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So i bought it.


I have nothing better to do this weekend than try out this game, and i have a good 8-10 hours of gametime planned.


I might end up playing League of Legends instead, but im sure a good 1-2 hours will be spent trying to figure out this game.


Any fun tips and tricks for me, since im just starting out?


(I could read the guides, and other stuff, but theres a 95% chance i wouldnt' understand any of it anyway.)

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Try Nord or Orc I believe!  :thumbsup:


I chose an Orc, because i love their teeth.  it makes me lmfao.


Anyway, idk whether to go with the trusty steel mace i battered a bandit for, or the greatsword i found.


I kinda like having a shield, so its been the mace so far, but im still a bit unsure.


How do i use the berserk rage, or whatever the orcs skill is?  I bought this on XBL because i wanted to play it NOW. So there is no book. lol




So, tips for playing a badass big toothed orc?

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One handed are always great, although I prefer to use magic for healing in one hand rather than a shield. Works well for me. Did a 2h build last time though, pure ownage.


To use berserker rage, go to your magic menu, and it should be listed under powers, so just highlight/select it. Then you press the power button to use it in combat, I think it is RB on Xbox, but just check your settings. Its the same button that is used for dragon shouts, which is why you need to select it in the first place.

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First of all, throw all your other games away, kiss your significant other goodbye (you won't even notice as they pack up all their shit, call you an asshole and leave) and move back into your mom's basement. With Skyrim all other worlds will cease to exist (including this one), so enjoy.

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Magic in one hand, instead of a shield!  Genious!


Im still getting to grips with stuff, should i shoot people with a bow and arrow, then favourite switch to my mace?


If you are up to it, it could really work. Just make sure not to power-level too many non-combat skills too fast if you are going to level multiple combat skills as things will get out of hand because monsters/NPCs level with you. Unless of course you want to really challenge yourself!

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If you are up to it, it could really work. Just make sure not to power-level too many non-combat skills too fast if you are going to level multiple combat skills as things will get out of hand because monsters/NPCs level with you. Unless of course you want to really challenge yourself!


i no challenge myself.


i just fought the bandit leader for a bounty i got from a pub in the first village for the nord guy.


died 4 times before i actually killed him, haha.


level 1 op!




it also took me like 45 mins longer than it should have to get there, because i kept getting distracted with all the shiny map icons.


i also managed to die to a giant, who one-shotted me over a mountain.

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hahahahahahahah.  :D




So yeah, after taking a perk in heavy ar, it seems that light ar is the way to go, since i can still hit the cap with enchanting and smithing, apparently?


do the 3 core crafting skills take a lot of effort to level up, or should i just stick to heavy?


tbh, i picked it up to quest, have some fun killing shit, and just go from there - im not really looking to min/max everything, as i can see that ruining the experience.

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