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What's going on, people?! My name is Kenan (hence my SN haha).


I'm a college student from New Orleans, but to your surprise, I'm not a very big "party animal."  For this reason, I replace party time for video game time. :)


I've been fascinated with video games since I was a child playing Mega Man X, and have only recently caught on to MMO's.  In fact, SWTOR was my first MMO.  I stopped playing very recently to try out WOW (I know, I'm a little late), which is the game I've been investing most of my time in, as of late.


Anyway, before my random discoveries of MMO's, I was a huge fan of single player RPGs, one of which happens to be the Elder Scrolls games.  When I heard that such a marvelous series was going to have a convergent MMORPG, I flipped.  


I immediately went to the trash bin of knowledge we all know and sometimes love: the Internet.  For about 5 hours, I searched, and searched, and searched, hoping to find some kind of information on this game that seemed too good to be true, but beyond finding fake trailers and corny slideshows with bad music, I found nothing, and I gave up my search for about a year.


I finally remembered that I need to check the progress on this game yesterday, after a year of it completely slipping my mind (I have no idea how), and was pleased with what I found.  However, I really wanted to find a community for it.


Not only did I find a great community for it, but I also found a great resource!  In case you're tired or getting tired of reading, I'm talking about this site: Elder Souls. ;)


I don't know how long you guys have been around, but all I can say is WOW (not the MMO, the word); this is pretty amazing.  Great job to everyone associated with this.


Just wanted to express my gratitude, and I assure you: I am spreading the word on this site like wind on a wildfire.  This site will forever be my Elder Scrolls resource, and I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile in return for the brilliant batch that you guys are.


Now that you've heard my spiel (I'm really sorry for that), I'd like to learn more about you guys.  You don't have to, I mean, the fact that you've read all the way through this post is pretty awesome, but I'd just like to get to know some of the community.  You already seem like great people from what I've read on other threads, and I'd love to get to know you guys better.


Thanks for reading!



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Welcome to the site. I'm glad to hear you find it to be such a great resource.


Personally I'm not a big MMO or Elder Souls player at the moment but like most of us here I'm sure I will try out ESO when it is released. As you will probably notice although the site obviously focuses on the Elder Scrolls franchise we have a lot of other video game content and discussion.


I can also definitely relate to not being a big party animal XD. Anyway I hope you continue to enjoy the site and I look forward to seeing you around more :)

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I think this has to be my favorite introduction I've read here. Very thorough and well-stated. I know I have a similar past that leans strongly in the direction of the single-player games as opposed to a great deal of MMO experience, but I'm extremely excited for the game nonetheless. I think a lot of others are in the same boat; the game should have an interesting mixture of traditional TES fans and MMO-ers.


It's always nice to read some positive comments. Mind if I ask how you stumbled across us?


As for me, I attend a large public university in Michigan that has about 40k students (if you want to do detective work that probably narrows it to 2). I've never been huge in the party scene either; much of my free time is spent on my hobbies, primarily running and tinkering with sites such as this.


Anyways, welcome to the site! 

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I think this has to be my favorite introduction I've read here. Very thorough and well-stated. I know I have a similar past that leans strongly in the direction of the single-player games as opposed to a great deal of MMO experience, but I'm extremely excited for the game nonetheless. I think a lot of others are in the same boat; the game should have an interesting mixture of traditional TES fans and MMO-ers.


It's always nice to read some positive comments. Mind if I ask how you stumbled across us?


As for me, I attend a large public university in Michigan that has about 40k students (if you want to do detective work that probably narrows it to 2). I've never been huge in he party scene either; much of my free time is spent on my hobbies, primarily running and tinkering with sites such as this.


Anyways, welcome to the site! 


I'm gonna take a guess at Michigan State.  That's a great music program right there, which I was actually considering going into.  Good stuff. :)


I found out about this site when I was trying to find a list of abilities for classes in ESO.  I was extremely pleased to find that not only are there full lists of abilities, but reliable news updates on the game over here.  It was a no brainer for me to join, and I'm recommending it to my Elder Scrolls buddies.  

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Haha, no, I go to UofM - their main rival.


Hey, hey, I got the second one right!  I could've very well been in that Spartan marching band, being rivals and what not.  :yucky:


Small world, ain't it?


Thanks to you and Nathan for making me feel welcomed.

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Hello there!I'm Bard/Eric. My real name is BÃ¥rd. In case you didn't notice, it is not an American name. It's Norwegian. Cuz I live out there. My first MMO was RuneScape. Which I've played on and off since I was about ten. I turn 18 in a few weeks btw.I play a bit of MineCraft and, even though it sounds terrible and stupid, Puzzle Pirates. Yep. I pretty much always play multiplayer games.Me and the other guys with many posts are whats left of a former RuneScape clan, that might still exist.

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Hello there!I'm Bard/Eric. My real name is BÃ¥rd. In case you didn't notice, it is not an American name. It's Norwegian. Cuz I live out there. My forst MMO was RuneScape. Which I've played on and off since I was about ten. I turn 18 in a few weeks btw.I play a bit of MineCraft and, even though it sounds terrible and stupid, Puzzle Pirates. Yep. I pretty much always play multiplayer games.Me and the other guys with many posts are whats left of a former RuneScape clan, that might still exist.


Norway?  That is seriously awesome!  My name is actually from Palestinian descent, so I get all giddy seeing diversity.


I'm looking forward to getting to know you, Bard. :)

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I play League of Legends.


How is Kel?


Cool, my good buddy Chris plays ranked on there.  I've played a few games playing Siraka.  I always play my first character as a healer in every game (as you Leaguers would say, Support).  I do like my fair share of tanking, though.  Not too big on DPS (Or ADC haha).


