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Man Kills Two Teenagers During Attempted Robbery


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So apparently some old crazy guy killed two teenagers when they broke into his house to rob them. He then claimed to have killed them in excessive fashion. You can read the article for all of the details, that's not the point of this thread.


The "Castle Law" as it's known allows people to use force/violence to defend themselves within their homes/property. This guy didn't technically do anything illegal even if it seems grossly unnecessary.


My thoughts...

    [*]It's disgusting how the media is portraying these as "good and popular" kids. Read the article above, those two words are used dozens of times. News flash, "good" kids aren't addicted to drugs and don't break into people's homes to rob them multiple times. And "popular"? What the fuck does that have to do with ANYTHING? It's used as if them being popular is more reason that we should be outraged over it, like this would be "better" somehow if they were unpopular. [*]If the story the guy told is true, he's as dumb/crazy as fuck. Crazy for obviously slaughtering teenagers regardless of the circumstances, and dumb for making himself look guilty as hell by telling this eccentric kill-story as if he was hunting deer. Then he staches them in the basement for days? Something smells fishy.

It makes for an interesting legal case even if it is extremely unfortuante.

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It reminds me a bit of another case...


Apparently, there was a baseball player in high school. He had a scholarship and everything, but he was a troublemaker. One thing he did on a regular basis was stand in the back of a pickup truck and knock down mailboxes with a baseball bat. One man was sick of it, and filled his mailbox with a concrete base. When that kid came around and hit it, his arm was torn clean off. I applaud that man, though he was arrested for some reason.



Alas, that is off topic. I agree with both the points you said. It's like when a girl commits suicide and everyone says "oh, she was so beautiful!" So, you wouldn't care if she was ugly? Then again, they probably wouldn't considering the sad state of mind people seem to be in today.


The old guy sounds twisted, though. You're right, something isn't right here.


EDIT: I just read the article, and have changed my view a bit. From the old man's point of view, I understand what he was thinking, as I am a bit twisted myself, and I can see his reasons. While he was rather aggressive, charging him with second degree murder is ridiculous.


And the girl's classmates called her a "role model." That statement alone makes me lose faith in humanity.

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I'm really surprised he got away with that, usually what i hear about is the opposite  situation when someone robs someone then falls and injures themselves on the property they robbed then sue the owners. I know under Australian federal law you are allowed to defend yourself with equal force (ie. if someone tries to punch you and you feel its necessary you can punch them, but you can't beat them to a pulp or shoot anyone unless they try to shoot you) and I thought america had something equivalent (although I guess over there state law has control over a lot more). It really sucks that people can't work out the purpose of laws like this, or atleast have a reasonable idea of justice.


The way the media covers this though is stupid, clearly these weren't lovely law abiding citizens (who somehow managed to legally attempt to rob a house) like this article makes out. Like you said popularity is completely irrelevant, if it was then it could be acceptable to just murder nerdy unpopular kids. Typical of the media to think popularity's is important though, and I guess that's partly fueled by the public who care far more about whats happening with celebrities than to someone they've never heard of.


tl;dr? WTF! WHATS WRONG WITH THE WORLD!?!?!!?!!!1!!?

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EDIT: I just read the article, and have changed my view a bit. From the old man's point of view, I understand what he was thinking, as I am a bit twisted myself, and I can see his reasons. While he was rather aggressive, charging him with second degree murder is ridiculous.

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1. Goes into horrible, and maybe a tad unrealistic detail about the killings

2. Stashes bodies in basement.


Old guy is crazy or something else is going on here. Either way, the "Castle Law" (whatever you called it) is a bit stupid in itself. The majority of Americans are afraid of everything, which is why these kinds of laws exist.


Though if I had a gun, I would probably shoot the trespassers. Maybe in the leg or some shit.


I'm afraid of guns.

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1. Goes into horrible, and maybe a tad unrealistic detail about the killings

2. Stashes bodies in basement.


Old guy is crazy or something else is going on here. Either way, the "Castle Law" (whatever you called it) is a bit stupid in itself. The majority of Americans are afraid of everything, which is why these kinds of laws exist.


Though if I had a gun, I would probably shoot the trespassers. Maybe in the leg or some shit.


I'm afraid of guns.

im not afraid of guns, for one i own a few and love target shooting.. but yea that old man was a lil bit over the top.. i mean shit.. shoot them to disable them and call the cops.. killing them was too far... and leaving them in the basement is just plaine retarded.. so yea Blex i agree... but damn squishy?.... a lil bit twisted sounds a stretch too short..

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It reminds me a bit of another case... Apparently, there was a baseball player in high school. He had a scholarship and everything, but he was a troublemaker. One thing he did on a regular basis was stand in the back of a pickup truck and knock down mailboxes with a baseball bat. One man was sick of it, and filled his mailbox with a concrete base. When that kid came around and hit it, his arm was torn clean off. I applaud that man, though he was arrested for some reason.


Wasn't that an episode of CSI?




Either way, the "Castle Law" (whatever you called it) is a bit stupid in itself. The majority of Americans are afraid of everything, which is why these kinds of laws exist.

I'm a fan of the law. Obviously there should be some sort of limit for scenarios like this, but otherwise you end up with situations where the house owner is sued by a robber because he slipped and fell on a wet floor.

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I'm a fan of the law. Obviously there should be some sort of limit for scenarios like this, but otherwise you end up with situations where the house owner is sued by a robber because he slipped and fell on a wet floor.

Yeah thats basically what I was getting at but in way too many words XD


This is what Judges are meant to be for, to interpret what the purpose of the law was (eg, the "castle law" clearly isn't meant to allow someone to kill anybody who enters there house, and likewise safety laws aren't meant to cover people who are doing something illegal)

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