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The Elder Scrolls Online: Skills

Skills have been split into the following sections. To expand or collapse a section, click on one of the buttons below (or the sections themselves).


If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections for this page, please submit them!
  • This database reflects information that is liable to change as development continues.
  • Skill values change with a character's level. The values represented on this page are (mostly) at level 1 with no gear.
Update Log - Last Updated August 25th, 2015 at 11:00 PM EST

Racial Skills

Aldmeri Altmer Bosmer Khajiit
Destruction Talent
  • +15% experience from Destruction Staff skill line.
SpellchargeRank 1/2/3
  • +3/6/9% magicka recovery in combat.
Gift of MagnusRank 1/2/3
  • +4/7/10% maximum magicka.
Elemental TalentRank 1/2/3
  • +2/4/6% damage from cold, fire, and shock effects.
Archery Expertise
  • +15% experience from Bow skill line.
VigorRank 1/2/3
  • +3/6/9% stamina recovery in combat.
Resist AfflictionRank 1/2/3
  • +7/14/21 poison and disease resistance.
  • +1/2/4% maximum stamina.
StealthyRank 1/2/3
  • +1/2/3m to stealth radius.
  • +3/6/9% damage done while in stealth mode.
Medium Armor Expertise
  • +15% experience from Medium Armor skill line.
RobustRank 1/2/3
  • +5/10/15% health regeneration in combat.
StealthyRank 1/2/3
  • +1/2/3m to stealth radius.
  • +3/6/9% damage done while in stealth mode.
CarnageRank 1/2/3
  • +1/2/3% critical rating for melee attacks.
  • +5/10/15% damage done with critical hits.

Daggerfall Breton Orc Redguard
Light Armor Affinity
  • +15% experience from Light Armor skill line.
Gift of MagnusRank 1/2/3
  • +4/7/10% maximum magicka.
Spell ResistanceRank 1/2/3
  • +2/4/6 spell resistance.
Magicka MasteryRank 1/2/3
  • -1/2/3% spell cost.
Heavy Armor Expertise
  • +15% experience from Heavy Armor skill line.
BrawnyRank 1/2/3
  • +2/4/6% maximum health and stamina.
RobustRank 1/2/3
  • +5/10/15% health regeneration in combat.
SwiftRank 1/2/3
  • -4/8/12% sprint cost.
  • +3/6/9% sprint speed.
Shield Affinity
  • +15% experience from Weapon and Shield skill line.
VigorRank 1/2/3
  • +3/6/9% stamina recovery in combat.
ConditioningRank 1/2/3
  • +4/7/10% maximum stamina.
Adrenaline RushRank 1/2/3
  • Damaging enemy with melee attack restores 1/2/3 stamina.
    • Can only occur once every 3 seconds.

Ebonheart Argonian Dunmer Nord
Restoration Expertise
  • +15% experience from Restoration Staff skill line.
AmphibiousRank 1/2/3
  • +50% swim speed.
  • +5/10/15% potion effectiveness.
Argonian ResistanceRank 1/2/3
  • +1/2/3% maximum health.
  • +7/14/21 poison and disease resistance.
Quick to MendRank 1/2/3
  • +2/4/6% healing received.
  • +15% experience from Dual-Wielding skill line.
DynamicRank 1/2/3
  • +2/4/6% maximum magicka and stamina.
Resist FlameRank 1/2/3
  • +10/20/30 fire resistance.
  • +1/2/3% maximum magicka.
Flame TalentRank 1/2/3
  • +1/2/3 spell power with fire effects.
Two-Handed Expertise
  • +15% experience from Two-Handed skill line.
RobustRank 1/2/3
  • +5/10/15% health regeneration in combat.
Resist FrostRank 1/2/3
  • +10/20/30 cold resistance.
  • +1/2/3% maximum health.
RuggedRank 1/2/3
  • +2/4/6 armor rating.

Independent Imperial
Shield Affinity
  • Increases experience gain with the One-Handed and Shield skill line by 15%.
ConditioningRank 1/2/3
  • Increases Max Stamina by 4/7/10%.
Red DiamondRank 1/2/3
  • Melee attacks have a 10% chance to restore 2/4/6 Health.
ToughRank 1/2/3
  • Increases Max Health by 4/8/12%.

Class Skills

Dragonknight Ardent Flame Draconic Power Earthen Heart
Dragonknight Standard
  • Range: 15m
  • Radius: 8m
  • Cost: 200 Ultimate
  • For 12 seconds...
    • Enemies take 7 fire damage per second.
    • Enemies receive 50% less healing.
    • Allies may activate the Shackle synergy to damage and root enemies.
  • Morphs
    • Shifting Standard: Standard may be moved to player's current location after it has been placed.
    • Standard of Might: Player does +30% damage, received -30% damage while in AoE.
Dragon Leap
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 6.5m-20m (6.5m Radius)
  • Cost: 150 Ultimate
  • Deals 39 physical damage to target.
  • Nearby enemies are knocked back.
  • Morphs
    • Take Flight: 8-28m Range; increased damage.
    • Ferocious Leap: +1500 spell resistance for 8 seconds.
Magma Armor
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 150 Ultimate
  • For 9 seconds...
    • Incoming damage capped at 3% max health.
    • Enemies receive 2 fire damage per second.
  • Morphs
    • Magma Shell: Adds synergy that grants allies a damage shield equal to 85% of their maximum health.
    • Corrosive Armor: -30% weapon damage dealt by nearby enemies.
Fiery Grip
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 18m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Pulls enemy towards caster and deals 11 fire damage.
  • Morphs
    • Extended Chains: Range increased to 22m.
    • Empowering Chains: +40% weapon power of next attack.
Searing Strike
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 18 Magicka
  • Deals 11 fire damage.
  • Deals 15 fire damage over 10 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Unstable Flame: Increases damage over time by 9% every 2 seconds.
    • Burning Embers: Caster is healed for 30% of damage done when effect ends.
Fiery Breath
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 10m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Deals 5 fire damage in front of you.
  • Ignite enemy for 12 fire damage over 6 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Burning Breath: Reduces target's armor.
    • Engulfing Flames: Target takes more damage from fire effects.
Lava Whip
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 8m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Deals 19 fire damage.
  • Immobile and stunned enemies thrown off balance.
  • Morphs
    • Molten Whip: Deal more damage with fire attacks while skill is slotted.
    • Flame Lash: Second lash deals slightly less damage, but heals 50% of normal damage.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 7 Magicka per Second(?)
  • Deals 2 fire damage to nearby enemies every second.
  • Morphs
    • Flames of Oblivion: Increases critical chance against enemies in flames.
    • Sea of Flames: Restores magicka when nearby enemies die.
Spiked Armor
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 42 Magicka
  • For 17 seconds...
    • +25 armor.
    • Melee attackers take 2 damage.
  • Morphs
    • Volatile Armor: Damages nearby enemies when activated.
    • Razor Armor: Additional armor gain for 4 seconds after activation.
Dark Talons
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 8m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Immobilize enemies for 3.5 seconds.
  • Deals 12 physical damage.
  • Allies can activate impale synergy, damaging enemies within talons.
  • Morphs
    • Burning Talons: Adds damage-over-time effect (~initial damage).
    • Choking Talons: -14% damage done by affected enemies.
Dragon Blood
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 60 Magicka(?)
  • Heal 27% of missing health.
  • +40% health regeneration for 20 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Green Dragon Blood: Gain increased stamina regeneration.
    • Coagulating Blood: Take less damage when activated.
Reflective Scale
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Reflect projectiles for 4 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Reflective Plate: Increases spell resistance.
    • Dragon Fire Scale: Increases damage of reflected attacks.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 8m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Absorb 7(?) health from nearby enemy.
  • After 2.5 seconds, deal 13(?) damage to enemies.
  • Morphs
    • Deep Breath: Adds interrupt chance and damage.
    • Drain Essence: Restores magicka for each enemy hit.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 10m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • 12 physical damage to enemy.
  • Knockdown enemy for 3 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Obsidian Shard: Range increased to 15m.
    • Stone Giant: Armor increased for 4 seconds after casting.
Molten Weapons
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 20m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • For 45 seconds...
    • Increase power of allies by 1.
    • +100% bonus on caster.
  • Morphs
    • Igneous Weapons: Light and heavy attacks add fire damage.
    • Molten Armaments: +30% weapon critical for affected allies for 6 seconds.
Obsidian Shield
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 12m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • 17 point damage shield for 20 seconds on nearby allies.
  • Shield strength +100% on caster.
  • Morphs
    • Igneous Shield: Shield absorbs more damage.
    • Fragmented Shield: Deal AoE damage when effect ends.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 15m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Stun enemy for 10.5 seconds.
    • Stun breaks after 11 damage.
  • Morphs
    • Fossilize: Stun and reduce stamina, health, and magicka regeneration by 44% for 12 seconds.
    • Shattering Rocks: Stun for 12 seconds and deal 11 magic damage to nearby enemies with a 33% chance of making them vulnerable.
Ash Cloud
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 60 Magicka
  • For 12 seconds...
    • Enemies are 70% snared with 30% miss chance.
  • Morphs
    • Cinderstorm: Enemies in AoE take fire damage every 1 second.
    • Eruption: Enemies in area become disoriented for 2 seconds.
KindlingRank 1/2
  • +100% damage to burning effects.
WarmthRank 1/2
  • Fire damage snares target 15% for 2 seconds.
Searing HeatRank 1/2
  • Increase duration by 2 seconds...
    • Fiery Breath, Searing Strike, Dragonknight Standard
    • Burning effects from fire abilities.
World in FlamesRank 1/2
  • +5% damage from fire AoE abilities.
Iron SkinRank 1/2
  • Block +5% damage.
Burning HeartRank 1/2
  • When affected by Draconic Power...
    • +6% healing received.
Elder DragonRank 1/2
  • For each hotbar'd draconic ability...
    • +2% health regeneration.
Scaled ArmorRank 1/2
  • +2 spell resistance.
Eternal MountainRank 1/2
  • +10% duration of Earthen Heart abilities.
Battle RoarRank 1/2
    Activation of an ultimate restores...
  • Health
  • Magicka
  • Stamina
  • ... based on 50% of the cost of the ultimate.
Mountain's BlessingRank 1/2
  • +1 ultimates when activating Earthen Heart ability.
Helping HandsRank 1/2
  • +2% stamina when earthen ability targets a player.

