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A Very Touchy Subject


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Been watching some vids on youtube from the london riots, now one clip in there was of a group of muslims burning the british flag in the middle of london during riots about education cuts.This to me is wrong.Whats your view of imigration?"Every White country on the planet is forced to become multicultural and multiracial. EVERY white country is told to end its own race and culture. No one asks that of ANY non-White country. Immigration and intermarriage is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. Anti-whites call themselves “anti-racistsâ€, but their actions lead to the elimination of one race and only one race, my race, the White race. The true goal of anti-racism is to wipe out my race. It is genocide." - a quote I borrowed from a friend.Before you answer like what a load of bolux do some research its fkn amaze balls i tell you now.

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I didn't even do any research, but I can definitely see what you mean. Because of this, us white guys are considered to have no culture, because as our culture is integrated, we are the generic culture. I don't have much of a problem with it, though.I'm more bothered by feminists, actually. They think they are so superior to men, and think they deserve all of our exclusive rights while retaining theirs. They are a joke and detrimental to society.Apparently, the demographic that has the hardest time getting into college...is the white male. THAT gets me angry, because I want a bright future as a game designer. But, I'm probably smart enough, so it won't impact me THAT much.

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If i go to some asian countries as a female, i am expected to wear a full dress, thing, that will cover my whole body, only leaving my eyes on show because that is there culture.If a person of asian descent comes to the uk, i would expect them to dress like we do in our culture.By wearing something that makes them stand out from a crowd, they are already saying "no, i do not want to be a part of this country" - Fuck off then.--My views are simple, your either a part of the country you join, or you can leave. I do not understand why we mollycoddle people who want to emigrate. If they want to leave their own country so much, i would much prefer it if they would actually be a part of ours.Then again, in the UK we care more about the criminals than we do about the people who are victims of crime.- We cannot harm someone if they come into our home to steal.- Its taken up until the last few weeks for us to have more rights over our homes than squatters.----I've gone drasticly off topic. My bad.

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Yesss I agree!!It's this sharia law shit. They all want to instigate it into the uk and think the country will benefit. BUT WAIT! You ancestors emegrated here to get away from sharia law? Benefit, bunny breeding and pretty dumb if you ask me.Glad I live in the north.

Been to London once, and it was horrible. So many different ethnicities, which im sure COULD be a good thing, but as it stands you can't smile, say hello, hold open a door for anyone. You get looks through because nobody understands eachother, there are too many cultures mixing together, but not being "one" with eachother.Needless to say, if i hold a door open for someone coming out of a shop in Sheffield, i will get a nod, a thank you - something. For this i am happy.D:
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Been to London once, and it was horrible. So many different ethnicities, which im sure COULD be a good thing, but as it stands you can't smile, say hello, hold open a door for anyone. You get looks through because nobody understands eachother, there are too many cultures mixing together, but not being "one" with eachother.Needless to say, if i hold a door open for someone coming out of a shop in Sheffield, i will get a nod, a thank you - something. For this i am happy.D:

Yet man sucks Asians take up 35% of our population now, guessing the polish and other Europeans are quite high up too. We're pretty a minority race in our own country :/We need a north man in power.
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Yet man sucks Asians take up 35% of our population now, guessing the polish and other Europeans are quite high up too. We're pretty a minority race in our own country :/We need a north man in power.

I would actually like to know the figures of immigration into the UK, but apparently we lost about 2 million immigrants, or something?Its hard to lump everyone together, but at the same time its quite hard to not do that. I work with two Polish people, and as it stands they are nice people who work hard and go home happy.Englishmen SHOULD have the job these two polish people have taken, but unfortunately too many english people are Lazy sons of bitches.Reason WHY they are lazy-childmaking-scumbag-machines? - You get paid for it, so its more beneficial to chuck out "Bastard Children(Born out of wedlock) than to actually work for a living.On actual topic - who wouldn't come here, you get free NHS whether you paid into the country or not.---My post probably makes no sense, but i feel better.
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We don't really have that big a problem with it in Norway. The immigrants, including eastern-europeans, takes the jobs we don't want. If the polish decided to go home, there would be almost no builders left... I can see the valid points in your statements though. I do think that immigrants should adapt the culture of the new country. I know there are some Muslims that aren't so radical as the people we normally see on the news though, that have adapted their religion to fit in the westernised world.

