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Iron Man 3 Review


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As I said in the description this is going to be a completely spoiler free review of Iron Man 3, I will however be posting another article (hopefully about this time tomorrow) which will be an in depth discussion of the film, such as plot-holes and speculation for future movies and will contain spoilers similar to the previous The Dark Knight Rises article.

For the last few years Marvel have set themselves the goal of releasing 3 live action movies each year, and Iron Man 3 is the first of four planned to come out this year.

Iron Man 3 is the 7th movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is the first movie since the extremely successful "Marvel's the Avengers" making it the first movie in Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (which will conclude with the Avengers 2). To those who may not be familiar with the Marvel Cinematic Universe it is essentially a group of movies that fit into the same 'canon' which allows for crossovers such as we've seen in the Avengers and means that the writers don't have to worry to much about sticking to the existing canon that exists in the comic books.

When I went to see Iron Man 3 the movie trailers that played showed just how many Superhero movies are coming out this year. Of 4 Trailers (the other one being Star Trek into darkness which I consider to be a very similar sort of movie), 3 were superhero movies, and 2 of those were also Marvel movies; The Wolverine; and Thor: The Dark World. And of course the upcoming film based on the DC character, Superman, "The Man of Steel".

Now to what you came here for - Iron Man 3. Overall I was rather disappointed in the film as I believe many people will be, particularly after Joss Whedon's The Avengers. The plot and its characters all seemed to be dumbed down a lot, apparently to put more focus on making the film humorous which no doubt it was but at the cost of a few things. The first of those things is the way the writers try to shock you and tricking you into thinking something happened when anybody should be able to tell that its too big of an action for them to actually do. I'm probably being really confusing here since I'm trying to completely avoid any spoilers but basically there are several parts of the plot that are just really predictable. The other point I mentioned is that major parts of the characters are changed in completely unnecessary fashion, perhaps to appeal to children.

The thing is my above criticisms are based on the fact that I know it could have been done that much better, as we've seen Marvel adapt their comic books into film so much better before. However, if I were to compare it to other movies that aren't part of such a successful and beloved franchise, it would probably stack up quite well. In fact, it does do much better than many other movies by Marvel (Spiderman 3 and Hulk I'm looking at you).

As a side note I wanted to mention that in typical Marvel fashion (particularly in the Cinematic Universe) there is a post credit scene. It always frustrates me that people don't realize that marvel normally show really interesting sneak peaks and hints at their future movies and just leave. However in this case the post credit scene really adds nothing to the story of the cinematic universe or even the movie itself, nor is it that funny like it was obviously meant to be. Mind you that may change before its released worldwide based on the fact that after the Avengers was shown in Australia (and possibly the UK etc) an extra post credit scene was filmed and added before it was released worldwide.

Anyway thanks for reading, let me know what you thought of this review and check out the upcoming in depth Iron Man 3 article (which I hope to get out about this time tomorrow) if you're not afraid of spoilers.

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From seeing the trailer, I actually kind of expected it to be disappointing. Such a shame, as I was excited to see how they portrayed Mandarin.


One question, and don't spoil anything. In the trailer, I saw that more people got themselves Iron Man suits. A lot more people. Was the concept as stupid as it looked?


I hate superhero "teams," as it makes the main hero's achievements less impressive. The Avengers is an exception; they pulled that off well.

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How does it rank against Iron Man 1 and 2? As long as it's better than 2 it will at least be enjoyable and worth my money.

Honestly I thought the first 2 were better, it is still an enjoyable movie. I've also heard from a lot of people that they thought it was better atleast than Iron Man 2.


So the post credit scene doesn't elude to either The Avengers 2 or, perhaps, Thor 2?

Nope. It's an extra scene that only relates to Iron Man 3 and doesn't really add anything to it. Mind you like I said they might add another post credit scene before the international release.



One question, and don't spoil anything. In the trailer, I saw that more people got themselves Iron Man suits. A lot more people. Was the concept as stupid as it looked?


I hate superhero "teams," as it makes the main hero's achievements less impressive. The Avengers is an exception; they pulled that off well.

I really find that difficult to answer without spoilling things. It made sense though, plot wise though it just made the earlier parts of the movie completely pointless.


I'm surprised by your last comment, I really enjoy superhero teams. X men is probably my favorite comic book and the Avengers and the Justice League are both awesome, mind you it doesn't lend itself to well to movie format. Also "main hero"? In most of the big teams there isn't a "main hero". The Avenger's has 2 leaders (iron man and captain america) the justice League has 2 (Batman and Superman) etc. I also think to work really well they kind of need to face one of the supervillain teams.

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Honestly I thought the first 2 were better, it is still an enjoyable movie. I've also heard from a lot of people that they thought it was better atleast than Iron Man 2.


That's good to hear. I wasn't really a fan of Iron Man 2. It was still a decent movie, but no where near as enjoyable as the first one.


So far Iron Man 3 has better IMBD scores than 2, and I think 1 as well if my memory serves me. Can't be bothered to actually check.

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That's good to hear. I wasn't really a fan of Iron Man 2. It was still a decent movie, but no where near as enjoyable as the first one.


So far Iron Man 3 has better IMBD scores than 2, and I think 1 as well if my memory serves me. Can't be bothered to actually check.

Maybe its just that I went into it with a critical mindset and so I noticed everything wrong with it.


There were some weird decisions though that completely ruined things a lot of people are looking forward to.

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I might read this at some point, but I usually watch movies without knowing anything about it except the title, poster and barely what's it about. I don't want to know if it's good. Sometimes I watch the trailer, but not usually. I don't know why, but I can't be dissappointed if I don't know anything.

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