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whats the best race for the different builds.  and why.   i went with my main account as a high elf and built assassin with him.  long range hidden killer.   then built orc for a straight up warrior killer for up close and personal killings.     whats the best build for the races youve made?

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When you get down to it, there are 3 things that determine the best race choice:

1. Starting stats

2. Racial powers

3. Racial passive effects


You shouldn't care about starting stats, because those will be increased in the long run. Therefore, there are 2 races that are the "best."


1. Breton

2. Orc


Why are these the best?


The Breton has a natural 25% resistance to magic. This is incredibly useful both early and late game. With it, you can hit the 85% magic resistance cap without even wearing armor. You have the Breton's 25% Magic Resistance, plus 15% from Agent of Mara, plus 20% from the Alteration tree (can get up to 30% from this,) plus 25% from the Lord Stone. This makes them great for any build. They also have the Dragonskin power, and if you use it in combination with the Atronach perk and Atronach stone, you can reach 100% spell absorption. Not quite as useful as the magic resistance, but icing on the cake nonetheless.


On the other hand, the Orc doesn't have a passive effect. Now, you must be thinking that the Orc power must be incredibly effective if it ties for best race and has no passive. This is correct. The Orc's Berserker Rage ability grants 60 seconds of dealing double damage while taking half damage. In a sticky situation? Activate this perk, and everyone will be dead in no time. If you don't mind cheating a bit, you can just wait 24 hours after using the ability, and use it again in your next battle.


I use Bretons myself, as I always forget to utilize my racial powers at the right moments.


As for the worst race, that would go to either Wood Elves or Khajiits. Sorry, Blexun.


Wood Elves get a natural 50% resistance to poison and disease. Disease becomes non-existant as a werewolf, and neither disease nor poison are a problem as a vampire. Even if you don't choose to be either, poison and disease hardly ever give much trouble. As for their power, they can control an animal to fight for them. Most of the trouble you'll come across is in dungeons, where there aren't any animals. On the off chance this could be useful, there's a shout that does the same thing, anyway.


Khajiits do extra unarmed damage. This is only useful for two things. First, when you are in very, very early game. Your claws will be more powerful than the starting weapons. Second, if you are going for an unarmed build, because then you'll need all the extra damage you can get. The second reason is only for a specific, low damage build, and the first isn't NEARLY a good enough reason to choose Khajiit. Their racial power is to see better in the dark. Vampires have that power. If you don't want to become a vampire, then get the candlelight spell. If you don't want to use magic, get a torch. If you want your hands free, turn up the brightness on your TV. Useless race, when you really look at it.



To make a long story short, Bretons have the highest defense potential, and Orcs have the highest offense potential.

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ok whats up with these agent status everyone talks about.   i see the dibella and mara stuff is this just wearing the necklace or what

There are two quests. The Heart of Dibella is started by sneaking through the Temple of Dibella in Markarth and getting caught. Completing this quest gives you the Agent of Dibella effect, a permanent effect that inflicts 10% extra melee damage to the opposite sex. This is why female characters are better warriors. In the Temple of Mara in Riften, talk to the priests. One of the priests will give you a quest called The Book of Love. Complete this quest, and you get a permanent 15% magic resistance. I do not know whether Necromage affects these, so I'm waiting until I have the perk before doing these quests.

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