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Bethesda: No More Skyrim DLC or Major Updates


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Bethesda Game Studios shocked fans on Monday, April 15th after the following announcement titled "Moving to our next adventure" was posted on their official blog.

Skyrim has been a labor of love for us since we started designing it in 2006. We never imagined it would become the phenomenon it has. And that is because of you, the fans. It was all of you who made it a success. We can’t thank you enough for embracing the game, spreading the word, and making it your own.For the last year and a half we’ve been working on new content for Skyrim; from the game updates, Creation Kit, Steam Workshop, Kinect support, to DLCs. Parts of our team have also been in pre-production on our next major project, and that game is at the point where it requires the studio’s full attention to make it our biggest and best work yet.Even though we’re moving on, we’ll still have minor updates to Skyrim as needed. We’ve invested so much of ourselves into Skyrim and will never truly say goodbye to it.We loved hearing your stories, your in-game triumphs, and your suggestions. One thing stuck out to us through those emails, letters, and postings. And that is – video games matter. They’re as important to you as they are to us. It’s not just about entertainment, it’s about your time. And you chose to spend it with our game.Thank you again for all your support. We hope you stay engaged in the gaming community here and elsewhere. Keep spreading the word. Games are the world’s best entertainment because they can do what other forms cannot – fill you with the wonder of exploration and the pride of accomplishment. We look forward to sharing our next adventure with you.Until next time,Bethesda Game Studios

Although the announcement makes room for the possibility of minor game updates, it's clear that they no longer plan to fully support the game with additional content. Pete Hines, Vice President of Bethesda Softworks, later tweeted to reiterate this point.

For those asking, yes, today's thanks/farewell Skyrim post does mean there is no more DLC coming.

Many fans were disappointed by the announcement, feeling that they'd been misled by earlier statements thought to be hinting at future DLC. Some took to twitter to remind Hines about the registered "Redguard" trademark.

Redguard is an existing game and trademark that we renewed to protect. That's it.

Another common complaint was the promise of "additional content in 2013." Hines responded that this was intended to mean the 1.9 update and the DLC releases on the PS3.

We subsequently confirmed Dawnguard and Hearthfire for PS3, and we did 1.9 update that added Legendary feature.

With Skyrim now behind them, Bethesda is moving on to their next major project. Rumors point to Fallout 4.Click here to view the article
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Really bummed that I'm never going to have custom spells; magic will be perpetually under-powered.

I'd hardly call magic underpowered; it's meant more for utility than damage.


I'm disappointed. It looks like that Redguard copyright didn't mean anything. So much for making the perfect assassin for future DLCs.

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I'd hardly call magic underpowered; it's meant more for utility than damage.

? It's one of the three main methods of combat. Saying that's it's meant for "utility" is just proving how totally under-powered it is. A huge percentage of players base their entire damage capability on it every TES game.


I'm disappointed. It looks like that Redguard copyright didn't mean anything. So much for making the perfect assassin for future DLCs.


Peter Hines tweeted that it was just a trademark renewal for their existing game from years ago. Probably BS, but they do have a story to cover that, which proves they're serious that nothing else is coming.

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? It's one of the three main methods of combat. Saying that's it's meant for "utility" is just proving how totally under-powered it is. A huge percentage of players base their entire damage capability on it every TES game.

Allow us to analyze each school:


Destruction: Yes, the damage is low, but that's not why people use it. What this school provides is the Impact perk, which can stagger even bosses. This is incredibly useful for some playstyles.


Conjuration: This school is overpowered. You can summon all kinds of daedra to do all your fighting for you. Using natural methods, Conjuration also gives you the best bow in the game.


Alteration: Not a damage school, but useful. This will allow the pure mage builds to achieve the protection they need with their mage armor spells. Its perk tree is useful for just about any build, thanks to its Magic Resistance and Atronach perks.


Illusion: Great for assassins. This school can make you silent and invisible, but that's just scratching the surface. Frenzy spells can turn a tough boss fight in your favor, and Calm spells can easily correct any misunderstandings with NPCs.


Restoration: This school is great for just about any playstyle. The healing spell you get AT THE BEGINNING remains useful throughout the game, and using that spell alone will save you a lot of money you would have otherwise spent on potions. The perk tree is very nice, with the perks Necromage, Recovery, and Respite.


Enchanting: You can reduce magicka cost to 0, give yourself permanent muffle, and give your self near magic immunity. Need I say more?

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I really don't know what you're trying to argue. Destruction alone has always been a feasible combat style. 


Destruction: Yes, the damage is low, but that's not why people use it.


That's just plain wrong. I don't really know what else there is to say.


Destruction is forced to be a "utility skill" in Skyrim BECAUSE it is grossly under-powered. That does not mean that's how it should be.

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That's just plain wrong. I don't really know what else there is to say.


Destruction is forced to be a "utility skill" in Skyrim BECAUSE it is grossly under-powered. That does not mean that's how it should be.

I guess I didn't word that correctly.


It's damage is lower than WEAPONS, but it's still powerful enough to get you through the game.


But yeah, the more I think about it, the more I do agree that Destruction is somewhat underpowered. On all but one of my pure mage builds, Bound Sword was my main source of damage.

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I probably should have clarified in my first post that I was talking specifically about destruction. I agree that other magic skills, such as conjuration, are probably either fine or a tad too powerful.


On my pure mage character (destruction as main damage source), I was getting absolutely wrecked the entire game and I wasn't even on master difficulty. At high levels you just do absolutely no damage because destruction doesn't scale. I ended up doing the unlimited magicka trick (which is kind of a cheat honestly) and getting 100 Conjuration with multiple thralls just to feel like I was having any impact. At that point conjuration was probably my main damage source, which killed the point of the entire experience.


Also, embedded tweets into the article. New things ftw.

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I wanted to have them fix the marriage glick where if your spouse dies you would be able to remarry again somehow (Xbox 360). Otherwise, the game is awesome and will never get boring for me. It would have been cool to play with other people online, as well. I am looking for fellow friends that like these types of games and also to play Halo 4 with. my gametag for xbox is Miryks67

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ryan

i play a pure mage, i use fireball lightning bolt or icestorm (i think its called) and grand healing in left hand and i kill everything pretty easily with 730 mana (some enchantments to increase) 400 health and 180 stamina at level 80 its pretty good i must say, i love it and it has cool visual effects, lightning storm stuns dragons almost every time it hits so it cant attack and has massive range. lightning storm is op against dragons. but this is just my thoughts on pure mage.

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Guest Richard

No no no!
there got to be a way to:

patch- expand marriageable character to include all races.

Fix Hearthstone:

  • [*]to allow selective house building locations [*]To build or restore a keep

Fix Dark brotherhood garb to give Anonymity  when killing.

you need a DLC- become a Jarl!!

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No no no!

there got to be a way to:


patch- expand marriageable character to include all races.

Fix Hearthstone:

[*]to allow selective house building locations

[*]To build or restore a keep

Fix Dark brotherhood garb to give Anonymity  when killing.

you need a DLC- become a Jarl!!


Remarry-Wouldn't mind it, but wasn't really a glitch. You weren't supposed to be able to.

Expand marriage options-See what I said about Remarry.

Fix hearthstone-...see Remarry.

Fix Dark Brotherhood garb-what? Why should you get anonymity when killing? Trying to not get caught is the fun of it!

Become a Jarl-You can become the Jarl of Riverwood through a mod, if you have the PC version.

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