Nightblade Assassination Shadow Siphoning
Death Stroke
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 50 Ultimate
  • Deals 25 damage while reducing healing received by 50% on target. Damage increases with Ultimate charge up to 275%.
  • -75%(?) healing received.
  • Morphs
    • Incapacitating Strike: Stuns enemy for 3 seconds if caster has lower health than target.
    • Soul Harvest: Slotted passive - +7 additional Ultimate from kills.
Consuming Darkness
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 200 Ultimate
  • Create area of darkness for 12 seconds...
    • Enemies are 70% snared.
    • +25 spell resistance to nearby allies.
    • +100% spell resistance gain on caster.
    • Allies may activate Slip Away, allowing them invisibility.
  • Morphs
    • Consuming Darkness: Adds a heal effect to the synergy ability.
    • Veil of Blades: Deals damage every 0.5 seconds for duation.
Soul Shred
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 6m
  • Cost: 150 Ultimate
  • Enemies receive 33 magic damage and are stunned for 3 seconds.
  • Allies may activate Leeching Strike synergy, dealing damage by stealing life.
  • Morphs
    • Soul Siphon: No longer stuns. For 3 seconds, 3 nearby allies get healed every 0.5 seconds.
    • Soul Tether: Stun increased to 4.5 seconds. Adds a high damage DOT to closest target. Must remain close to target for DOT to continue.
Assassin's Blade
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 25 Magicka
  • Deals 14 magic damage.
  • Targets with low health take +300% damage.
  • Morphs
    • Impact: Range increased to 15m.
    • Killer's Blade: Heal 15% of maximum health when killing enemy with this ability.
Teleport Strike
  • Cast Time: .8 Seconds
  • Range: 22m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Step through shadows to appear next to target.
  • Deal 16 magic damage to enemy and stun for 1.5 seconds.
  • Stuns PvE targets and immobilizes PvP targets.
  • Morphs
    • Ambush: +30% damage for your next attack on target. Target is stunned.
    • Lotus Fan: Teleport to an enemy and unleash a fan of knives for 120 physical damage to all nearby enemies. Affected enemies are snared 60% for 8 seconds and bleed for 164 physical damage. Target is not stunned.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 49 Magicka
  • Attackers have 15% miss chance for 20 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Mirage: Misses have a chance to unbalance target for 3 seconds.
    • Double Take: Attackers have +15% miss chance for 2 seconds when activating ability.
Mark Target
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 50m
  • Cost: 70 Magicka
  • Mark target for death.
    • Killing mark heals caster's health +37%.
  • All attacks (caster's and target's) ignore 75% of resistances.
  • Morphs
    • Piercing Mark: Cost reduced with each level; able to see stealth and invisible enemies.
    • Reaper's Mark: Heal increases and gains attack and spell power for 30 seconds after kills marked target.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 49 Magicka
  • For 17 seconds...
    • +30% attack speed (heavy and light).
  • Morphs
    • Focused Attacks: Adds stamina regeneration.
    • Incapacitate: Roots target for 2 seconds every 10 hits.
Shadow Cloak
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 56 Magicka
  • Gain invisibility for 2.5 seconds.
    • No magicka regeneration.
  • Morphs
    • Shadowy Disguise: +70% critical strike rating while invisible.
    • Dark Cloak: Remove one damage-over-time effect.
Veiled Strike
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 28 Magicka (?)
  • Deals 22 magic damage and - if stealthed - unbalances and knocks back enemy.
  • Stuns enemy for 4 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Surprise Attack: Reduce enemy armor for 3.5 seconds.
    • Concealed Weapon: +15% stealth movement speed (slotted passive).
Path of Darkness
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Targets in front of caster take 1 magic damage per second for 10 seconds.
  • Creates path (only seen by caster) for 10 seconds.
    • +50% movement speed.
  • Morphs
    • Twisting Path: Larger area of effect.
    • Refreshing Path: Adds very minor heal per second for caster.
Aspect of Terror
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 6m
  • Cost: 60 Magicka
  • Cast Fear on 2 enemies who cower for 4 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Mass Hysteria: Snares and reduces target's power for 3 seconds after fear ends.
    • Manifestation of Terror: Sets a fear trap, target cap removed.
Summon Shade
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Summons shade to attack enemy for 17 seconds.
    • Attacked enemies deal -15% damage for 4 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Dark Shades: Summon two shades; shades deal 30% less damage.
    • Shadow Image: +3 second duration, activating the skill teleports the player to the shade.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Deals 18 magic damage.
  • For 10 seconds...
    • Caster is healed for 30% of damage done every 2 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Funnel Health: An ally is also healed. Targets the two most injured allies and prefers targets that are not already affected by Funnel Health.
    • Swallow Soul: +7% healing received (slotted passive).
  • Cast Time: 1.5 Seconds
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 49 Magicka
  • Stun enemy for 16 seconds.
    • Deal 18 magic damage after the effect ends (DoT).
    • Effect broken by external damage.
  • Morphs
    • Prolonged Suffering: Damage increased, damage-over-time effect isn't removed by external damage.
    • Malefic Wreath: Causes area of effect damage when a crowd control ability on the Nightblade breaks, dealing more damage for each second the crowd control was active.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 42 Magicka
  • Over 8 seconds...
    • Siphon movement speed from enemy to youself.
    • Deal 25 magic damage.
  • Morphs
    • Crippling Grasp: Deals additional damage and immobilizes for 1.5 seconds.
    • Debilitate: Reduces target's attack speed; scales with level.
Siphoning Strikes
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: None
  • While toggled, basic weapon attacks cause...
    • +2% magicka and stamina restoration.
    • 10% chance to restore 15% magicka and stamina.
    • -23% damage.
  • Morphs
    • Leeching Strikes: Basic attacks heal you for 2% of maximum health.
    • Siphoning Attacks: Abilities have +10% chance to restore 15% stamina and magicka.
Drain Power
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 8m
  • Cost: 46 Magicka
  • Deals 11 magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Caster's weapon power increases 6% per enemy damaged. Effect lasts 17 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Power Extraction: Target cap increased to 9; weapon damage increased.
    • Sap Essence: Damage removed, heals based on target's hit.
Master AssassinRank 1/2
  • +5% damage when invisible or crouched.
  • Successful crouched attacks stun longer.
ExecutionerRank 1/2
  • Killing enemy with Assassination ability restores 12 magicka over 6 seconds.
Pressure PointsRank 1/2
  • +1% critical strike rating for every slotted Assassination ability.
HemorrhageRank 1/2
  • +5% critical strike damage while an Assassination ability is slotted.
Refreshing ShadowsRank 1/2
  • +15% stamina regeneration for 6 seconds when activating Shadow ability.
Shadow BarrierRank 1/2
  • +17 armor and spell resistance for 4 seconds coming out of crouch or invisibility.
FortitudeRank 1/2
  • +2% max health per slotted Shadow ability.
Dark VeilRank 1/2
  • +8% duration of Shadow abilities.
CatalystRank 1/2
  • +10% potion effectiveness.
Magicka FloodRank 1/2
  • +4% max magicka with a slotted Siphoning ability.
Soul SiphonerRank 1/2
  • +8% healing received from Siphoning abilities.
TransferRank 1/2
  • +1 Ultimate when dealing damage with Siphoning ability.

