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LoL, Dota2, HoN


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3 games, 3 MOBA's.Let's talk.I prefer LoL, yet i havent played the others, so maybe i dont know the difference. I only know about things i have heard about both of these games.HoN is darkDota2 is a lot slower to start up in actual action, as farming is paramount in the early levelsDota/hon you can lasthit your own creeps, or something along these lines?Anyway, i wanted to have a fun discussion about these three games, and why people play/don't play one or the other.Preferably dont turn it into a flame fest, more just a general manly discussion. Not expecting flames though .. we have quite a nice community.--I like LoL because of the ranked 5's. There is a lot of team composition/laning strategys, and the different timings of champion picking in the draft part of a game is fun.I havent exactly gone in-depth about why i play LoL, but im sure i can elaborate if we get soem responses going.

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There are many things I like in HoN and dislike in LoL.Things I like in HoN:1) Ignoring people. If a player flames, /ignore [player name] and boom. Ignored for the rest of the life.2) Graphic. The graphics are mature and very realistic.3) Finding matches is very easy. It takes about 1-2mins to put you inside a match with players at your level.4) Balanced heroes.Things I don't like in LoL.1) Graphic. So childish.2) Unbalanced heroes.3) It takes ages to go inside a match... 1-2mins to choose a hero, the loading sequence and the waiting for the first round of creeps, about 4-5 mins.4) Hiding in bushes makes you invisible? Seriously?5) 1 Passive, 4 spells (per hero) and 2 spells bonus? Dafuq do you think I am, an octopus?6) Flaming players that cant be ignored.That'll be it for now xD. Will think more later :D

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3 games, 3 MOBA's.Let's talk.

Well, first things first. All of these games are based off of the original DotA ( I assume anyway, I have never heard of HoN but I know DotA has been around for a very long time ). Which means DotA2 has years of experience and input compared to the others.

HoN is darkDota2 is a lot slower to start up in actual action, as farming is paramount in the early levelsDota/hon you can lasthit your own creeps, or something along these lines?

Not sure how HoN being dark matters, unless you're just into that sort of thing. The important thing is gameplay and community in a game like this.Also, you can last hit creeps in DotA2. It's called denying, something that was very important in the original DotA and could either make or break an entire game. If your opponent never has enough creep to kill and level up, then you've got the advantage. It means more strategy which means a higher level of gameplay.

I like LoL because of the ranked 5's. There is a lot of team composition/laning strategys, and the different timings of champion picking in the draft part of a game is fun.

Not sure what the ranked system is exactly. I usually just play random games with random friends. team Composition and laning are both very important in DotA as well though. Same with the champions. Some are great early game champs, that tend to decline later unless fed. Some are slow starting but once they have the right item setups they are amazing.In that sense, both games are pretty much exactly the same. Although I feel DotA does it better simply because they have the experience. Also, LoL pretty much steals everything DotA2 does, rehashes it, and claims it as their own. I forget the latest DotA2 heroes name, but about two weeks later. LoL came out with a Hero very similar looking, with almost the exact same Ultimate.I feel the only thing LoL does better is balancing their heroes, which aren't really balanced at all. At least in DotA2, the top tier is usually banned in high level play and almost every hero is OP.Also, the community for DotA2 is way better. LoL players just get angry, or feed the opponent, or rage quit. DotA2 has ways of dealing with this. Someone who flames is usually muted within a day or so, very quickly. Also, if someone quits, then the whole team is allowed to quit with no penalty and the quitter goes to a special query with other quitters. Not the mention you CAN NOT SURRENDER in DotA2! That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen in my life. The person who thought of it should be shot in both kneecaps :|I think LoL had the right idea at first. A free MOBA run by the community. That was quickly run into the ground though, and we now have the LoL we all see. Making me pay for heroes ( or putting hundreds of hours into the game ) is definitely not worth it. Especially when in DotA2 I make one payment and have every hero available to me.I don't have enough experience with all three games to say a LOT about them. I only know what I've read and the 10-20 matches of experience I have in both LoL and DotA2. I also have friends who are high level players of both games, and even the LoL players tell me that DotA2 is the superior game. They simply play LoL because it's dumbed down and easier to be the best at when everyone else is so bad, lol.
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Basically DotA then?

Fixed, and yes.

Brad, their*. Yes Fergal, download HoN. More skilled players than LoL and Dota2 combined.

