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Does anyone still have contact with Allan/Jamie?


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If we got the old threads back....I can't imagine how happy I'd be.

Imagine you are heading into your college exams. You are a bit nervous, worried, and freaking out a bit. You really need to do good on this exam. The TA's hand out papers. You take a deep breath and look at the test...and guess what? You know this shit. You know that one. and that one. And fuck....you know all of those. Why the fuck were you worried in the first place. You finish in 20 minutes and leave the class for the last time. AND IT'S SUNNY OUTSIDE! A nice breeze blowing. You go to Chik Filla for lunch and your 8 piece nugget box has 9 nuggets! And none of your fries are small. You figure you'll go home early, and get some sleep as the food really filled you up. On your way home, you find a kitten. And I'm talking about the most beautiful, fucking majestic kitten you've ever seen. You take in the kitten and give it a bath. After you washed it, you noticed a birth mark on the kitten that looks like 5 numbers. THEY ARE THE WINNING LOTTERY NUMBERS.

And that is how I'll feel.

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