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PS3 - Yellow Light of Death


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After many years of valiant service my 80gb fat PS3 seems to be biting the dust. I started playing Black Ops for about an hour or so and it just randomly shut down right as I was capturing a game-clinching flag in domination. Of course I try powering it back on; the light turns green for about 3 seconds, and all appears to be fine. After those 2 seconds, though... I get the ominous brief flash of yellow before the light turns red and begins to blink infinitely as the system hopelessly beeps its wails of pain at me helplessly.


Anyways, went to turn it on a bit later and it miraculously worked. Took this opportunity to back up my game saves to a USB stick. everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg. Watched Cruel Intentions on Netflix. Everything looks to be in the clear since it's been about 3-4 hours at this point. Started Black Ops up again and I played for about 5 mins and before it shat itself for the second time. Who knows if it's truly dead now.


So... experiences with YLOD? I have an old system and it's obviously not under warranty. Not sending it in to Sony for a $150 repair and 2 months of waiting. I'm also not sure if I want to bother replacing it since my grades are complete shit and Sony will have a new console next year anyway.


I will add that this is happening literally right before my week of final exams, so it probably isn't all bad since I've been starting to use it again to put off studying... A lot.

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So after typing all my shit in on Sony's site, they're offering me either the 2010 160GB model for $130, or a repair of my current 80GB PS3 for $130. Probably going to go with the new model, but this still blows. $130 for something I already had minus backwards comparability and a cool design. There goes Christmas.


Also stings knowing it will be irrelevant when the PS4 comes out next year.

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So after typing all my shit in on Sony's site, they're offering me either the 2010 160GB model for $130, or a repair of my current 80GB PS3 for $130. Probably going to go with the new model, but this still blows. $130 for something I already had - backwards comparability and a cool design. There goes Christmas.


Also stings knowing it will be irrelevant when the PS4 comes out next year.

So you are going to go ahead with the purchase? You make me sad. D:

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