Sorcerer Daedric Summoning Dark Magic Storm Calling
Summon Storm Atronach
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • 28m Range / 6m Radius
  • Cost: 200 Ultimate
  • Summons immobile Storm Atronach for 15 seconds.
  • Enemies in radius take 22 shock damage and are stunned for 3 seconds.
  • Allies may activate Charged Lightning synergy.
    • Deal additional 3 shock damage each attack.
    • +5 seconds to Atronach duration.
  • Morphs
    • Greater Storm Atronach: +25 seconds to duration and increased health.
    • Summon Charged Atronach: Add powerful AoE attack.
Negate Magic
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • 28m Range / 8m Radius
  • Cost: 250 Ultimate
  • For 8 seconds...
    • Dispel enemy magic effects in radius.
    • Silences targets in the area and stuns monsters for 5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Absorption Field: +12% maximum health and magicka when dispel occurs.
    • Suppression Field: Allies in area gain 200 spell resistance.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 125 Ultimate
  • While toggled...
    • Light and heavy attacks are replaced with empowered versions that cost ultimate.
  • Morphs
    • Energy Overload: Light and heavy attacks have increased damage and restore magicka.
    • Power Overload: Increases range and radius of heavy attacks.
Unstable Familiar
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 95 Magicka
  • Summon familiar to attack enemies.
  • -10% max magicka.
  • Morphs
    • Unstable Clannfear: Charges and tailswipes enemies.
    • Volatile Familiar: Explodes on death, stunning and damaging nearby enemies.
Daedric Curse
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Radius: 5m
  • Cost: 39 Magicka
  • Target cursed for 6 seconds.
    • Nearby enemies take 22 magic damage when effect ends.
    • Nearby enemies take 11 magic damage.
    • Only 1 curse active at once.
  • Morphs
    • Velocious Curse: Timer shortened to 3.5 seconds.
    • Exposive Curse: Increase radius of explosion.
Summon Winged Twilight
  • Cast Time: 1.5 Seconds / Self
  • Cost: 95 Magicka
  • Summon a Winged Twilight to attack enemies.
  • -10% maximum Magicka.
  • Morphs
    • +15% magicka regeneration to caster and nearby allies.
    • Twilight Matriarch: Heals you when below 30% health (once or on cooldown).
Bound Armor
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 70 Magicka
  • While toggled...
    • +11 Armor.
    • -10% maximum magicka.
  • Morphs
    • Bound Armaments: Bonus to heavy attack damage. Starts at +8% and increases (armor may not).
    • Bound Aegis: +25% bonus to armor.
Conjured Ward
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 20m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Create 25 point damage shield on self and summons for 20 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Hardened Ward: Shield strength increased on self.
    • Empowered Ward: Affected pets deal additional damage.
Crystal Shard
  • Cast Time: 1.8 Seconds
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 70 Magicka
  • Enemies are knocked down for 2 seconds.
  • Deal 33 magic damage.
  • Morphs
    • Crystal Blast: Adds AoE damage (~25% of nuke damage).
    • Crystal Fragments: 35% chance to make next magicka ability cast instantly and cost 50% less.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Area: 15m x 3m
  • Cost: 70 Magicka
  • Immobilize enemies for 4.5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Shattering Prison: Adds damage when effect ends.
    • Restraining Prison: Adds snare after immobilization ends.
Rune Prison
  • Cast Time: 1.5 Seconds
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 42 Magicka (?)
  • Disorient enemy for 15.1 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Rune Cage: Target is stunned for 3 seconds when disorient ends.
    • Weakening Prison: Increases spell power for next attack on the target.
Dark Exchange
  • Channel Time: 4 Seconds / Self
  • Cost: None
  • While channeling...
    • Restore health and magicka.
    • Drain 23% stamina per second.
  • Morphs
    • Dark Deal: Take less damage when channeling, but deals damage when effect ends.
    • Dark Conversion: Drains less stamina.
Daedric Mines
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 84 Magicka
  • Summon 3 mines for 30 seconds...
    • Mine takes 3 seconds to arm, then deals 13 magic damage to nearby enemies.
    • Enemies damaged by mines are immobilized for 1.5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Daedric Tomb: Mines arm in 3 seconds and then deal 13 damage to nearby enemies.
    • Daedric Minefield: Increases number of mines to 5 (may increase).
Mages Fury
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 32 Magicka
  • Deals 7 shock damage.
  • Explodes for 27 shock damage if target falls below 20% health within 4 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Mage's Wrath: Explosion deals more damage.
    • Endless Fury: Killing an enemy restores 25 magicka.
Lightning Form
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • For 6 seconds...
    • +40 armor and spell resistance.
    • Deal 2 shock damage to nearby enemies per second.
  • Morphs
    • Thundering Presence: Increase duration from 6 to 8 seconds.
    • Boundless Storm: +15% movement speed.
Lightning Splash
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Radius: 4m
  • Cost: 46 Magicka
  • Leave pool of lightning for 3 seconds that deals 5 shock damage per second.
  • Allies may activate Conduit synergy, dealing 22 shock damage to enemies.
  • Morphs
    • Lightning Flood: Radius increased to 6m.
    • Liquid Lightning: First strike does +50% damage.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 70 Magicka
  • For 17 seconds...
    • +3 weapon damage.
  • Morphs
    • Critical Surge: Critical strikes heal player for 50% of damage dealt.
    • Power Surge: Increases duration.
Bolt Escape
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 56 Magicka
  • Stun nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds.
  • Teleport 15m forward.
  • Morphs
    • Streak: Damage and disorient enemies by teleporting through them.
    • Ball of Lightning: Summons a spark for 15 seconds that absorbs incoming spells.
RebateRank 1/2
  • Receive 10% of your maximum magicka when one of your summons is killed.
Power StoneRank 1/2
  • -8% ultimate ability cost.
Daedric ProtectionRank 1/2
  • +10% health regeneration rate with slotted Summoning ability.
Expert SummonerRank 1/2
  • Summons gain the following bonuses...
    • Winged Twilight: +5% damage dealt.
    • Familiar and Clannfear: +1% movement speed.
    • Atronach: +15% range.
Unholy KnowledgeRank 1/2
  • -3% magicka and stamina cost for abilities.
Blood MagicRank 1/2
  • Hitting an enemy with a dark magic spell heals the caster 3% of maximum health.
PersistenceRank 1/2
  • +10% duration of dark magic spells.
ExploitationRank 1/2
  • +7% critical strike chance when attacking targets affected by dark magic.
CapacitatorRank 1/2
  • +5% magicka regeneration.
EnergizedRank 1/2
  • +3% damage dealt by lightning magic abilities.
DisintegrateRank 1/2
  • Lightning spells have a 5% chance to instantly disintegrate low-health targets.
Expert MageRank 1/2
  • -5% cost for lightning spells.

