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MMO's will never compete with single player, though. You simply can't achieve the same technical specifications with all of the unique players.The genre is pretty dead at this point. I thought ESO could turn everything around, but that doesn't seem likely from what I've seen between this, no raids, etc.

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The video is what I expected, I am actualy pleased with it, the combat looks fun, the enviornment looks real good (even for a video in poor quality) and this game still has about 6 months until its release, so they still got enough time to work out stuff.


I am looking forward to see what their version of raids will be, i know they said they are not going to have tradiontional raids , like WoW and other mmos have, but they will have something comparable but different. Looking forward to see what it is.


Also the pvp has me a little hype too, i would love to see how it is.

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This game still has like 6 more months in dev, the graphics are bad cause its recorded, and this game will get much better i belive it is going to be a very good game in mmo and single player aspects.The point is dont get too disapointed or you will be very VERY suprised when the game finally comes out.

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Im hoping this is not what the game will look like (there are many MMOs out there with much smaller budgets some even free to play with better graphics then this). But like some people are saying if this is very old footage there is still a chance the game could turn out good.

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It's important to realize a few things here.

    [*]This is still a CLOSED beta version of the game. This isn't even widely available to test yet, much less nearing a "shelf build." [*]This is a low quality video; I believe it's 480p. You can't really make any conclusions about the graphics from this kind of recording. [*]This is going to be an MMO, not Skyrim Online.

With that said, people also need to realize that there isn't going to be a major re-work of the game/graphics engine at this point. Beta versions are generally for fixing bugs, not major changes in developmental direction.


People need to temper their expectations for this game while realizing you really can't draw a whole lot from this video.

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Oh no... This was so disappointing.No, not because of the graphics, they were fine assuming that the video quality was bad etc. I have no doubts about the graphics, although I do dislike the cartoony character models.But for one...Why is all the text bright yellow and white and bold (=ugly)? That's not immersive at all... I'm glad you're able to turn off the NPC names, which I definitely don't want floating over their heads in bright green and red, it seriously made me cry. But please try to make it at least look like Skyrim...Also some gameplay mechanics are pretty bad still, I really had higher expectations for the combat but I'm hoping they'll improve it before the final release.Also, the questing wasn't immersive at all either. We didn't need handholding in Skyrim (although there was plenty) and we wont need in an mmorpg. And why were the critters glowing? We don't need them to glow, or even be that visible. We'll kill them if we notice them, we don't NEED to notice them. The yellow glow looks so bad.Also it saddens me that you can't attack NPCs... :(And I want to see 3d versions of items that I'm buying etc.And I want to be able to lift objects.And I don't need to see the experience from discovering places in the middle of my screen...Lots of negativity so here's something I did like...The character customization so far. Of course I'd like more options but at least it's more variety than something like WoW. And I loved the naming rules and ability to give two names!

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  On 4/21/2013 at 5:25 AM, Josianne said:

But for one...Why is all the text bright yellow and white and bold (=ugly)? That's not immersive at all... I'm glad you're able to turn off the NPC names, which I definitely don't want floating over their heads in bright green and red, it seriously made me cry.Also some gameplay mechanics are pretty bad still, I really had higher expectations for the combat but I'm hoping they'll improve it before the final release.Also, the questing wasn't immersive at all either. We didn't need handholding in Skyrim (although there was plenty) and we wont need in an mmorpg. And why were the critters glowing? We don't need them to glow, or even be that visible. We'll kill them if we notice them, we don't NEED to notice them. The yellow glow looks so bad.Also it saddens me that you can't attack NPCs... :(And I don't need to see the experience from discovering places in the middle of my screen...

1. Some of the text was a bit of an eyesore, but they need some way to distinguish between netural NPC's, NPC's that are aggressive no matter what, and NPC's that you can't attack in an MMO. The colors didn't bother me, but maybe they can tone down the hues a bit or give the player an option to do so.


2. I wasn't that impressed with the combat, but this is a starter area of the game so it's not like what you'll be doing after you start getting items and leaving the area.


3. As far as questing goes, again, this is a starter area of the game so the quests seem to be just very simple stuff. Although I don't expect the quests to be as great as they were in Skyrim (generally speaking), as that is a single player game, I still expect them to be better than the beginning quest.


4. It's an MMO. You might be able to kill NPC's if you go into enemy territory though. Maybe?


5. I prefer to know what I get from discovering a place. It'll probably be customizable though.

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