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Clan Wars Practice


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I realize we aren't supposed to do reflections for Clan Wars Practices, but this was the first one and everyone should know what went down. It was absolutely horrid, we pulled all of 5 people, and I got there 15 minutes late cause of eating supper. The 5 participants were myself, DrunkenFaith, I am Kaiden, MstrMonopoly and Blakelington and a big thanks to all of them for coming out and supporting their clan in a warring endeavor. The practice ran from 7:00 to 7:45 central time, when Mono had to leave. I believe there were 2 wars before I got there and another 3 with me. In terms of Piling, it was excellent, but most if not all of us have warring experience. The time and date of the practices are hereMy link. If this is actually as bad a time that it presents itself to be, please reply here and we will try to determine another time.

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Yep, I would have loved to be there. If my fucking woman wouldnt have busted my phone I would have been. Eh, I'll be there this friday. We'll own some noobs. We should make it mandatory that you need to eventually purchase full sara! I mean we need to be rolling in style no? lulz. Looked like an awesome time though.

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