Templar Aedric Spear Dawn's Wrath Restoring Light
Radial Sweep
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 5m
  • Cost: 75 Ultimate
  • Deal 22 magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Morphs
    • Empowering Sweep: Gain armor rating for each enemy hit.
    • Crescent Sweep: Deal additional damage to enemies in front of you.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 300 Ultimate
  • For 8 seconds...
    • Enemies deal 40% less damage.
    • Enemies take 9 magic damage per second.
    • Allies may activate Super Nova synergy, dealing damage and stunning all enemies in the area.
  • Morphs
    • Solar Prism: Allies may activate a more powerful synergy - Gravity Crush.
    • Solar Disturbance: Snares enemies standing in the area by 50%.
Rite of Passage
  • Channel Time: 4 Seconds / Self
  • Radius: 12m
  • Cost: 150 Ultimate
  • For 4 seconds...
    • Nearby allies are healed for 11 every 0.5 seconds.
    • Caster is unable to move while casting.
  • Morphs
    • Rememberance: Allies take less damage.
    • Practiced: Increases self-healing.
Puncturing Strikes
  • Channel Time: 1.1 Seconds
  • Range: 8m
  • Cost: 42 Magicka
  • Four-hit attack for 2x4 damage to enemies in front of you.
    • Closest enemies takes 100% additional damage.
    • Last hit knocks back closest enemy.
  • Morphs
    • Biting Jabs: Critical hit chance increased against low-health enemies.
    • Puncturing Sweep: Damage dealt in a large cone.
Piercing Javelin
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 20m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Deals 12 magic damage by hurling a spear.
  • Knock target back 5 meters.
  • Morphs
    • Aurora Javelin: Deals additional damage based on distance thrown.
    • Binding Javelin: Increases knowckdown duration.
Focused Charge
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 3.5m - 22m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Charge toward target enemy.
    • Casting targets are interrupted and unbalanced for 5 seconds.
    • Deals 16 magic damage.
    • Immobilize target for 0.5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Explosive Charge: Deal AoE damage.
    • Topling Charge: Adds 1.5 second stun, sets casters off balance.
Spear Shards
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 25m
  • Radius: 5m
  • Cost: 42 Magicka
  • Deals 11 magic damage to enemies in target area.
  • Disorient one target for 6 seconds.
  • An ally may pick up the spear, granting the ally and caster 1(?) weapon power and 0(?) spell power for 15 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Luminous Shards: Restores stamina and magicka over time.
    • Blazing Spear: Spear ignites ground on impact. Stuns instead of disorienting enemy.
Sun Shield
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Radius: 5m
  • Cost: 42 Magicka
  • Create damage shield that absorbs up to 24% of your maximum health for 6 seconds.
    • Caster no longer regenerates magicka while shield holds.
    • Each enemy hit increases shield strength by 4% of your maximum health.
  • Deals 7 magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Morphs
    • Radiant Ward: Deals additional damage on activation.
    • Blazing Shield: Deals damage when shield ends based on damage absorbed.
Sun Fire
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Deals 11 magic damage and 6 fire damage over 4.5 seconds.
  • Snares target 40% for 4.5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Vampire's Bane: Deals increased damage over time.
    • Reflective Light: Affects multiple targets.
Solar Flare
  • Cast Time: 1.5 Seconds
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 42 Magicka
  • Deals 23 magic damage to target.
  • Next attack against target and nearby enemies gain 4 weapon power and 0 spell power.
  • Morphs
    • Dark Flare: Affected enemies receive -30% healing.
    • Solar Barrage: Radius increased to 8m (PBAoE).
  • Cast Time: 1.5 Seconds
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 25 Magicka
  • Stores up damage dealt on target over 6.5 seconds. When effect ends, target takes an additional 30% of the damage dealt.
  • Morphs
    • Purifying Light: +2% power per attack for duration (stacks 5 times).
    • Power of the Light: A node is left that heals 46 health every 2 seconds (8 second duration) when Backlash explodes.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 60 Magicka
  • Target reflects negative single-target spells back at themselves for 4 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Total Dark: -15 spell power for 4.5 seconds on an enemy when eclipse ends.
    • Unstable Core: Deal 11 magic damage to nearby enemies when the effect ends.
Blinding Light
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 5m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • For 3.5 seconds...
    • Enemies have a 50% chance to be set off balance and miss attacks.
  • Morphs
    • Searing Light: Nearby enemies have 50% chance to miss and be unbalanced for 4 seconds. Affected targets take damage.
    • Blinding Flashes: Pulses every 2 seconds, causing nearby enemies to have 50% chance to miss and be unbalanced for 4 seconds.
Rushed Ceremony
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 28m
  • Cost: 60 Magicka
  • Heal nearby ally for 33.
  • Morphs
    • Honor the Dead: Restore magicka when healing low health allies.
    • Breath of Life: Heals up to 3 targets.
Healing Ritual
  • Cast Time: 2 Seconds
  • Radius: 12m
  • Cost: 39 Magicka
  • Heals nearby allies for 22.
  • Heal self for an additional 30%.
  • Morphs
    • Lingering Ritual: Adds health points to affected allies after 8 seconds.
    • Ritual of Rebirth: Self-heal increased to 50%.
Restoring Aura
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 12m
  • Cost: 46 Magicka
  • Slotted: +15% stamina and health regeneration.
  • Active: +80% stamina and health regeneration of nearby allies for 6 seconds. Chooses a target based on the target’s distance from the Templar, favoring closer allies.
  • Morphs
    • Radiant Aura: Increased radius.
    • Repentance: Instead of the normal activated regeneration effect, the caster recovers health and stamina for each nearby corpse.
Cleansing Ritual
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 12m
  • Cost: 49 Magicka
  • Instantly removes a negative effect from self.
  • Heals allies in area for 2 (?) every 2 seconds over 12 seconds.
  • Allies may activate Purify synergy, removing all negative effects and healing the target.
  • Morphs
    • Purifying Ritual: Removes 2 negative effects and heals nearby allies for 3 health every 2 seconds. -7 magicka cost.
    • Extended Ritual: Increase duration by 4 seconds.
Rune Focus
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 25 Magicka
  • Create an area of protection for 12 seconds...
    • +25 armor and spell resistance
  • Morphs
    • Channeled Focus: Recover magicka.
    • Restoring Focus: +15% healing received.
Piercing SpearRank 1/2
  • +5% critical strike rating with Aedric Spear abilities.
  • +5% Aedric Spear ability damage vs blocking targets.
Spear WallRank 1/2
  • +8% block against melee attacks when you have a slotted spear ability.
Burning LightRank 1/2
  • 25% chance to deal 5 magic damage on hit with a spear ability.
Balanced WarriorRank 1/2
  • +2% weapon damage.
  • +2 spell resistance.
Enduring RaysRank 1/2
  • +10% duration for Dawn's Wrath abilities.
PrismRank 1/2
  • +1 ultimate when activating a sun ability.
IlluminateRank 1/2
  • +5 spell resistance if attacker is affected by one of your Dawn's Wrath abilities.
Restoring SpiritRank 1/2
  • +2% magicka when activating an ability.
MendingRank 1/2
  • Increase critical strike chance of Restoring Light abilities on allies by up to 15%.
  • Critical strike chance increases the more health the ally is missing.
Focused HealingRank 1/2
  • +15% healing for Restoring Light abilities on allies standing in your areas of protection.
    • Areas of Protection: Rite of Passage, Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus
Light WeaverRank 1/2
  • Restoring light abilities gain the following effects...
    • Restoring Aura: +10% duration.
    • Healing Ritual: -10% cost.
    • Rite of Passage: +13 armor and spell resistance while channeling.
Master RitualistRank 1/2
  • +20% resurrection speed.
  • +50% more health for resurrected players.
  • 50% chance to gain a soul gem after a successful resurrect.

