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ESO: Dragon Knight, Fighter and Mage Guild Skills Leaked

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We have completed a fantastic skill database containing all known skills and their effects. It contains up-to-date information in an easy format, so please use it!

Original Article

The following are skills leaked from the ESO beta. Remember, there's no telling what changes will take place between now and when the game is released. It's a pretty safe bet that a lot will change between now and then.

Dragon Knight Skills

Ardent Flame

Ultimate Abilities

    [*]Dragonknight Standard - unlocks rank 12

    [*]15m range / 8m radius - 200 ultimate - no cooldown

    [*]For 12s while on Dragonknight standard

    [*]enemies take 6 fire damage every second

    [*]enemies receive 50% less healing

    [*]an ally may activate the shackle ability, damaging and rooting enemies in the area

Active Abilities

    [*]Fiery Reach - unlocks rank 1

      [*]instant - 18m range - 60 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]pull enemy towards you

      [*]deals 8 fire damage

    [*]Searing Strike - unlocks rank 4

      [*]instant - 5m range - 40 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]- burn target for 25 fire damage over 8s

    [*]Fiery Breath - unlocks rank 24

      [*]instant - 10m radius - 40 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]deals 4 fire damage in a cone in front of you

      [*]ignite enemy for 9 fire damage over 6s

    [*]Lava Whip - unlocks rank 34

      [*]instant - 8m range - 40 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]deals 14 fire damage

      [*]causes off balance to immobile or stunned enemies

    [*]Inferno - unlocks rank 50

      [*]instant - self - no cost - no cooldown

      [*]Toggle to activate

      [*]deals 1 fire damage to nearby enemies while draining magicka

      [*]damage and magicka drain increase each tick

Passive Abilities

    [*]Kindling - unlocks rank 8

      [*]passive - self

      [*]increases the damage of the burning effect applied by fire abilities +200%

    [*]Warmth - unlocks rank 19

      [*]passive - self

      [*]dealing fire damage snares the target 40% for 3s

    [*]Searing Heat - unlocks rank 29

      [*]passive - self

      [*]Increase duration of the following by 2s

        [*]fiery breath, searing strike, dragonknights standard

        [*]burning effect applied by fire abilities

    [*]World in Flames - unlocks rank 39

      [*]passive - self

      [*]increase damage of fire area effect abilities by 12%

Draconic Power

Ultimate Abilities

    [*]Dragon Leap - unlocks rank 12

    [*]instant - 10 to 20m range - 150 ultimate - no cooldown

    [*]deals 34 physical damage to target

    [*]nearby enemies are knocked back

Active Abilities

    [*]Spiked Armor - unlocks rank 1

    [*]instant - self - 48 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]For 17s

    [*]resist 30% damage

    [*]return 2 physical damage to melee attackers

[*]Dark Talons - unlock rank 4

    [*]instant - 8m radius - 40 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]immobilize nearby enemies for 3.5s

    [*]deals 11 physical damage to enemies not already in dark talons

    [*]an ally can activate the impale synergy, damaging enemies held within talons

[*]Dragon Blood - unlocks rank 24

    [*]instant - self - 80 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]heal for 25% of missing health

    [*]increase health regeneration by 28% for 20s

[*]Reflective Scale - unlocks rank 34

    [*]instant - self - 60 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]reflect all projectiles for 4s

[*]Inhale - unlocks rank 50

    [*]instant - 5m radius - 60 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]absorb 3 health from each nearby enemy

    [*]after 2.5s deal 6 magic damage to nearby enemies

Passive Abilities

    [*]Iron Skin - unlocks rank 8

      [*]passive - self

      [*]you block an additional 10% damage

    [*]Burning Heart - unlocks rank 19

      [*]passive - self

      [*]increase healing received by 12% while you are affected by a dragon ability

    [*]Elder Dragon - unlocks rank 29

      [*]passive - self

      [*]increase health regeneration by 5% for each dragon ability on your hotbar

    [*]Scaled Armor - unlocks rank 39

      [*]passive - self

      [*]increase spell resistance by 80

Earthen Heart

Ultimate Abilities

    [*]Magma Armor - unlocks rank 12

    [*]instant - self - 150 ultimate - no cooldown

    [*]For 9s

    [*]incoming damage is capped at 3% max health

    [*]nearby enemies take 2 fire damage every 1s

Active Abilities

    [*]Stonefist - unlocks rank 1

      [*]instant - 10m range - 60 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]10 physical damage to enemy