I'm intrigued by this. Since I have never heard of HoN and I never see any high level gameplay videos on Twitch or any other streaming website. Even LoL has majors at MLG. Could you maybe link to some high level gameplay footage? I already plan on researching the heroes and the game in general.
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Search on youtube Honcast! It shows some of the most epic plays of the week and also streams tournaments around the world. Here is a small sample.

Keep in mind that HoN has over 100 heroes, most from Dota, and some designed by them. They add a new hero every 4 weeks(they used to do ti every other week, but the community wanted it to change).Other advantages to HoN? Ingame teamspeak, possibility to reconnect to a game incase you disconnect, 3 1minute pause(can be longer if you can convince the other team to not unpause).If you decide to get this game, add me `Scully. I advise you to play some public no stats games first, to get hold of heroes first. Just add me and i'll explain everything you need to know. If you want, i can make you a list with the Dota heroes that are on HoN.
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1. Not sure how HoN being dark matters.2. Also, you can last hit creeps in DotA2. It's called denying.3. Some are great early game champs, that tend to decline later unless fed. Some are slow starting but once they have the right item setups they are amazing.4. I forget the latest DotA2 heroes name, but about two weeks later. LoL came out with a Hero very similar looking, with almost the exact same Ultimate.5. Also, the community for DotA2 is way better. LoL players just get angry, or feed the opponent, or rage quit.6. Especially when in DotA2 I make one payment and have every hero available to me.

Shortened your post to make for an easier read , but have hopefully not forgotten the full details, lolol,1. No idea, its just what i heard :-P2. You can "deny" creeps and XP if you have gotten ahead in the laning phase far enough by harassing your opposing laner to a point where they can't lasthit creeps without taking too much harass. - Its not exactly that simple, but the theory is there.I still don't quite understand how being able to lasthit your own creeps makes any sense, and would like it explained in more detail if you don't mind.3. Same. Early/Midgame/Endgame champs exist - But its not usually the be all and end all to a teamcomp, it can be based on quite a few factors. Eg. Laning, Teamfights, Synergy, Viability - but im sure that would be the same in any of these games?4. Suppose there are always going to be champions that are the same, but surely there are enough champs that are equally different to balance it out.5. Community is bad, agreed. You can ignore people ingame though, or at least, i thought you could, i'd have to research it. True though that leavers and feeders should be punished better, but if your good enough, you can still carry out of that hell hole - and to me, its actually kinda fun testing my limits of patience and skill.6. Hero's do take ages to aquire, or you need quite a bit of cash, so we are fully agreed :-P7. To Labuuuuushshshshhhh. Ingame teamspeak sounds AWESOME, and i wish LoL had it. Njaha.8. Another for Labush, Bushes making you invis - your only invis if you dont have an ability on you that makes your visible - Eg Nidalee Traps, Lee Sins ... "E" Or the bush is warded. This makes for a few interesting bits of strategy.Eg. You can go into a bush, and as another person enters it, run out - this usually means they will misclick you, and gives you a juking option. --This post also makes points about a couple of Labush's posts, i just couldnt be bothered to quote everything.My apologies if i have answered to any of things things slightly askew, im kinda tired.--Quick one, can you ward things in HoN and Dota?
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2. You can "deny" creeps and XP if you have gotten ahead in the laning phase far enough by harassing your opposing laner to a point where they can't lasthit creeps without taking too much harass. - Its not exactly that simple, but the theory is there.I still don't quite understand how being able to lasthit your own creeps makes any sense, and would like it explained in more detail if you don't mind.

There really isn't much to explain about it. It's just an added layer of strategy that is needed for the same concept. It changes how the gameplay is done completely. More micro-managing. Not only do you have to harass your lane, last hit the opponents creeps, and worry about the other lanes. You also have to worry if the opponent will last hit the creep first, meaning you wasted precious seconds trying to attack something that isn't there anymore. You also have to think about if it's worth denying that creep for your opponent instead of harassing because you may be low on health. Both are a risk, but denying a few creeps here or there is better than being killed or running ( teleporting ) back to base to heal. So many more factors because of this one single element.

3. Same. Early/Midgame/Endgame champs exist - But its not usually the be all and end all to a teamcomp, it can be based on quite a few factors. Eg. Laning, Teamfights, Synergy, Viability - but im sure that would be the same in any of these games?

Yea, pretty much. All of these things are staples in the MOBA game world and are pretty universal.

4. Suppose there are always going to be champions that are the same, but surely there are enough champs that are equally different to balance it out.

I agree. Even in games like DotA2 there are heroes that do things, then there are heroes that do the exact same thing ( in a nut shell ) only better. As the metagame shifts though, so do the top tier. I also know that DotA2 patches once every month, not sure about LoL.

