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Increase carry weight

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I don't care how, mystic item, enchantment for my boots, I don't care! My carry weight is far too low, I know about the weight/value ratio but there are heavy things I wanna keep. I have to imagine I would never need more than 1000 carry weight. Any ideas on how to get me there? (no pc)

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I used the oghum infinium glitch and the max carry weight I got to was 700 lbs that was with the thieves guild armor as well , I guess if you can find a item that can be uninchanted that has fortify carry weight or stamina destroy it and learn the enchantment and make a set of armor , necklace , ring what ever to add stamina or carry weight to the item that would increase your carry capacity. how much I don't know.

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Put points into stamina when you level up. It gives you an extra 5 carry weight for every point you put in.


There are also some enchantments to help you increase carry weight. Look up the Alchemy/Smithing/Enchanting Loop on Youtube. I would imagine it would help with this.


Bring a follower. They can carry some of your stuff.


Also, what is this weight/value ratio you speak of? I have never heard of such a thing.

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The weight/value ratio says that you should only take things with a good weight/value ratio. 10/15 bad, 5/60 good. My turn, what is this alchemy/smithing/enchanting loop you speak of?

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My turn, what is this alchemy/smithing/enchanting loop you speak of?


It's just a trick people utilize to boost those skills in a circle while creating items. Things slowly stack so that you get very high enchantment effects after awhile. Blake wrote a guide on hit here.


Honestly, the loop probably isn't necessary. Normal fortify carry weight enchantments are probably fine. I usually make an outfit out of items that have the fortify carry weight enchantment and then just wear that whenever needed. If you have 100 enchanting (which every build should have), the effects of even one custom enchanted item will be pretty high.

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  On 3/25/2013 at 11:42 AM, Jake said:

There are also some enchantments to help you increase carry weight. Look up the Alchemy/Smithing/Enchanting Loop on Youtube. I would imagine it would help with this.

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nobody seemed to cover it in summary, but The "Alchemy/Enchanting Loop" is a method where using the Alchemy tree to create potions of restoration. for some reason this potion will boost all the enchantments on the items you are wearing. if you un-equip then re-equip your items the stats are supposed to stick. you can use this with a full set of alchemy armor (+100% towards the potency of your potions) and with this, after a few potions, the percent will increase exponentially. Then just craft yourself a couple of Fortify Enchanting potions and pick whatever enchantment you want (in your case, carry weight). Now you should have some either barely realistic, or some ridiculous amount of carry weight (such as my dragon boots of holding with a +850,000 towards Carry weight)

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  On 3/31/2013 at 5:00 AM, Unknown ProbLem said:

nobody seemed to cover it in summary, but The "Alchemy/Enchanting Loop" is a method where using the Alchemy tree to create potions of restoration.

No, that's the Restoration loop. I would stay away from that, as the game becomes too easy and boring if you use it.


The Alchemy/Enchanting Loop, on the other hand, is fine, as it has a cap. Here's what you do.


1. Create a set of Fortify Alchemy gear.

2. Create a Fortify Enchanting potion.

3. Drink the potion.

4. Quickly create a new set of Fortify Alchemy gear.

5. Repeat until you reach the cap, which is either 29% or 32%, can't remember.


With this alchemy gear, you can create some incredibly powerful potions that can boost your smithing and enchanting on your weapons and armor.

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