      [*]knockdown enemy for 3s

    [*]Molten Weapons - unlocks rank 4

      [*]instant - 20m radius - 60 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]For 45s

        [*]increase power of nearby allies by 1

        [*]bonus increased by 100% on caster

    [*]Obsidian Shield - unlocks rank 24

      [*]instant - 12m radius - 40 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]create 13 point damage shield for 20s on all nearby allies

      [*]shield absorbs 40% of incoming damage

      [*]shield strength increased by 100% on caster

    [*]Petrify - unlocks rank 34

      [*]instant - 15m range - 60 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]stun enemy for 10.5s

      [*]enemy can absorb 13 damage before the stun breaks

      [*]affected targets have increased health regeneration

    [*]Ash Cloud - unlocks rank 50

      [*]instant - self - 68 magicka - no cooldown

      [*]For 12s

      [*]enemies standing in ash storm are snared 70% and gain 30% miss chance

      [*]allies may use the ash shroud synergy to avoid all attacks for 4s

Passive Abilities

    [*]Eternal Mountain - unlocks rank 8

      [*]passive - self

      [*]increase duration of earth abilities by 20%

    [*]Deep Breaths - unlocks rank 19

      [*]passive - self

      [*]activation an ultimate restores health, magicka and stamina based on the cost of the ultimate

    [*]Mountains Blessing - unlocks rank 29

      [*]passive - self

      [*]gain 2 additional ultimate when activating an earth ability

    [*]Helping Hands - unlocks rank 39

      [*]passive - self

      [*]gain 5% stamina when one of your earth abilities targets another player

Guild Skills

Fighters Guild

Ultimate Abilities

    [*]Dawnbreaker - unlocks rank 52

    [*]instant - 10m radius - 125 ultimate - no cooldown

    [*]deals 29 magic damage to enemies infront of you

    [*]deal 60% additional damage to undead and daedra

Active Abilities

    [*]Trap Beast - unlocks rank 52

    [*]instant - 28m range - 56 stamina - no cooldown

    [*]place a trap at location that takes 5s to arm

    [*]first enemy to hit trap takes 7 magic damage and is immobilized for 6s

    [*]undead and daedra also burn for 15 magic damage

    [*]Silver Bolts - unlocks rank 52

    [*]instant - 28m range - 48 stamina - no cooldown

    [*]deals 11 generic damage

    [*]undead and daedra are knocked down for 5s

    [*]small chance on hit to banish targets dealing very high damage

    [*]Expert Hunter - unlocks rank 52

    [*]instant - self - 48 stamina - no cooldown

    [*]for 12s

    [*]deal 25% additional damage to undead and daedra

    [*]killing an undead or daedra increases duration by 15s

    [*]Circle of Protection - unlocks rank 52

    [*]instant - 5m radius - 40 stamina - no cooldown

    [*]create area of self protection for 20s

    [*]allies take 15% less damage

    [*]take another 20% less damage from undead and daedra

Passive Abilities

    [*]Intimidating Presence - unlocks rank 1

    [*]passive - self

    [*]allows you to intimidate certain NPCs in conversations

    [*]Bounty Hunter - unlocks rank 52

    [*]passive - self

    [*]fighters guild in Cyrodiil will offer you bounty quests

    [*]Banish the Wicked - unlocks rank 52

    [*]passive - self

    [*]gain 7 ultimate when killing undead of daedra

    [*]Slayer - unlocks rank 52

    [*]passive - self

    [*]deal 5% additional damage to undead and daedra

Mages Guild

Ultimate Abilities

    [*]Meteor - unlocks rank 8

    [*]instant - 28m range - 150 ultimate - no cooldown

    [*]deals 14 fire damage

    [*]deals 50% to enemies within 5m

    [*]knocks enemies back 800cm

Active Abilities

    [*]Magelight - unlocks rank 1

    [*]instant - self - 32 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]summons a light for 15s

