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Event Coordinator / Diplomat Positions Open


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Hey everybody! Now that we've got the forums up and running, we'd like to continue our clan's growth by promoting people to the positions of Event Coordinator and Diplomat. Event Coordinators are people who make this clan fun, interesting, and successful. We could have all the members in the world, but if we didn't do anything on RuneScape together, you couldn't really call us a clan, could you? Event Coordinators are expected to run at least one event a week, write a good reflection on said event, and help other members out in creating their own events. In addition, they are expected to lead F2P Clan Wars when one of the Leaders isn't around. Being an Event Coordinator is often the first step in being promoted to a higher position of authority in TRR, and greater maturity is expected out of Event Coordinators than regular members. Diplomats are people who make this clan fun, interesting, and successful. We could do lots of stuff on RuneScape together, but if we only had five active members, you couldn't really call us a clan, could you? Diplomats are expected to recruit at LEAST one person a week and spend a good amount of time posting the TRR ad on forums / recruiting in game. They are also in charge of recruiting events (although Event Coordinators might want to help them out). Being a Diplomat is one notch higher in the pecking order than Event Coordinator, not because it requires more work, but because Diplomats are the only thing that the outside world sees of TRR. Again, many Council and Leaders have had their start as a Diplomat.Please note that BOTH positions demand high use of communications. For Events Team, we are mainly looking for Friends and Clan Chat activity, and for Diplomat, forum activity is most important. IRC use is also CRUCIAL if you ever want to be promoted past Events Coordinator or Diplomat, so start using that as soon as possible. If you underperform as an Events Coordinator or Diplomat, you WILL be removed from your office. These positions are held in great respect by the leaders and I, so I beg you, PLEASE do your job.If you want to apply, simply make a post in this thread with answers to the following questions. Everything will be considered, from grammar to creativity, so please make your posts as readable and entertaining as possible while still conveying your message.1. What position are you applying for?2. How active have you been on the CC/IRC/Forums?3. Why do you want to take this job?4. What skills do you think you bring to this job?5. What experience do you have with this job? Please post ANYTHING that you feel is even marginally relevant to the question.6. (Prospective Event Coordinators only) What is an example of an event you would create?

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1. What position are you applying for? Event cordinator

2. How active have you been on the CC/IRC/Forums?

I currently only check and speak in the Friends chat in-game and here in the foruns, wen I join the clan gonna talk in CC too. IRc I'm gonna start to use it today because I forgot it exists but now I remember :)

3. Why do you want to take this job?

I've had it in the past and I don't know if I had a good job but this time foruns are back and I whant to help the clan get together and even get ready to Clan Citadels with some events and later some fun in the new RS update B)

4. What skills do you think you bring to this job?

I have many contact with player in-game with the friends chat. I go to events that I can go and I don't know realy well what to say here :S

5. What experience do you have with this job? Please post ANYTHING that you feel is even marginally relevant to the question.

As I sad previously I had this ''job'' before and now I'm back to rock with this and I have my full day in the PC working so alot to come now B)

6. (Prospective Event Coordinators only) What is an example of an event you would create?

I'll have 2 things to say here, first I would help alot in diplomats with the events of the recruitment, and second to finish, I've workded today and yesterday in some surprise events to do while we are in summer so, surprise but it will be realy fun, just weight to see.

Now if U excuse I've to go meet some girls with my felow teacher Homer, know it all :)

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I'm bored, so figured I should apply! Diplomat sounds fancy so I'll go for the other one.

1. What position are you applying for: Events lady

2. How active have you been on the CC/IRC/Forums: I'm always in the IRC, and I check the forums fairly often. I am also fairly active in the CC/FC

3. Why do you want to take this job?: Events have always been one of my favorite parts of being in a clan. And I'd like to be able to bring my knowledge of events to the clan. I never was really part of any big clans, but I did attend a lot of their public events and I learned different things from them. When I join a clan I like to be able to organize things and events seem like the perfect idea! Also, I dislike not being able to do anything in a clan or something of that sort. I have to give myself something or I just won't feel fulfilled!

4. What skills do you think you bring to this job?: With events you have Lia who has many years of experience regarding events. One important thing you have to have if you want to be a good events lady is good communication. This involves with those above you and the people below you. You have to listen to the clan to see what they want to do, then you can base your events off that. When that happens more people are likely to show up at the events and therefore more clan fun! Another skill that Lia has is being able to think of things fast. If you need an event in one day that involves this and that, I'll do it! Because I'm the events lady!

5. What experience do you have with this job? Please post ANYTHING that you feel is even marginally relevant to the question: throughout any game, events have been my favorite thing. If there was a position open to create such events I would immediately pursue it. A lot of times I do become the events lady. I have experience on lots of other games with events. Also from my time playing RuneScape I have observed many things that events ladies and men when they host their shebangs.

6. Make me an event plz: With the new clan citadels it opens up a lot of clan-based events to take place. Of course we'd have to upgrade them and whatever, but at higher tiers it unlocks a lot of fun rooms. We can always use those. Also, an event I was always fond of was the 'scavenger hunts'. You'd start off in a location, talk to this person here, they'd give you a clue to find the next person, until you find the final one and get your prize! The only issue with this event is bad referees that tell players where the next person is!!

I hope you consider me! But if you don't trust me yet because I'm brand new, I completely understand.


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1. What position are you applying for? Events Coordinator

2. How active have you been on the CC/IRC/Forums? I've been on it everyday and i talk everytime someone or myself has a question, or whenever a event is taking place.

3. Why do you want to take this job? I had taken this job 2 years ago when i had first joined. I was a very active event maker and i want to bring more life into the clan AND the citadel.

4. What skills do you think you bring to this job? I bring the skill of charisma and friendliness :D

5. What experience do you have with this job? Please post ANYTHING that you feel is even marginally relevant to the question. I had done this job 2 years ago before i had left due to real life issues. I'm all caught up in life now so no more leaving for me :D

6. (Prospective Event Coordinators only) What is an example of an event you would create? My first event would be a very important one that would require one of our leaders and also getting everyone caught up in the clan and put into the clan chat so EVERYONE may have access and be able to experience the amazingness of the citadel :D

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