Armor Skills

Armor Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 60 Magicka
  • Create 15 point damage shield for 20 seconds.
    • -50% damage from spells while shield holds.
  • Morphs
    • Dampen Magicka: Increases shield based on pieces of light armor equipped.
    • Harness Magicka: Restores magicka based on pieces of light armor equipped.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 56 Stamina (No Cooldown)
  • +15% dodge chance for 17 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Shuffle: +3 seconds to duration, remove 1 snare per armor piece.
    • Elude: +3 seconds to duration, +1% dodge per armor piece.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 56 Stamina
  • +17 armor and spell resistance for 8 seconds.
  • Immune to knockback and disabling effects for duration.
  • Morphs
    • Immovable Brute: Increased melee damage for each pieve of heavy armor equipped.
    • Unstoppable: Increased duration for each piece of heavy armor equipped.
EvocationRank 1/2/3
  • -1% spell cost per piece of equipped Light Armor.
RecoveryRank 1/2
  • +2% magicka regeneration per piece of equipped Light Armor.
Spell WardingRank 1/2
  • +3% base spell resistance per piece of equipped Light Armor.
ProdigyRank 1/2
  • With 5+ pieces of Light Armor...
    • 5% critical chance for spells.
ConcentrationRank 1/2
  • Spells ignore 3% of enemy spell resistance per piece of equipped Light Armor.
DexterityRank 1/2/3
  • +1% critical strike chance for physical attacks per piece of equipped Meduim Armor.
Wind WalkerRank 1/2
  • +2% stamina regeneration per piece of equipped Medium Armor.
Improved SneakRank 1/2
  • -3% sneak detection area per piece of equipped Medium Armor.
  • -4% cost of sneaking per piece of equipped Medium Armor.
AgilityRank 1/2
  • With a full set (5+ pieces) of medium armor...
    • +5% attack speed.
AthleticsRank 1/2
  • +2% sprint speed per piece of equipped Medium Armor.
  • -2% stamina cost of roll dodge per piece of equipped Medium Armor.
ResolveRank 1/2/3
  • +(scales off current armor value) physical mitigation per piece of equipped Heavy Armor.
  • +(scales off current armor value) base spell resistance per piece of equipped Heavy Armor.
ConstitutionRank 1/2
  • +2% health regeneration per piece of equipped Heavy Armor.
JuggernautRank 1/2
  • +0.5% melee attack power per piece of equipped Heavy Armor.
BracingRank 1/2
  • With a full set (5+ pieces) of heavy armor...
    • -10% cost for blocking.
Rapid MendingRank 1/2
  • +0.5% healing received per piece of equipped Heavy Armor.

Weapon Skills

Melee Two-Handed One-Handed and Shield Dual Wield
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 7m
  • Cost: 32 Stamina
  • Deal 2 physical damage to all enemies within radius.
  • Inflicts bleed for 0(?) physical damage over 10 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Brawler: Gain a damage shield that scales with number of targets hit.
    • Carve: +2 Ultimate for each target hit.
Critical Charge
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 3.5m - 22m
  • Cost: 49 Stamina
  • Charge towards and attack for 7 physical damage, immobilizing the target for 0.5 seconds. Always deals critical damage.
  • Morphs
    • Stampede: Adds immobilization on hit.
    • Critical Rush: Deals bonus damage based on distance traveled.
  • Cast Time: 1 Second
  • Range: 7m
  • Cost: 60 Stamina
  • Deals 13 physical damage.
  • Stun enemy for 3.5 seconds.
  • Knock enemy back 4 meters.
  • Morphs
    • Dizzying Swing: Causes enemy to deal less damage.
    • Wrecking Blow: Your next attack deals extra damage.
Reverse Slash
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 32 Stamina
  • Deals 3(?) physical damage.
  • Damage dealt increases based on target's missing health. Damage starts scaling when the target is at half health.
  • Morphs
    • Reverse Slice: Deals splash damage to 2 nearby enemies.
    • Executioner: While slotted, weapon abilities deal more damage to low health targets.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 46 Stamina
  • +10% weapon damage for 20 seconds.
  • +2% additional weapon damage every 2 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Forward Momentum: Ends snare effect on activation.
    • Rally: Heals when effect ends.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 32 Stamina
  • Deals 7 physical damage.
  • Target's armor -40% for 12 seconds.
  • Taunt target for 15 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Ransack: Increases player's armor by amount reduced.
    • Pierce Armor: Also reduces spell resistance by 40%.
Low Slash
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 39 Stamina
  • Deals 8 physical damage.
  • Snares target 60% for 9 seconds.
  • Target's weapon damage -15% for 9 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Deep Slash: Target's damage output is reduced by 15%.
    • Crippling Slash: +2 seconds of immobilization.
Defensive Posture
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 32 Stamina
  • Activate to reflect next projectile at attacker.
  • While slotted: +5% block mitigation, -5% block cost.
  • Morphs
    • Defensive Stance: Reflected attacks stun enemy attacker.
    • Absorbs Magic: Absorbs spell, healing helf.
Shield Charge
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 3.5 - 22m
  • Cost: 49 Stamina
  • Charge at and attack target for 7 physical damage.
  • Stun target for 2 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Shielded Assault: Adds additional damage shield.
    • Invasion: Increases stun duration.
Power Bash
  • Cast Time: 1.2 Seconds
  • Range: 7m
  • Cost: 42 Stamina
  • Deals 7 physical damage.
  • Disorients target for 8 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Reverberating Bash: Enemy deals less damage when disorient ends.
    • Power Slam: Increases damage and duration.
Twin Slashes
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 18 Stamina
  • Two hits for 2 physical damage.
  • Bleed target for 8 physical damage over 7 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Blood Craze: Adds a small self-heal.
    • Rending Slashes: Increases bleed duration.
  • Channel Time: 1.3 Seconds
  • Range: 7m
  • Cost: 46 Stamina
  • Six hit attack for (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5) physical damage.
  • Morphs
    • Rapid Strikes: +15% attack speed for 6 seconds.
    • Blinding Fury: Each hit has a 4% chance to unbalance target.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m
  • Cost: 49 Stamina
  • Deals 3 physical damage to enemies around you.
  • Damage increased against low health enemies.
  • Morphs
    • Whirling Blades: Restores stamina for each enemy hit.
    • Steel Thunder: Increases radius.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 7m
  • Cost: 49 Stamina
  • Blind target for 4 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Heated Blade: Increases next weapon/spell attack by a large amount.
    • Ember Explosions: Increases miss chance on 3 targets.
Hidden Blade
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 20m
  • Cost: 32 Stamina
  • Throw a dagger that deals 9 physical damage.
  • Snare target 40% for 6 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Shrouded Daggers: Damages and snares enemies in front of you.
    • Flying Blade: Increases range.
Heavy WeaponsRank 1/2
  • Axes: 10% chance to bleed for 0(?) physical damage over 10 seconds.
  • Maces: Attacks ignore 40 armor.
  • Swords: +3% damage.
BalanceRank 1/2
  • While a two-handed weapon is equipped...
    • -10% cost for two-handed feat abilities.
Forceful ImpactRank 1/2
  • While a two-handed weapon is equipped...
    • +13% splash damage to one nearby enemy for light and heavy attacks from two-handed weapons.
Arcane FighterRank 1/2
  • While a two-handed weapon is equipped...
    • +50% chance of procuring status effects.
Battle RushRank 1/2
  • While a two-handed weapon is equipped...
    • Killing an enemy yields +25% stamina regeneration for 6 seconds.
Sword and BoardRank 1/2
  • While a one-handed weapon and shield is equipped...
    • +3% damage.
    • +10% block mitigation.
Deadly BashRank 1/2
  • While a one-handed weapon and shield is equipped...
    • +50% damage from bash.
    • -25% stamina cost for bash.
FortressRank 1/2
  • While a one-handed weapon and shield is equipped...
    • -15% blocking cost.
    • -(?)% cost for One-Handed and Shield abilities.
Deflect BoltsRank 1/2
  • While a one-handed weapon and shield is equipped...
    • Block +8% damage from projectiles.
Battlefield MobilityRank 1/2
  • While a one-handed weapon and shield is equipped...
    • +25% movement speed while blocking.
SlaughterRank 1/2
  • While dual-wielding...
    • Targets with <25% health take +10% damage.
Dual Wield ExpertRank 1/2
  • +15% off-hand weapon damage.
Controlled FuryRank 1/2
  • -10% dual wield feat ability cost.
RuffianRank 1/2
  • While dual-wielding...
    • Deal +8% damage when attacking disabled targets.
Twin Blade and BluntRank 1/2
  • Dual-wielding weapons grant the following bonuses per weapon equipped...
    • Axe: 3% chance to bleed for 0(?) physical damage over 10 seconds.
    • Mace: +2.5% bonus damage to heavily armored enemies.
    • Sword: +1.25% additional damage.
    • Dagger: +2.5% critical strike.