5. Community is bad, agreed. You can ignore people ingame though, or at least, i thought you could, i'd have to research it. True though that leavers and feeders should be punished better, but if your good enough, you can still carry out of that hell hole - and to me, its actually kinda fun testing my limits of patience and skill.

Honestly, if even a half decent player gets fed enough in a game. You've already lost. This goes for LoL and DotA2 though. DotA2 just seems a bit harder to actually carry your whole team if you get fed though. It requires a bit more team work even if you are much more powerful. Since a single well placed Ult from almost anyone can decimate an entire team ( I'M TALKING TO YOU NAGA SIREN! ). Where in LoL, a well placed Ult will help but isn't guaranteed to take out a whole team if they got too cocky.

6. Hero's do take ages to aquire, or you need quite a bit of cash, so we are fully agreed :-P

I really think this is one of my biggest problems with LoL too. I don't want to play for weeks trying to get the Hero I really want to play. Just to find out I don't like them... Honestly I feel like the whole setup for their heroes is a big money making scheme. While making the game have the illusion of being 'free to play'. At least DotA2 is straight forward; Give us your cash, here is everything you need, have fun.

7. To Labuuuuushshshshhhh. Ingame teamspeak sounds AWESOME, and i wish LoL had it. Njaha.

DotA2 has built in TeamSpeak as well. It's nice :]

Quick one, can you ward things in HoN and Dota?

Not in the exact same sense as LoL, but I know in DotA2 you can. I would assume you can in HoN as well. It seems like a pretty basic concept especially if any characters have any invisibility spells.
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1. There really isn't much to explain about it. It's just an added layer of strategy that is needed for the same concept. It changes how the gameplay is done completely. More micro-managing. Not only do you have to harass your lane, last hit the opponents creeps, and worry about the other lanes. You also have to worry if the opponent will last hit the creep first, meaning you wasted precious seconds trying to attack something that isn't there anymore. You also have to think about if it's worth denying that creep for your opponent instead of harassing because you may be low on health. Both are a risk, but denying a few creeps here or there is better than being killed or running ( teleporting ) back to base to heal. So many more factors because of this one single element.2. I also know that DotA2 patches once every month, not sure about LoL.3. Honestly, if even a half decent player gets fed enough in a game. You've already lost. This goes for LoL and DotA2 though. DotA2 just seems a bit harder to actually carry your whole team if you get fed though. It requires a bit more team work even if you are much more powerful. Since a single well placed Ult from almost anyone can decimate an entire team ( I'M TALKING TO YOU NAGA SIREN! ). Where in LoL, a well placed Ult will help but isn't guaranteed to take out a whole team if they got too cocky.4.I really think this is one of my biggest problems with LoL too. I don't want to play for weeks trying to get the Hero I really want to play. Just to find out I don't like them... Honestly I feel like the whole setup for their heroes is a big money making scheme. While making the game have the illusion of being 'free to play'. At least DotA2 is straight forward; Give us your cash, here is everything you need, have fun.

1. I see, sounds like a new element to it, sounds interesting, but doesnt it mean if you snowball in lane you win much harder than in LoL? Which i guess is a good thing, but also maybe a bad thing?2. Every 2-4 weeks, whenever a new hero comes out, they tweak things.3. Ah, yeah, in LoL you do rely more on your teammates not being total retards, there is no 1v5ing. However to carry, its generally a case of getting fed in lane, and then ganking and feeding your other lanes, and taking global objectives. There are a few champs however, for example Jax, Irelia, Jayce - who when fed can carry harder than some of the earliergame champs like Cho'Gath, Renekton. Degree of difference, which is what makes soloqueueing a lot different to team ranked 5's. 4. There is a weekly rotation of 10 champs each week, but yeah, its kinda rough actually getting 6300 IP - which is basically 63 wins withhout the daily win bonus. And you get less than 100 IP per loss. Lot of gametime.

For Tynisa: Yes, you can ward in HoN, Dota2. In HoN, you can counterward. Oh, and the most important thing in HoN, your have a courier xD

I see, makes sense, i kinda guessed you would be able to, tbh. Counterwarding? Is that like placing a ward to clear an opponents wards? This be possible in LoL, with the right ward anyway.--I heard in a LoL MLG tournament the casters talking about Dota2, and that even their pro's admitted that LoL has more earlygame action - the map is smaller, and ganks happen a lot more often, as well as roaming between lanes?Only what i heard and can remember, was a while ago though.
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