    [*]the light reveals hidden and invisible enemies within 12m

    [*]Soul Trap - unlocks rank 3

    [*]instant 28m range - 40 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]deals 2 magic damage over 10s

    [*]fills a soul gem if enemy dies while affected

    [*]Equilibrium - unlocks rank 4

    [*]instant - self - no cost - no cooldown

    [*]- trade 19 health for 19 magicka

    [*]Fire Rune - unlocks rank 6

    [*]instant - 28m range - 60 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]create a fire rune at target location for 30.5s

    [*]deal 7 magic damage when an enemy enters the area

    [*]Steadfast Ward - unlocks rank 10

    [*]instant - self - 80 magicka - no cooldown

    [*]absorbs up to 120 damage from the next incoming attack

    [*]last 30s

Passive Abilities

    [*]Persuasive Will - unlocks rank 1

    [*]passive - self

    [*]allows you to persuade certain NPCs in conversation

    [*]Potency - unlocks rank 5

    [*]passive - self

    [*]increase spell damage and healing by 5%

    [*]Greater Ward - unlocks rank 7

    [*]passive - self

    [*]reduce incoming spell damage by 15% while blocking

    [*]Stability - unlocks rank 9

    [*]passive - self

    [*]increase mages guild spell durations by 20%

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Hey do you guys know if the racial bonuses/stats will be the same as skyrim if not could you please post them.



I haven't seen any information out on the racial bonuses yet, but it's a safe bet that it will be different than Skyrim since the balancing needs are much different. 


It's good to know someone likes them. :)

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do you guys know if ultimate abilities will have cool down times?


It will depend on the ultimate ability, but according to the leaked info above most of them don't. Of course, this might be just something they're doing in the beta. Since I'm sure there are going to be some sort of limitations on using them we'll just have to wait until they explain the system in more detail.


when do you speculate eso will come out?


The only official word is that it's supposed to come out in 2013. From what beta testers have told me it's still quite early in the beta process, so I'd guess (and that's all I can really do at this point) it would be (very) late 2013.

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  • 3 weeks later...

there are 5 active slots and 1 for ultimate , any info about passive slots ? somthing like 4-5 maybe ? or u can have all  65 (12 from classes, 15 from armor, 30 from weapons, 8 from guilds) and will work only when using the requested equipment ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw the dragonknight skills and was wondering what exactly 'power' does in ESO. See below.


Molten Weapons - unlocks rank 4

  • [*]
instant - 20m radius - 60 magicka - no cooldown [*]For 45s
  • [*]
increase power of nearby allies by 1 [*]bonus increased by 100% on caster


What exactly does a power of 1 mean (being doubled to 2 for caster).  Surely it cant mean 1%, that would be so small as to make the skill pretty worthless, yes? I know there are references to power attacks in TES but I am not sure how that translates into this skill in ESO. Thoughts anyone?

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I saw the dragonknight skills and was wondering what exactly 'power' does in ESO. See below.


Molten Weapons - unlocks rank 4


[*]instant - 20m radius - 60 magicka - no cooldown

[*]For 45s

[*]increase power of nearby allies by 1

[*]bonus increased by 100% on caster


What exactly does a power of 1 mean (being doubled to 2 for caster).  Surely it cant mean 1%, that would be so small as to make the skill pretty worthless, yes? I know there are references to power attacks in TES but I am not sure how that translates into this skill in ESO. Thoughts anyone?

power is a stat which increases your dmg and your healing.

A lvl 50 char has around 150 power and the abilities scale with your level, so it actually should be a decent amount. But keep in mind that the numbers will chance until launch.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest eso fan

will the passive effects in the first tree effect a destruction staff that uses fire like will the staffs fire root enemys and will that damage be increased or will it only be for the abilitys in the skill tree. Because if it does im going to be a dragon knight mage, also can you wield a shield and a destruction staff at the same time or is it only one handed with shield.


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will the passive effects in the first tree effect a destruction staff that uses fire like will the staffs fire root enemys and will that damage be increased or will it only be for the abilitys in the skill tree. Because if it does im going to be a dragon knight mage, also can you wield a shield and a destruction staff at the same time or is it only one handed with shield.

Post your build on DK thread!

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