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Gaming Community v2


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Found out the old TS3 server that I gave TRR (and used in Legacy of Legends) that got hacked now belongs to these guys...: http://www.the-wrecking-crew.co.uk/ (i.e. the one in the forum header for TRR). Lmao.Anyway, if we aren't going to buy a server/can't find one (Blue's I suppose). We could get someone to host a TS3 server from their own IP. I can't because my port forwarding just isn't working for me, as usual. That would give us a 32 (I think) slot server, but can be expanded to 512 if we register ElderSouls.com for a non-profile license.OR - last resort - we can get a new Ventrilo or TeamSpeak 3 server every 30 days for free. Bad news: Something like 5 or 10 slots. (* facepalm*)

OR we could just use Raidcall, get with the times fergus :P lol
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Brad, gimme a method to get hold of you for HoN.. skype? yahoo?

Skypes in the sig, obraderz

I will update later this week. Too tired atm.

Also made us a Raidcall channel, because its completely free haha

-Simply download it here : Raidcall

-There is also a version for Mac floating around, but I think its 3rd party

-Register an account

-Search for our channel id : 5037732 : in the top left corner

-You should be connected to ESChat

-Dont forget to favourite our channel so its easier to find next time!

Pop this in the first post if you want Tynisia :D

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Skypes in the sig, obraderz

Also made us a Raidcall channel, because its completely free haha

-Simply download it here : Raidcall

-There is also a version for Mac floating around, but I think its 3rd party

-Register an account

-Search for our channel id : 5037732 : in the top left corner

-You should be connected to ESChat

-Dont forget to favourite our channel so its easier to find next time!

Pop this in the first post if you want Tynisia :D

KK mate, will do. Not got time today, so i'll be on this tomorrow when im back from the gym! D:
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How about no.

Well there is a simple way to pick a clan name.

1. Start with the word "The"

2. Randomly pick an adjective out of the adjective scrambler website

3. Randomly pick a noun out of the noun scrambler website.

That being said, our clan name is The Obese Sardines.

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quite like that to be fair lmao ToS in da house
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