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Fez, Dune II, and Server Shutdowns


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EA Server Shutdowns

EA has announced that it is shutting down its servers for the following games:

[*]FIFA '11

[*]Madden '11

[*]NBA Jam

[*]NBA Live '10

[*]NCAA Football '11

[*]NHL '11

This doesn't surprise me at all, as EA has a habit of shutting down its servers after about 2 years. It only reinforces me view of them, though. I mean, seriously? Atlus can keep the servers for 2009's Demon's Souls up and running, a game of which the majority of sales nowadays are used. EA has a line of games with required online passes, insuring that most copies are new, yet they STILL shut down the servers. Bah, what has happened to the industry we all know and love? I have my fingers crossed they don't completely ruin Bioware.

Thankfully, that was the only bad news I carry tonight.


Fez was considered an incredibly creative Xbox Live indie title. Recently, Phil Fish, the designer and mastermind behind the game, posted on his blog that he plans to bring the game multi-platform this year. If it comes to PSN, will I buy it? I'm not quite sure, to be honest. On one hand, a good consumer supports innovation and small companies. On the other hand, however, I don't like how Fish treats the Japanese market. What did he say to the face of a Japanese game developer? "You games just SUCK." Maybe you agree with him. Maybe you're with me, and you don't agree at all. Either way, though, Fez is said to be one of the best XBLA titles of all time, so it's worth looking up game-play of. Here, I'll even save you the trouble of going to Youtube.

Free Stuff: Dune II

Have you ever heard of the game Dune II? Yeah... Neither have I. Apparently it's one of the first RTS games ever, and its being offered for free on the PC. Download it here. While it probably won't stand up to the likes of Starcraft, it's free. Can you really complain?

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Notice how they're all mediocre sports games that EA pushes out with no changes every year. They're just doing this so people are forced to repurchase the same $60 game they already own despite absolutely 0 improvements.

I know, right? I'm just ticked off because my brother bought FIFA 10, then hardly ever played it. When they shut down the servers late 2011, the online trophies became unachievable. Now I'm stuck with a mediocre game on my trophy list I can never hope to platinum.

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Lol, EA sucks...just after the money...so, do the owners of these games still be able to play online via private servers or are they just doomed to buy the new games?


As for mediocre games: FIFA is one of the best sold titles every year in Europe, football is popular here, but yes, the games suck and don't ever offer something new, they just update the teams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This doesn't surprise me at all, as EA has a habit of shutting down its servers after about 2 years. It only reinforces me view of them, though. I mean, seriously? Atlus can keep the servers for 2009's Demon's Souls up and running, a game of which the majority of sales nowadays are used. EA has a line of games with required online passes, insuring that most copies are new, yet they STILL shut down the servers.


This doesn't surprise me at all, as EA has a habit of shutting down its servers after about 2 years. It only reinforces me view of them, though. I mean, seriously?


It only reinforces me view of them, though. I mean, seriously?


reinforces me view of them

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