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Elder Scrolls Online Game Footage Leaked

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Earlier this week, an ESO Beta tester by the name of Worst Youtube leaked live game footage of the current Beta build. As word of the video slowly crept through various forums and fansites, more and more people were able to witness what was supposed to be top-secret content.

Feedback was overwhelmingly negative. Skeptical commentators were critical of the majority of the footage, specifically calling out the noticeably dated graphics and bland combat. Some attempted to defend the game's current state, claiming that no legitimate complaints can be levied against a game still in the beta stage of development. The resulting back-and-forth arguments have caused a notable divide in a community that has otherwise been full of hope and optimism.

Despite an aggressive effort by Zenimax to remove the leaked content from YouTube, Vimeo, and other sites, many uploads of the video can still be found. Those interested in viewing the leaked content for themselves can do so searching for it online.

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