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Gaps in your Knowledge


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I take pride in knowing everything about anything. And if I don't know it, I'll at least pretend I do. I find this as gotten me far in life up to this point.


That being said, I will admit to having some gaps in what I think should be general knowledge. What are some gaps that you have? Here are a few of mine.

  • [*]I have no idea who Spoogan is and how we know him. [*]All I know about WWI is that Germany were being dicks, America didn't fight until the end, and it immediately began when Archduke Ferdi-something was assassinated [*]Until quite recently, I had no idea what the difference between England, Great Britain, and the UK was. [*]If I were ever a witness to a car theft or something of the sort and I was asked to say what kind of car was stolen, I wouldn't be able to say anything short of a color. [*]I'm absolutely horrible at remembering faces, but not names. [*]Trying to talk to be about politics that aren't social issues will just result in me nodding my head and saying "right". [*]I have no idea who Honey Boo Boo is or why we hate her.

To name a few.

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I have no idea who Spoogan is and how we know him.


Actually lol'd. To explain this requires a TRR history lesson.


Spoogan is the name of the RuneScape account of one of my IRL friends. When he quit RS, he gave me the password, and I used the account to dual-log with mine during TRR's wars. My inability to lead TRR, control my main account, and control Spoogan at the same time led to several incidents with everyone being pissed off at "fucking Spoogan" for appearing totally incompetent. In one war we recorded (or maybe it was a picture), you can see all of TRR piling an enemy with Spoogan hilariously running against a wall in the background. Paul was one of the others who knew that it was actually me trying and failing to control two accounts at once, so after he made some jokes it sort of became a meme between the people who knew. We awarded Spoogan "MVP" of some war and then eventually named some War award after him. It was even better because no one knew who the fuck it was, yet it was never questioned.


Recently, the actual owner of the RuneScape account started hanging around here. I don't think anyone actually knows him besides maybe Jake and Blue since they frequent the chat.


All I know about WWI is that Germany were being dicks, America didn't fight until the end, and it immediately began when Archduke Ferdi-something was assassinated


Same thing here. WWI was literally completely ignored in my school, and it's probably the same across all U.S. public schools.


Until quite recently, I had no idea what the difference between England, Great Britain, and the UK was.


I can only remember the "DONT CARE LOL" Dolphin .gif whenever this conversation comes up, just because of that thread.


My main knowledge gap is my complete inability to understand which side of the door you "Push" on to open it, unless it is very clearly marked.

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All I know about WWI is that Germany were being dicks, America didn't fight until the end, and it immediately began when Archduke Ferdi-something was assassinated

 That's pretty much it. The archduke was assassinated, and it started a small scale war between two small countries. This was in an age where


1. EVERYONE had an alliance with someone.

2. War machines were continuously improving, and everyone was eager to see how well they worked.


Needless to say, the larger countries were eager to fulfuill their alliances. One thing led to another, and all of Europe was in war.


Germany was the most powerful country of the losing side in WWI, so it paid the consequences.



As for my gap in knowledge, I have no idea why Skyrim is STILL $60 at Gamestop.

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I feel like I have a lot of knowledge about stuff, but when it comes to general knowledge and things EVERYONE knows, I always seem to never have a clue at what's going on. Lol.


@Spoogan: I just lol'd, I actually thought it was some TRR vet from before my time that everybody loved, oh lord. Especially since, as he started hanging around here relatively lately, at one point he added me on PSN. (He has a fucking beast KD on CoD) 

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Actually lol'd. To explain this requires a TRR history lesson.


Spoogan is the name of the RuneScape account of one of my IRL friends. When he quit RS, he gave me the password, and I used the account to dual-log with mine during TRR's wars. My inability to lead TRR, control my main account, and control Spoogan at the same time led to several incidents with everyone being pissed off at "fucking Spoogan" for appearing totally incompetent. In one war we recorded (or maybe it was a picture), you can see all of TRR piling an enemy with Spoogan hilariously running against a wall in the background. Paul was one of the others who knew that it was actually me trying and failing to control two accounts at once, so after he made some jokes it sort of became a meme between the people who knew. We awarded Spoogan "MVP" of some war and then eventually named some War award after him. It was even better because no one knew who the fuck it was, yet it was never questioned.


Recently, the actual owner of the RuneScape account started hanging around here. I don't think anyone actually knows him besides maybe Jake and Blue since they frequent the chat.



Same thing here. WWI was literally completely ignored in my school, and it's probably the same across all U.S. public schools.

The only Spoogan related memory I have was when I mentioned your name and he said you were playing Madden or something like that. I honestly thought he was joking. At least I can now sleep easy knowing he has a story now. And WWI was only covered during AP American History in highschool, and even then, it only covered basics and Americans short involvement in it. Still, at that point I could name long term causes, the immediate cause, some battles, etc.


Just some more I thought of

[*]Little to no knowledge of most countries governments. Thanks to Eric/Bard, I can check Norway off that list.

[*]I some how manage to fuck up a lot of my clothes when I do laundry.

[*]Horrible at talking to people over the phone, including my own parents.

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[*]Horrible at talking to people over the phone, including my own parents.


I'm not too bad, but ending a call is usually some awkward silence followd by me saying goodbye like three times, at the same time as the other person. It's always so awkward...

Anyway, I don't know much about WWI, and what I know is Norwegian terms that I don't know how to translate nor bother to look up.

One thing that annoys me is that I don't have many TV channels, so I've got no idea what people are talking about, what serious that are populare and the advertisments.

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