Ranged Bow Destruction Staff Restoration Staff
Poison Arrow
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 32 Stamina
  • Deals 5 poison damage.
  • Target takes (?) poison damage over 10 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Venom Arrow: Interrupts spells by stunning the caster for 3 seconds and throwing them off balance.
    • Poison Injection: +35% damage over time against low-health targets.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 7m - 25m
  • Cost: 49 Stamina
  • Repeatedly fire arrows at target location for 3 seconds.
  • Deal 1 physical damage every 0.5 seconds to all enemies in area.
  • Morphs
    • Scorched Earth: Damage becomes fire. AoE fire patch left on the ground that deals damage every second.
    • Arrow Barrage: Range increased to 30m; radius increased to 7m.
Scatter Shot
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 10m
  • Cost: 42 Stamina
  • Deals 6 physical damage.
  • Knocks enemy back 6 meters and disorients them for 5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Magnum Shot: Slightly increases range and damages, knocks you away from target.
    • Draining Shot: Enemy snared 40% for 4 seconds.
Arrow Spray
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 20m
  • Cost: 56 Stamina
  • Deals 6 physical damage.
  • Snare target 40% for 5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Bombard: Affeted enemies are also immobilized.
    • Acid Spray: Adds acid damage-over-time effect.
  • Cast Time: 3 Seconds
  • Range: 20m - 40m
  • Cost: 60 Stamina
  • Deals 15 physical damage.
  • Morphs
    • Lethal Arrow: Deal slightly more damage (as poison damage) and reduce target's healing by 47%.
    • Focused Aim: +10 weapon power for ranged attacks; target marked by focused aim can be hit from +5 meters away.
Destructive Touch
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 7m
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Deals 6 magic damage.
  • Fire Touch causes knockback, Frost causes deep freeze, Shock causes disorient.
  • Morphs
    • Destructing Clinch: Fire causes knockback and stun, frost causes deeper freeze, storm causes disorient and chance to fall off balance.
    • Destructive Reach: Doubles range.
Wall of Elements
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 53 Magicka
  • Create an elemental wall that deals 2 magic damage per second to enemies inside.
  • Wall lasts for 2.5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Unstable Wall of Elements: Wall explodes when it expires for AoE damage.
    • Elemental Blockade: Increases size and duraiton.
Force Shock
  • Cast Time: Insant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Deals 7 magic damage and apples all three elemental status effects.
    • Interrupted enemies are stunned and unbalanced for 3 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Curhsing Shock: Stuns and unbalances casting targets for 3 seconds.
    • Force Pulse: Deals damage to up to 2 enemies near the target that are chilled, burning, or concussed.
Weakness to Elements
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Target takes +40% damage from fire, shock, and cold for 15 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Elemental Susceptibility: Increases chance of applying elemental status effects to enemy.
    • Elemental Drain: Restores magicka when attacking target with fire, shock, or cold damage.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 8m
  • Cost: 35 Magicka
  • Deals 5 magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • 100% chance to apply concussion/chilled/burning depending upon the element used.
  • Morphs
    • Elemental Ring: Adds damage-over-time effect.
    • Pular: Reduces enemies' maximum health.
Grand Healing
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Radius: 8m
  • Cost: 46 Magicka
  • Heal allies in area for 2 per second for 3 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Illustrious Healing: Increases duration by 1 second.
    • Healing Springs: Caster regains some magicka per target healed.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 28 Magicka
  • Heal 2 wounded allies for 22 health over 20 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Rapid Regeneration: Increases the frequency of healing over time.
    • Mutagen: Decreases total healing of HoT. If target health <20%, the effect ends and the target is healed for a moderate amount.
Blessing of Protection
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Area: 20m x 4m
  • Cost: 49 Magicka
  • Heal allies in front of you for 7.
  • +20 armor and spell resistance for 8 seconds for affected allies.
  • Morphs
    • Blessing of Restoration: Increases healing and healing radius.
    • Combat Prayer: Heals players in front of caster. Affected players gain armor and spell resistance for 8 seconds, and additional damage.
Steadfast Ward
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 60 Magicka
  • Creates an 8-point damage shield for 6 seconds on lowest-health ally in front of caster.
  • +300% shield strength, increasing based on missing health.
  • Morphs
    • Ward Ally: Skill effects 1 ally and self.
    • Healing Ward: Creates a damage shield for 6 seconds on the lowest health ally; shield is bolstered by 300% based on health lost. Target is healed for 100% (?) of the remaining shield.
Force Siphon
  • Cast Time: 1.5 Seconds
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 32 Magicka
  • For 20 seconds...
    • Allies gain 0(?) health when attacking target.
    • Caster gains +100% health when attacking a target.
  • Morphs
    • Siphon Spirit: Nearby allies gain health and 1% magicka, player gains 100% additional health when attacking target for 20 seconds.
    • Quick Siphon: No cast time.
AccuracyRank 1/2
  • While a bow is equipped...
    • +3% critical strike.
RangerRank 1/2
  • While a bow is equipped...
    • -10% stamina cost for bow feats.
Long ShotsRank 1/2
  • While a bow is equipped...
    • Up to +6% bonus damage against distant targets.
Hawk EyeRank 1/2
  • When striking vulnerable targets...
    • +8% bow attack damage.
Hasty RetreatRank 1/2
  • While a bow is equipped...
    • +25% movement speed for 2 seconds after a dodge roll.
Tri-FocusRank 1/2
  • Destruction staff heavy attacks have the following effects...
    • Frost: 30% snare for 3.5 seconds.
    • Shock: 5% splash damage to 2 nearby enemies.
    • Fire: Increases critical strike chance with destruction abilities against the target.
Penetrating MagicRank 1/2
  • Destruction spells bypass 3 resistance.
Elemental ForceRank 1/2
  • While a destruction staff is equipped...
    • +8% chance to apply fire, shock, and cold status effects.
Ancient KnowledgeRank 1/2
  • While a destruction staff is equipped...
    • Heavy attacks charge +5% faster.
Destruction ExpertRank 1/2
  • While a destruction staff is equipped...
    • Killing an enemy with a destruction spell restores 17 magicka.
Essence DrainRank 1/2
  • While a restoration staff is equipped...
    • Last hit of heavy attack heals an ally for 15% of damage done.
Restoration ExpertRank 1/2
  • While a restoration staff is equipped...
    • +8% healing on targets with <30% health.
Cycle of LifeRank 1/2
  • While a restoration staff is equipped...
    • +1% damage for every 20 health you have.
AbsorbRank 1/2
  • While a restoration staff is equipped...
    • Blocking spells restores 2 magicka.
Restoration MasterRank 1/2
  • While a restoration staff is equipped...
    • +3% healing done.