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If i go to some asian countries as a female, i am expected to wear a full dress, thing, that will cover my whole body, only leaving my eyes on show because that is there culture.If a person of asian descent comes to the uk, i would expect them to dress like we do in our culture.By wearing something that makes them stand out from a crowd, they are already saying "no, i do not want to be a part of this country" - Fuck off then.

I feel the complete opposite, lol. There are a fair number of Africans and Muslims in my school and they wear the traditional hair dress and what not because it's a part of who they are. I wouldn't force them to give up their culture and ideals just because they want to go to a better school in another country.Language though, that'll piss me off. If an Asian wants to go to an American school, that is fine with me. But when he can't speak English and expects me to try interpret his hand gestures and broken bits of English as "Hey do you want to alternate sets on the assisted dip?" then I get a little peeved.
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I feel the complete opposite, lol. There are a fair number of Africans and Muslims in my school and they wear the traditional hair dress and what not because it's a part of who they are. I wouldn't force them to give up their culture and ideals just because they want to go to a better school in another country.

I half agree. What is good for one, has to be good for another. If in their country wimen have to abide by their culture and beliefs, the same should be done in our country.

I don't want to strip people of their identity, that would be unfair, but in reality, we are stripping ourselves of our own culture at the same time. Britains favourite dish these days? A Curry.

There are a decent portion of people who dress and act like they do because in reality, they dont want to be here, or be a part of our society.

Obviously, you cannot tell the difference, so as a human being they all get lumped together as one big majority.

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If i go to some asian countries as a female, i am expected to wear a full dress, thing, that will cover my whole body, only leaving my eyes on show because that is there culture.If a person of asian descent comes to the uk, i would expect them to dress like we do in our culture.


By wearing something that makes them stand out from a crowd, they are already saying "no, i do not want to be a part of this country" - Fuck off then.

So maybe they don't like the style? Who are you to decide what someone wants to wear or not? I honestly don't care about any country. What I do care about though is the right for every human to do as they please. As long as it isn't hurting anyone else.

Language though, that'll piss me off. If an Asian wants to go to an American school, that is fine with me. But when he can't speak English and expects me to try interpret his hand gestures and broken bits of English as "Hey do you want to alternate sets on the assisted dip?" then I get a little peeved.

This, times a million. I can understand if you are visiting, and you can't speak the language. I can even understand if you can't make 100% coherent sentences. As long as you know the basics and can somewhat communicate then I'm ok with that.What I do HATE is being at work, and having a Mexican come up to me and speak in a language I don't understand. Then look at me like I'm the one who should know what he says and not the other way around.
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So maybe they don't like the style? Who are you to decide what someone wants to wear or not? I honestly don't care about any country. What I do care about though is the right for every human to do as they please. As long as it isn't hurting anyone else.

And maybe my woman wouldnt want to wear what they want her to in THEIR country.It works both ways.Honestly though, thats not exactly a main point that is worth caring too much about - it just highlights the difference between our attitude and other peoples attitudes.We are far too soft in the UK.---Point is people come here, don't even attempt to fit in, whether it be clothing, language, or even just being polite in the streets.Too many people are here for PHR33STUFFZ.
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And maybe my woman wouldnt want to wear what they want her to in THEIR country.It works both ways.

That goes with my point of 'human rights'. A human as an individual should have the right to choose their clothing or what they want to do. The thing is though, it doesn't go both ways. You don't see people running away from their country to live in Afghanistan or another middle-eastern country ( That I know of anyway. Although I live in America so information usually sucks ). They all come to the places where they have freedom to do as they please.
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That goes with my point of 'human rights'. A human as an individual should have the right to choose their clothing or what they want to do. The thing is though, it doesn't go both ways. You don't see people running away from their country to live in Afghanistan or another middle-eastern country ( That I know of anyway. Although I live in America so information usually sucks ). They all come to the places where they have freedom to do as they please.

