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OK so lets get the ball rolling, we have too options;LoL or Cod(xbox)before i get shit from ps3 users, i cant use my ps3 all the time cos well its not actually mine,Time is all day Saturday, cept when i go for band practice, which is whenever my mate feels like it,just hit me up with w/e you want to play i should be able to do either, but not too late as i have a 9am start for work on sunday.

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Skype or Radicall or TS3 if someone has a server or w/e

any will do, i am also available tomorrow if anyone wants to play


-Simply download it here : http://www.raidcall....d-raidcall.html

-There is also a version for Mac floating around, but I think its 3rd party

-Register an account

-Search for our channel id : 5037732 : in the top left corner

-You should be connected to ESChat

-Dont forget to favourite our channel so its easier to find next time!


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-Simply download it here : http://www.raidcall....d-raidcall.html

-There is also a version for Mac floating around, but I think its 3rd party

-Register an account

-Search for our channel id : 5037732 : in the top left corner

-You should be connected to ESChat

-Dont forget to favourite our channel so its easier to find next time!


I also put all this info in our Gaming Thread. HAPPY DAYS.
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