Guild Skills

Guilds Fighters Guild Mages Guild Undaunted
  • Caste Time: 0.5 Seconds
  • Radius: 10m
  • Cost: 125 Ultimate
  • Deals 85 magic damage to enemies in radius.
    • 60% additional damage to undead and Daedra.
  • Morphs
    • Flawless Dawnbreaker: While slotted, weapon attacks deal 10% more damage.
    • Dawnbreaker of Smiting: Causes knockback and knockdown to Daedra.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 200 Ultimate
  • Deals 110(?) fire damage.
  • Enemies near target take 54 fire damage.
  • Enemies knocked back 8 meters.
  • Morphs
    • Ice Comet: Meteor now deals cold damage, cold AoE damage, and effected enemies are knockedback and snared 70% for 5 seconds.
    • Shooting Star: Restore 9 ultimate per target hit.
Silver Bolts
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 72 Stamina
  • Deals 39 physical damage.
  • Undead and Daedra are knocked down for 3.5 seconds.
  • 5% chance to banish targets on hit, dealing 189 magic damage.
  • Morphs
    • Silver Shards: Hits 2 additional targets, but with reduced damage.
    • Silver Leash: Pull an enemy to you and deal additional damage.
Circle of Protection
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 5m
  • Cost: 60 Stamina
  • Create an aura of self-protection for 17 seconds.
    • +60 armor and spell resistance for friendly targets.
    • +60 additional armor and spell resistance against undead and daedra.
  • Morphs
    • Turn Undead: Daedra and Undead are feared and take damage.
    • Ring of Preservation: Allies in area have increased health regeneration.
Expert Hunter
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 72 Stamina
  • For 10 seconds...
    • 20% chance on hit to deal an additional 52 magic damage to undead and Daedra.
    • Killing an undead or Daedra increases duration by 15 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Evil Hunter: Restore stamina.
    • Camouflaged Hunted: Deal additional damage when stealthed.
Trap Beast
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 84 Stamina
  • Place a trap for 28 seconds.
    • Trap takes 4 seconds to arm, then deals 26 magic damage and immobilizes closest enemy for 6 seconds.
    • Undead and Daedra take 45 magic damage.
  • Morphs
    • Rearming Trap: Trap re-arms once after firing.
    • Lightweight Beast Trap: Can be placed from a long distance.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 48 Magicka
  • Summon a light that reveals hidden and invisible enemies within 12 meters.
  • -5% maximum magicka.
  • +7% spell critical strike rating.
  • Morphs
    • Inner Light: Adds spell critical strike.
    • Radiant Magelight: Nearby friendly targets take less damage from stealth attacks.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 60 Magicka
  • Deals 21 magic damage over 12 seconds.
  • Recover 12 health every 6 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Degeneration: Your weapon attacks against target restore health.
    • Structured Entropy: Increases maximum health while ability is slotted.
Fire Rune
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 90 Magicka
  • Create a fire rune at target location for 32 seconds.
    • Deal 35 fire damage when an enemy enters the area.
  • Morphs
    • Volcanic Rune: Enemy is knocked into the air and stunned.
    • Scalding Rune: Enemies also take fire damage over time.
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: None
  • Trade 37(?) health for 37 magicka.
  • Morphs
    • Spell Symmetry: Trade 0 health to 6 magicka (?), next magicka ability costs 25% less.
    • Balance: Trade 1 health to 6 magicka (?), +37% health regeneration for 20 seconds.
Blood Altar
  • Cast Time: 1.5 Seconds
  • Radius: 8m
  • Cost: 152 Magicka
  • +15% health regeneration for nearby allies for 27 seconds.
  • Allies may activate Blood Funnel synergy, healing 74 points every 1 second for 4 seconds.
    • Only 1 ally may channel at once.
    • Channeling reduces altar duration for each second channeled.
  • Morphs
    • Sanguine Altar: Increased health regeneration.
    • Overflowing Altar: May be used by mupltiple allies at the same time.
Trapping Webs
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 124 Magicka
  • Deals 44 magic damage and snares an enemy 40% for 8 seconds.
  • Allies may activate Spawn Broodlings synergy.
    • Deals 88 magic damage.
    • Summons 2 spiders for 10 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Sipder Silk: Upgraded Spiders. Black Widows last longer and have poison DoT.
    • Tangling Webs: Synergy summons 2 spiders and AoE fear.
Inner Fire
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 15m
  • Cost: 114 Magicka
  • Deal 44 magic damage and force target to attack you for 15 seconds.
  • Allies may activate Radiate synergy.
    • 15% chance to create synergy opportunity.
    • Deal 52 magic damage on target over 4 seconds.
    • Explodes after 4 seconds, dealing 325 magic damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Morphs
    • Inner Rage: Increased chance for synergy.
    • Inner Beast: Increased range and reduced cost.
Bone Shield
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 124 Magicka
  • +20% armor for 20 seconds.
  • Nearby allies may activate Bone Wall synergy.
    • Grants a damage shield for 60% of their maximum health.
  • Morphs
    • Spiked Bone: Returns damage to melee attackers.
    • Bone Surge: Synergy increases ally power.
Necrotic Orb
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 5m
  • Cost: 152 Magicka
  • Summon an orb for 10 seconds that deals 6 magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Allies may activate Combustion synergy.
    • Orb explodes, dealing 88 magicka damage.
    • Allies restore more magicka over time for each enemy hit.
  • Morphs
    • Mystic Orb: Orb also restores magicka instantly when it explodes.
    • Energy Orb: Synerfy increases orb damage-over-time instead of destroying it.
Intimidating Presence
  • Allows player to intimidate certain NPCs in conversations.
SlayerRank 1/2/3
  • +? spell and weapon power when attacking undead and daedra.
Banish the WickedRank 1/2/3
  • +3 Ultimate when killing an undead or Daedra.
Skilled Tracker
  • Fighers Guild abilities that affect undead and Daedra also affect werewolves.
Bounty Hunter
  • The Fighters Guild in Cyrodiil will offer bounty quests.
Persuasive Will
  • Allows player to persuade certain NPCs in conversations.
Mage AdeptRank 1/2
  • -8% cost of Mages Guild abilities (besides ultimate).
Everlasting MagicRank 1/2
  • +10% duration for Mages Guild abilities.
Magicka ControllerRank 1/2
  • +1% maximum magicka and magicka regeneration for each slotted Mages Guild ability.
Might of the GuildRank 1/2
  • +10% spell power for next magical attack.
  • Effect lasts 8 seconds after a Mages Guild ability.
Undaunted CommandRank 1/2
  • Whenever you use a synergy ability, gain 2%/4% of your Maximum Health, Stamina and Magicka.
Undaunted MettleRank 1/2
  • Increases Health, Stamina, and Magicka Max by 1%/2% per type of Armor (Heavy, Medium, Light) that you have equipped.

Post-Launch Dark Brotherhood Thieves Guild

Alliance War Skills

Alliance War Assault Support Emperor
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 20m
  • Cost: 213 Ultimate
  • +25% maximum magicka and stamina for nearby allies for 30 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Aggressive Horn: Also increases weapon damage.
    • Sturdy Horn: Also increases maximum health.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 12m
  • Cost: 255 Ultimate
  • Create a 247-point damage shield on nearby allies for 30 seconds.
Rapid Maneuver
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 20m
  • Cost: 105 Stamina
  • +20% movement speed for allies for 20 seconds.
  • Grants immunity to snares and roots.
  • Break when an attack is made.
  • Morphs
    • Retreating Maneuver: Increases speed bonus.
    • Charging Maneuver: Allies also gain bonus damage for one attack.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 105 Stamina
  • Throw caltrops at a target location that last for 30 seconds.
  • Enemies in area take 5 physical damage every 0.5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Anti-Cavalry Caltrops: Adds a dismount on enemies.
    • Razor Caltrops: Adds AoE damage and a 70% snare when caltrops land.
Siege Shield
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 101 Magicka
  • Create a bubble that lasts for 20 seconds....
    • +20% protection against ranged attacks and seige weapons for allies in bubble.
  • Morphs
    • Siege Weapon Shield: Allies siege weapons in the bubble take -75% damage from other siege weapons.
    • Propelling Shield: +4 meter range. Allies in abilities receive +28 meter range.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 12m
  • Cost: 87 Magicka
  • Remove up to 2 negative effects from allies.
  • -50% duration of negative effects on allies for 5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Efficient Purge: Reduces cost by 50%.
    • Cleanse: Restore health to target if at least one debuff is removed.
Combat Frenzy
  • +25 Ultimate when killing an enemy player.
  • +5m range to all abilities with a base range >15m when near a keep.
Continuous Attack
  • For 10 minutes after capturing a lumber mill, farm, mine, or keep...
    • +10% weapon damage.
    • +20% magicka and stamina regeneration.
Combat Medic
  • +20% healing sent when near a keep.
Battle Resurrection
  • -50% time to resurrect another player.
Magicka Aid
  • +10% magicka regeneration for each support ability slotted.
  • While Emperor: +50% magnitude of heals on player.
  • Former Emperor: +1% magnitude of heals on player.
  • While Emperor: +200% Ultimate gains, -5% Ultimate costs.
  • Former Emperor: -5% Ultimate costs.
  • While Emperor: +100% health, magicka, and stamina combat regeneration.
  • Former Emperor: +2% health, magicka, and stamina combat regeneration.
  • While Emperor: +100% siege weapon damage.
  • Former Emperor: +2% siege weapon damage.
  • +100% health, magicka, and stamina while in campaign.

