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What The TRR Events System SHOULD Be


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Guys, I think there's some serious confusion as to what is required to host an event. Our advertisement has always trumpeted out something that used to be a novelty in the clan world - ALL MEMBERS CAN HOST EVENTS. You do NOT have to be an Event Coordinator to host and plan events. EC's are simply "Event Forum Moderators" tasked with updating the calendar, closing old threads, and helping members host their own events. Obviously they need to host events themselves, but that's a miniscule part of their job next to everything else. Ideally, EC's host 1-2 of their own events per week. The rest of their time is spent helping other normal members with their events. The perfect situation would have the ET hosting about 25-50% of the clans events, and the large majority of normal members taking the rest upon themselves. (Obviously 25% would need a LARGE base of normal members we don't currently have, but it's beside the point since no one is currently hosting anything anyways). If there are 6 ET members, that's 6 events a week. That means I would expect there to be around 12-24 events at LEAST per week. That's averaging 3 a day on the high side, which really isn't difficult considering no one does shit in the summer. Three half-hour events isn't something to be frightened about; different members are logging on and off constantly, and most would probably only be able to make 1-2 of those 3 at most. Having a variety of different events in a short span of time (e.g. a day) allows people to pick and choose what events they will attend. When they're able to go to events they actually enjoy, the turnouts - that people constantly cite as their reason for not hosting - will increase.

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I'll create some events once I get my computer back from the shop.Another thing I should point out is that literally ANYTHING can be an event. Feel like training Fishing? Make it a Fishing skill 'n' chill. Need to train Dungeoneering? Make that an event, too. Literally anything you want to do can be event-ized and contribute to the community.

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