Or the freedom to get a free house, free money every week, and free healthcare from our retarded system that benefits people who do nothing over those that work.If things are SO bad where these people come from, why would they want to still portray the homeland that they come from? Its bad, stop it - you want to be a part of another country, so be a part of it.I dont want a German "Blonde Hair Blue Eyes" society, i just want one where people aren't afraid to go to the shops, because theres gangs of kids knocking about who think they are still in the wild fighting over the last banana.I made myself lol.---Maybe its just me not understanding. I just cannot comprehend moving to another country, and then purposely not wanting to be a friendly, fair member of it.
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That goes with my point of 'human rights'. A human as an individual should have the right to choose their clothing or what they want to do. The thing is though, it doesn't go both ways. You don't see people running away from their country to live in Afghanistan or another middle-eastern country ( That I know of anyway. Although I live in America so information usually sucks ). They all come to the places where they have freedom to do as they please.

Your right a lot of them did come to this country to escape from there harsh laws.But the children of those people want to impose that law here and think the country will benefit? They are trying to change our country. Google "George Galloway" for a perfect example.They don't understand what freedom of speech is. There was a Dutch guy who tested it out. He played "Welcome to the gay bar" to a group of Muslims who said they believed on freedom of speech and they all went sick and best him up.I know quite a lot about this stuff because I worry for my country :/ just wait for the world cup in england the area around wembley is an Asian dominated area. It doesn't look like England anymore.
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If things are SO bad where these people come from, why would they want to still portray the homeland that they come from? Its bad, stop it - you want to be a part of another country, so be a part of it.Maybe its just me not understanding. I just cannot comprehend moving to another country, and then purposely not wanting to be a friendly, fair member of it.

They still want to hold on to their heritage, they just can't be, or don't want to be, in its associated country. For example, I'm a huge Twilight fan. However, the teenage girls blindingly grasping at Patterson's loins has given us a bad name. And I forgot where I'm headed with this metaphor.And I guess Europe is probably worse than America when it comes to Asian and Middle Eastern immigration, so I can't really grasp how bad it seems to you. Raleigh has it's fair share of angry Asians though, but if I lived in China, I'd probably feel the same way.
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They still want to hold on to their heritage, they just can't be, or don't want to be, in its associated country. For example, I'm a huge Twilight fan. However, the teenage girls blindingly grasping at Patterson's loins has given us a bad name. And I forgot where I'm headed with this metaphor.And I guess Europe is probably worse than America when it comes to Asian and Middle Eastern immigration, so I can't really grasp how bad it seems to you. Raleigh has it's fair share of angry Asians though, but if I lived in China, I'd probably feel the same way.

Lol, i kinda understand where the analogy is going. Thing is, along with the people who are all pleasant lovely people, there are the people who think its cool to burn Poppy's on Remembrance day. Problem is, how is anyone supposed to know the difference?I vote people have to wear a sign.--Its not that over the top in the UK, but there are a lot of "new" people here, and in an ideal world, i'd just like everyone to get along.
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And maybe my woman wouldnt want to wear what they want her to in THEIR country.It works both ways.

In a perfect world, you're right. Different nations have different types of government though, and different rules.

But the children of those people want to impose that law here and think the country will benefit? They are trying to change our country. Google "George Galloway" for a perfect example.

From what I've read, I see no problem with the guy. Although I live in another country so I'm obviously not seeing the full picture. He just has very extreme views ( like... very extreme. Reminds me a lot of Ron Paul here in the states ) but isn't actually harming anyone. I actually agree with quite a few things I've read about him too.

They don't understand what freedom of speech is. There was a Dutch guy who tested it out. He played "Welcome to the gay bar" to a group of Muslims who said they believed on freedom of speech and they all went sick and best him up.

The people who hurt someone. Are breaking the law, and should be dealt with accordingly. Whether they believe in free speech or not is irrelevant. Kind of like racism. Someone can be racist all they want. Once it becomes violent or begins to effect other people it becomes an issue.
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