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this just wants to make me cry


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http://puu.sh/1bL6tfirst off, the jungler on my team, is level 30, so you would think he would gank when you ask him too, right? no, this moron just roamed the jungle till he killed nocture, ashe was mid against me, because of the retards who dont seem to understand that i called top WAY before the game even started, so even though evenlynn is good mid, im already feeling like trolling this team with feeding, so right now this team doesnt understand the meaning of calling a lane, or a jungler that doesnt gank and get a free kill/assist.the next problem is, NO ONE FUCKING COMMUNICATED WITH ME, for all i know they could have been talking to each other but i need to be spoken too as i was mid and i need to call for a gank to get the early advantage, but as you know by now, no, this didnt happen, so if it came to group fighting i would just run away till they take the damage and lower the enemies health then i just ganked them all.last of all, this was a DRAFT MATCH, i mean DRAFT, if they were playing this then you would have thought, oh they know how to play the game, but no there are more spastics in Draft then i have seen in Blind over the entire 2 days that i have played in draft, and that is only ~12 gamesADAM I WILL PAY YOU TO GET ME TO LEVEL 30 RIGHT NOW, this just wants to make me cry
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Drop the Nashor, Drop the FH, Drop the tri-force.Build Doran, Kages, DFG, Then its situational - Abyssal Scepter for tankyness and a team aura, Rabadons if your snowballing ahead.The full AP build means your ult will hit in an AoE for around 30-50% of peoples MAX HP instantly, in just one spell. Throw in a DFG beforehand on a squishy member, and thats an instant 4v5 with only two of your spells down.Your build can carry, its tanky and has sustained damage - but at the same time, you will still have low HP - so having sustained damage is kinda pointless. Eve is a melee Autoattacker, and being squishy is not a good combo.You are better off building AP, spamming q while kiting people, instead of trying to auto them.

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Arr.Shit happens, in order to carry you have to ask yourself "What could i have done better"I used to blame everyone but myself, and thats why i couldn't break out of 1200 ELO. Then after every game i thought about what i could have done differently, and there is ALWAYS something you could have done that would have changed the game.This be how to carry. If WW doesnt gank, do it yourself. Time enemy buffs, steal them with your ult AND kill the jungler while he is doing it.Things like this change games. Its no good getting fed and doing nothing with it.

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