World Skills

World Soul Magic Lycanthropy Vampirism
Soul Strike
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 150 Ultimate
  • Deal 84 magic damage over 3 seconds.
  • Snares targets 80% while active.
  • Morphs
    • Soul Assault: Increases duration by 1 second.
    • Shatter Soul: If enemy is killed, explodes and damages nearby enemies.
Werewolf Transformation
  • Cast Time: Instant / Self
  • Cost: 1000 Ultimate
  • Transform into a werewolf, causing nearby enemies to run in fear.
  • Increase stamina, armor, and run speed.
  • Attack damage is derived from maximum stamina.
  • Morphs
    • Pack Leader: Allies nearby gain ultimate 8% faster.
    • Werewolf Berserker: Light attacks cause bleed and improve attack speed.
Bat Swarm
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Radius: 10m
  • Cost: 275 Ultimate
  • Summon a swarm of bats that surround you and deal 160 magic damage to enemies per second for 5 seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Clouding Swarm: Gain invisibility and deal high AoE damage.
    • Devouring Swarm: Drain health from every target.
Soul Trap
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 28m
  • Cost: 40 Magicka
  • Deal 10 magic damage over 10 seconds.
  • Fills a soul gem if enemy dies while affected.
  • Morphs
    • Soul Splitting Trap: Fills on additional soul gem.
    • Consuming Trap: Restore health, magicka, and stamina if an enemy dies while affected.
  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Range: 5m - 20m
  • Cost: 374 Stamina
  • Leap to target, dealing 138 physical damage and stunning off-balanced targets.
  • Morphs
    • Brutal Pounce: Deals 138 physical damage to targets in area.
    • Feral Pounce: Adds (3/4/5/6) extra seconds to werewolf timer.
  • Cast Time: 1 Second
  • Radius: 8m
  • Cost: 374 Stamina
  • Unleash a beastly roar; affecting up to 3 enemies within 6 meters with fear, disorient, and unbalance for (3.5/?/?/4.3) seconds.
  • Morphs
    • Ferocious Roar: When an enemy is killed in this state his nearby allies are unbalanced and disoriented for 2.5 seconds.
    • Rousing Roar: +3 weapon power for nearby allies for each nearby target affected for 10 seconds.
Drain Essence
  • Channel Time: 3 Seconds
  • Range: 7m
  • Cost: 247 Magicka
  • Stun target for 3 seconds and deal 160 magic damage per second.
  • Player recovers 150% of damage as health and stamina per second.
  • Can't be applied to targets that have recently been drained or fed upon.
  • Morphs
    • Invigorating Drain: Recover 2/3/4/5 ultimate per second for 3 seconds.
    • Midnight Drain: Recovery rate doubled at night.
Mist Form
  • Cast Time: 3 Seconds
  • Cost: 521 Magicka
  • -75% damage received from all sources.
  • Invulnerable to healing magic and control effects.
  • Morphs
    • Elusive Mist: +45% movement speed.
    • Poison Mist: Deal 149 poison damage every 0.5 seconds.
Soul Summons
  • Resurrect without needing a soul gem once per hour.
Soul Shatter
  • On death, your soul explodes and damages nearby enemies.
Soul Lock
  • Weapon kills automatically trap souls.
Pursuit Rank 1/2
  • Stamina increased by (10%/20%) while in werewolf form.
Blood Rage Rank 1/2
  • Generate (2/5) ultimate by taking damage.
  • Must be in humanoid form.
  • Must have Werewolf Transformation slotted
Devour 0 / 1
  • Devour humanoid corpses to earn more time in werewolf form.
Bloodmoon 0 / 1
  • On a full moon, return to the werewolf ritual site and turn another player into a werewolf.
  • Turned players earn the werewolf skill line.
  • Cannot turn players infected with vampirism.
Savage Strength Rank 1/2
  • Each kill in werewolf form (up to 5) increases your Max Stamina by (3%/5%).
Call of the Pack Rank 1/2
  • Causes allies to stay transformed (3%/5%) longer.
  • Affects up to 5 targets in a 15m radius and stacks up to 5 times
Savage Feeding Rank 1/2
  • After feeding, target is stunned and off balance for 2 seconds.
Supernatural Recovery Rank 1/2
  • Increases magicka and stamina recovery by 5%.
Blood Ritual
  • Allows player to turn another player into a vampire once every 7 days by returning to the vampire ritual site.
  • Turned players gain the Vampire skill line.
  • Players infected with Lycanthropy cannot be turned.
Undeath Rank 1/2
  • Increase damage mitigation when player is below 30% health. Mitigation scales up to 50% dependent on player's health.
Unnatural Resistance
  • Health regeneration is increased for Vampirism stages 2-4.
Dark Stalker
  • Move faster while sneaking and enter stealth more quickly at night.
Lycanthropy and Vampirism Notes
Crafting Alchemy Blacksmithing Clothing
Solvent ProficiencyRank 1-7
  • Alchemist may use [solvent type] to make level X potions.
Keen Eye: ReagentsRank 1/2/3
  • Reagents will be easier to see within 20/30/40 meters.
Medicinal UseRank 1/2/3
  • Potion effects last 10% longer.
ChemistryRank 1/2/3
  • Produce 1 extra potion per crafting attempt.
Laboratory UseRank 1/2/3
  • Use up to 3 reagents when crafting potions.
SnakebloodRank 1/2/3
  • Negative potion effects reduced by 50%.
MetalworkingRank 1-9
  • Allows the use of [Iron, Steel, Orichalc, Dwarven, Ebony, Calcinium, Galatite, Moonstone, Voidstone] ingots.
Keen Eye: OreRank 1/2/3
  • Ore in the world will be easier to see within 20/30/40 meters.
Miner HirelingRank 1/2/3
  • A miner hireling will send you ore and possibly other items every day.
Metal ExtractionRank 1/2/3
  • Improves the chance of extracting Blacksmithing ingredients.
MetallurgyRank 1/2/3
  • Reduces research time by 5% and allows the research of two traits at once.
Temper ExpertiseRank 1/2/3
  • Increases the chance of improving items with tempers.
TailoringRank 1-9
  • Allows the use of [cloth type] and [leather type].
Keen Eye: ClothRank 1/2/3
  • Fibrous plants in the world will be easier to see when you are within 20/30/40 meters.
Trapper HirelingRank 1/2/3
  • A trapper & gatherer hireling will send you cloth or leather and possibly other items every day.
UnravelingRank 1/2/3
  • Improves your chance of extracting clothing materials.
StitchingRank 1/2/3
  • Reduces research time by 5% and allows the research of two traits at once.
Tanning ExpertiseRank 1/2/3
  • Increases the chance of improving items with tannings and stitchings.

Crafting Enchanting Provisioning Woodworking
Aspect ImprovementRank 1-4
  • Allows the use of [aspect rune type] to create glyphs of X quality.
Potency ImprovementRank 1-9
  • Allows the use of [potency rune types] to make glyphs of Level X - Y.
Keen Eye: RunesRank 1/2/3
  • Runes in the world will be easier to see within 20/30/40 meters.
HirelingRank 1/2/3
  • A hireling will send you runes every day.
Aspect ExtractionRank 1/2/3
  • Increases the chance of extracting Aspect rune stones by 5%.
Recipe QualityRank 1/2/3
  • Allows the use of green/blue/purple quality recipes.
Recipe ImprovementRank 1-6
  • Allows the making of recipes up to level X.
GourmandRank 1/2/3
  • Adds 5 minutes to the duration of any food eaten.
ConnoisseurRank 1/2/3
  • Adds 5 minutes to the duration of any beverage consumed.
ChefRank 1/2/3
  • Creates 1 additional serving for each food recipe attempted.
BrewerRank 1/2/3
  • Creates 1 additional serving for each drink recipe attempted.
HirelingRank 1/2/3
  • A hireling will send you food or drink ingredients every day.
WoodworkingRank 1-9
  • Allows the use of [wood type].
Keen Eye: WoodRank 1/2/3
  • Lumber in the world will be easier to see within 20/30/40 meters.
Lumberjack HirelingRank 1/2/3
  • A lumberjack hireling will send you wood and possibly other items every day.
Wood ExtractionRank 1/2/3
  • Improves the chances of extracting Woodworking ingredients.
CarpentryRank 1/2/3
  • Reduces research time by 5% and allows the research of 2 items at once.
Resin ExpertiseRank 1/2/3
  • Increases the chances of improving items with resins.

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