And yeah, hardy har har.  I knew it was coming sometime...  :P

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Cool, my good buddy Chris plays ranked on there.  I've played a few games playing Siraka.  I always play my first character as a healer in every game (as you Leaguers would say, Support).  I do like my fair share of tanking, though.  Not too big on DPS (Or ADC haha)


And yeah, hardy har har.  I knew it was coming sometime...  :P


All the children here would not know of this amazing show.


I lie, they would, they know everything.  Apart from Brad, Brad stupid.




Soraka is god awful, if you DO like to have heals in lane, Sona is a lovely champ to pick up.


The fun part is, a few of the "tanks" do damage without building damage.


I play on EU-W, feel free to add me if you ever fancy playing.


Pangoon / Disco Pangoon are my two accounts.

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All the children here would not know of this amazing show.


I lie, they would, they know everything.  Apart from Brad, Brad stupid.




Soraka is god awful, if you DO like to have heals in lane, Sona is a lovely champ to pick up.


The fun part is, a few of the "tanks" do damage without building damage.


I play on EU-W, feel free to add me if you ever fancy playing.


Pangoon / Disco Pangoon are my two accounts.


Soraka is actually really good on bot, as long as you stack her mana pool and CD reduction to 40% and lane her with an ADC mana user.  My friend and I would have a Fiz/Soraka combo a lot of the time, and it worked like a charm; we'd push so hard since he essentially had an infinite mana pool thanks to my mana heal.  And if our health got low, I'll just use some of those really short healing cooldowns.  And, if I see my other enemies health bars going down in the other lanes, I just pop my ultimate to give them the extra push they need in a confrontation.  Gotta love it.


I don't think you'd want to play with me.  I'm kind of bad lol.  Ty for offering, though.



Edit: Then again, I only played for a month, so my opinion isn't too valid.  Still though, worked for my play style for lowbie matches.  Tried Sona and wasn't effective with her.

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Me and the other guys with many posts are whats left of a former RuneScape clan, that might still exist.


Hey now not everyone that's old has many posts.


Anyways hi, I contribute about nothing to the site as far as helping people out goes. I more often than not just throw in my 2 cents to a topic. I play different games all the time (right now i play Forza 4) and the occasional LoL. I like the occasional party but I prefer sitting around the fire with some alcohol and cigars and just shoot the shit. 

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Soraka is actually really good on bot, as long as you stack her mana pool and CD reduction to 40% and lane her with an ADC mana user.  My friend and I would have a Fiz/Soraka combo a lot of the time, and it worked like a charm; we'd push so hard since he essentially had an infinite mana pool thanks to my mana heal.  And if our health got low, I'll just use some of those really short healing cooldowns.  And, if I see my other enemies health bars going down in the other lanes, I just pop my ultimate to give them the extra push they need in a confrontation.  Gotta love it.


I don't think you'd want to play with me.  I'm kind of bad lol.  Ty for offering, though.



Edit: Then again, I only played for a month, so my opinion isn't too valid.  Still though, worked for my play style for lowbie matches.  Tried Sona and wasn't effective with her.


It works, but it mostly works against people who don't understand how to deal with it.


Soraka has her early issues, and after her heal is down, there is a 10+ second time span where you can all-in her, and there isnt much she can do.


She also doesnt do much if your jungler comes to gank, as its obvious when she is baiting.


In teamfights she can't do much for her carry after a heal, and her ult heal.


Basically, other supports can do what soraka does, but then are actually useful in teamfights, and can apply more to a lane.



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Hey now not everyone that's old has many posts.


Anyways hi, I contribute about nothing to the site as far as helping people out goes. I more often than not just throw in my 2 cents to a topic. I play different games all the time (right now i play Forza 4) and the occasional LoL. I like the occasional party but I prefer sitting around the fire with some alcohol and cigars and just shoot the shit. 


Hey, that's alright.  I look forward to hearing your two cents. :)



It works, but it mostly works against people who don't understand how to deal with it.


Soraka has her early issues, and after her heal is down, there is a 10+ second time span where you can all-in her, and there isnt much she can do.


She also doesnt do much if your jungler comes to gank, as its obvious when she is baiting.


In teamfights she can't do much for her carry after a heal, and her ult heal.


Basically, other supports can do what soraka does, but then are actually useful in teamfights, and can apply more to a lane.




Fair enough.  Never really did get to try many other champs out beside Soraka.  It would get on my nerves that I had no solid single target attacks also, besides my basic ranged attack.  There were many lulls where my lane was full health and mana was not really a troubling matter.  At this point, I'd usually try to farm, but lo and behold, the jungler would always be waiting to destroy me haha.


Btw, Master Yi is getting nerfed, I hear.  Thank God!  

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Hey, that's alright.  I look forward to hearing your two cents. :)




Fair enough.  Never really did get to try many other champs out beside Soraka.  It would get on my nerves that I had no solid single target attacks also, besides my basic ranged attack.  There were many lulls where my lane was full health and mana was not really a troubling matter.  At this point, I'd usually try to farm, but lo and behold, the jungler would always be waiting to destroy me haha.


Btw, Master Yi is getting nerfed, I hear.  Thank God!  


He has already been nerfed, he is still strong-ish.  


Thats why raka is kinda bad, unless its run in a specific teamcomposition, where the aim is to never stop laning, and just push all day (In theory)


Oh well, give Sona or Nami a shot if you like the healing aspect, it will give you a lot more options for in and out of the laning phase - which equals funnnnnnnnnnnnn.




Haha Nathan, Kenan and Kel was STRONGEST SHOW EVER

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