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  • 2 weeks later...

I enjoy this guide a lot, as it's very detailed, though if you don't mind, I could elaborate to help out, or something to add a little bit of detail to it.



so lets do that.



  • [*]grab a pickaxe [*]go to any mine and start mining.

here's a list of some mines ive picked up from youtube videos and other info sources

Gold: Kolskeggr Mine (24 veins)
Corundum: Darkwater Crossing (5 veins), Blackreach (3 veins), Snowpoint Beacon (2 veins)
Iron: Embershard Mine (8 veins), Halted Stream Camp (16 veins), Stonehills (4 veins)
Quicksilver: The Tower Stone (2 veins)
Malachite: Steamscorch Mine (7 veins)
Orichalcum: Bilegulch Mine (9 veins), Dushnikh Mine (9 veins), Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon (3 veins)
Ebony: Gloombound Mine (16 veins), Throat of the World (2 veins), Redbelly Mine (3 veins)
Moonstone: Mzulft (7 veins), Soljund’s Sinkhole (5 veins)

You can use mining to either sell (low smithing skill) or you can craft items for roughly double to triple the amount, and even more for enchants. As with living off the land, using crafting materials to sell raw, is not the greatest, but the value goes up the more things you make for the least amount of materials.


  • [*]find an area that cuts wood   (riverwood) [*]cut the wood and collect "firewood" [*]sell wood for 5 gold per set.

This method covers itself, but it is incredibly easy to get wood, and lots of it. you can easily make money, and the best part is, the people you sell to have an infinite set limit of gold to offer you.


  • [*]time consuming and laborious [*]find a dungeon [*]enter and kill everything in your path in whatever way suits your needs [*]retrieve all the loot you can and search every crevice you can find

this is all somewhat dependent on your level, as dungeons level with you, until you hit past 50. to be effective, you can find a human body and put all your extra weight in that corpse and drag it to the entrance. just hurry of course as all things eventually de-spawn in the area.


  • [*]pickpocket [*]hit every chest you can  [*]every house, every night, no exceptions. [*]steal every possible thing you can find then run like hell if you get caught




  • [*]every dragon has money [*]every dragon has scales [*]every dragon has bones [*]all are worth something

Dragons also carry extra and sometimes rare items. upon hitting the mid seventies, you can encounter Legendary Dragons which almost commonly will drop Daedric items. The scales and bones of dragons, while heavy and a burden to hold on to, if you manage to have 100 smithing, I highly advise making them into Dragonscale and Dragonplate armor, as they obviously sell for more.


  • [*]increase your speech [*]invest in shops [*]increase the shop keepers gold output [*]sell everything you find




  • [*]find every possible work you can and do all of it. [*]work for the thieves guild [*]work for the dark brotherhood



  • [*]i dont care what it is take it [*]after you kill an enemy take all that they have [*]get overloaded and get on a horse [*]go to the nearest town and sell sell sell. [*]TAKE EVERYTHING

  Thank you for your time and hopefully this addition is helpful in any way.

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