracing than while dodging (which won't really matter in PvP, but it could be important for group PvE).

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Keep in mind that crafting "additives" are also supposed to add traits to armor. Perhaps different armor classes will have different bonus traits available, so with crafting you can get that bonus to melee damage you're after?


Do we know if Brace costs stamina? The difference could be that bracing is free, while you have to be more choosy about when to dodge. Or, it's possible that it's easier to hold aggro while bracing than while dodging (which won't really matter in PvP, but it could be important for group PvE).


Bracing costs something, "Reduces cost of bracing by 3% per piece of armor" (Heavy). I think it's probably Stamina cost.


The armor enchantments are going to be awesome, I think this is the main reason why people will wear different types of armor at once! :)

Imagine a -15% stamina cost for Dodge on your Medium boots but you are a PURE tank so you have the rest of your gear as +X% healing, -X% damage taken, increase armor by X, and then you even have some Light armor on you for Increased magical resistances.


I think the only way they'll make this work is if they make certain armor weights (light medium heavy) have SPECIFIC characteristics that only they can get. On top of SLOT specific enchantments that you can only get for that slot.


If it's how I think it is, I love it so much I could...ahh.. I just came.

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It's probably a bit early to work on it now since we don't know some necessary details, but this is definitely something that I'd love to have around. Were you planning on something akin to the Skyrim perk calculator?


More like the Diablo 3 one combined with that one.


Like so: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian


Just set up differently-

Each unlock you use says, "X unlocks used" and each active or passive ability says, "requires X level in X skill tree to unlock". That way people are able to see how far they must go to unlock the build they want to play as, even before morphing starts occuring.


Then you should be able to set up Skill Bar 1 and Skill Bar 2, of course, and then show the weapon perks that are active for each bar (because it'll be different depending on the weapon).


idk, hard to describe but I've got a vision that looks pretty hot in my head.. Haha

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