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Why should i buy Skyrim


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Well, the game is old enough now to cost £15-20 on ebay, maybe a little less.


Should i buy?


I didnt really like morrowind, and i dont really like the leveling system, the fact i can have my main skills as skills i can train "whenever" to gain an advantage confuses me.




How much time will i have to spend to enjoy the game, and how easy is it to navigate.

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Well, the game is old enough now to cost £15-20 on ebay, maybe a little less.


Should i buy?


Don't see much downside at that price. Worst case you can flip it for like a $5 loss.


I didnt really like morrowind, and i dont really like the leveling system, the fact i can have my main skills as skills i can train "whenever" to gain an advantage confuses me.


Not really sure what you mean by this, but Skyrim's leveling system was completely different than Morrowind's and Oblivions. You don't select Major/Minor skills anymore and you can just play and let leveling happen on its own more or less.




How much time will i have to spend to enjoy the game, and how easy is it to navigate.


Pros: conforming to society. Ability to say you played one of the - arguably - best games ever. Increase your eldersouls.com e-bench.


Seriously, do you even lift?


Cons: conforming to society. Potential to lose $5 and/or your significant other.


As far as navigating goes I'd pay a few dollars just to play with the game's map. IT'S IN QUASI 3D. BUY BUY BUY.

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I was so lazy with the title naming, look at those poor words just wanting to be capitalized.


Anyways.  Points taken.


Leveling system is different?  Yay!


So, am i likely to get left behind the mobs/monsters/things, or keep up, or wha? 


Care to explain a little about the leveling system, so i dont have to search and probably be confused.

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So, am i likely to get left behind the mobs/monsters/things, or keep up, or wha? 


Care to explain a little about the leveling system, so i dont have to search and probably be confused.


Basically you run around doing things, and through these actions your skills will begin to increase in level. After a number of skills have increased, your character itself goes up a level. Every time you get a "character level" you select one of three things to increase: magicka (how many spells you can cast), health (health), or stamina (how long you run/how much you carry). You will also be able to choose 1 perk that will give you some sort of bonus in a skill. These range from things like +25% damage from that skill or the ability to get a "decapitation" animation.


Basically it's exactly like Fallout. How OP you are is more an effect of your perks than the actual level of your skills.


You can still technically get behind enemies if you increase literally no combat skills for 40+ levels, but it's way harder to do than in previous games. Enemies aren't scaled in the shitty ways of yore either; certain places have tough enemies, and other places have shitty weaklings. They do scale with you, but it's not like Oblivion where you can get 1-hit by some average Joe you tried to pick-pocket.

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You can't beat that price, considering Skyrim offered me over 100 hours. It would probably offer me more, but I felt it was time to move on to my other holiday games after I got my platinum.


However, I would recommend Dark Souls first. It's about the same price. If you have a Ps3, I would pick up Demon's Souls as well.

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Basically you run around doing things, and through these actions your skills will begin to increase in level. After a number of skills have increased, your character itself goes up a level. Every time you get a "character level" you select one of three things to increase: magicka (how many spells you can cast), health (health), or stamina (how long you run/how much you carry). You will also be able to choose 1 perk that will give you some sort of bonus in a skill. These range from things like +25% damage from that skill or the ability to get a "decapitation" animation.


Basically it's exactly like Fallout. How OP you are is more an effect of your perks than the actual level of your skills.


You can still technically get behind enemies if you increase literally no combat skills for 40+ levels, but it's way harder to do than in previous games. Enemies aren't scaled in the shitty ways of yore either; certain places have tough enemies, and other places have shitty weaklings. They do scale with you, but it's not like Oblivion where you can get 1-hit by some average Joe you tried to pick-pocket.

This sounds good, i think i will like this a lot more than the other games then, since i WANTED to get into them, i just didnt like all the level's theorycrafting i had to do.


Im a slight perfectionist, so when i gained a level when i didnt want to, it annoyed me, because of the consequences of gaining a few levels and not really having the skills needed to kill shit.


You can't beat that price, considering Skyrim offered me over 100 hours. It would probably offer me more, but I felt it was time to move on to my other holiday games after I got my platinum.


However, I would recommend Dark Souls first. It's about the same price. If you have a Ps3, I would pick up Demon's Souls as well.


Hmm, interesting, i might do this, but i've been itching to play Skyrim for a while


So I won't have to delete all your Skyrim topic related posts.


All my posts legit bro.




In fact, I've grown so used to deleting all of your posts here I'm still wondering whether or not this is just a troll thread.


Sorry, i thought you might want something to do.  Although, dem posts legit.

You can have my copy if you collect it, fuck queing in the post office


CBA, scummy Lincoln scumbag.  <3

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