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Anime/Manga Thread


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So as far as I can tell we don't have one of these at the moment, and I know there are quite a few people here who do like anime/manga, (Because there seems to be a lot of crossover between gamers and anime/manga fans. Anyway I decided to make one, I had started one in the premium forums until I realised that was a stupid place to put it.So anything you want to discuss about manga and anime can go here.Only rules are if you are about to talk about something that could be considered a spoiler put it in spoiler tags, and give warning that you are about to spoil something, and of course all the general forum rules including no flaming, so you can't just go bagging anime or manga, you were welcome to say why you particularly may not enjoy the genre or specific series but yeah...So to get things going what anime have you watched and Which Manga have you read? (also I'm assuming people know the difference if not feel free to say so)So I started watching anime a few years back (I actually saw a post about it in the TRR forums and that's what got me started) The spoiler tags below have my history of anime/manga, there aren't any spoilers its just kind of long.

So From the topic I mentioned above I decided to watch Death-Note, it sounded like people liked it and seemed to suit my interests, the plot really made me see that anime wasn't just a kids thing like I'd previously thought (I had watched pokemon, yugioh and some dragonball (though it was never shown in order so i had no idea what was going on) then when I was done with that I started watching bleach. Eventually i decided to read the manga since it took so long to download the anime and took up a lot of space and caused me to reach my internet limit regularly.So I caught up to the Bleach manga, then I started reading Naruto (I also bought the first few volumes of the anime and watched them.) So my first few anime/manga were kind of backwards to most of the people I know.I then went on to read Full Metal Alchemist. Then I went to read Fairy Tail before I heard there were a lot of references in it to the manga-ka's previous manga Rave/Rave Master, so I decided to read that first and I also read his collection of short stories. Then I finally started to read Fairy Tail. I got about 100 chapters through it then stopped for a while.I decided rather than reading what I'd read I would watch the anime up to where I was so I did that, and also started watching Soul Eater (up until when it deviated from the manga) then I went back to reading both of those manga.So I finished that, I decided to read Fruits Basket just for something different and I run my own manga fan group on deviantART so I thought I should try it out even though its a very Shojou manga. I also read Dragon Ball at the same time, I've also started watching the Anime. Then I read D.Gray Man, then Black Butler. Currently reading one Piece and kind of reading Ikki Tousen and some weird seijen manga called Banana no Nana (Nana of Banana). And although its not quite an anime I'm also watching Avatar: The last airbender at the moment, Currently almost at the end of the Earth Book.

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It would take me forever to list all the anime I've seen. So I'll just list the ones I've watched recently.Last Exile - Re-watched this again a week or so ago. I don't think it was an amazing anime but it's worth a watch I feel. The character development is good and the storyline is ok. It isn't breaking any barriers but it's a solid watch :]Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - This is one of those anime that... well... it's just weird. The whole anime is just sex, fart, and poop jokes. Which honestly get old after the third or fourth episode. The characters are very interesting though and I have to admit some of the jokes are pretty hilarious. It's just crazy enough to be worth a full watch. I don't think I'll be watching it again though.Corpse Princess - Starts off slow. Doesn't pick up too much speed until about half way through season two. Even then, there isn't much to this anime. Plot is somewhat shallow and again, doesn't bring anything new to the table. If you're just looking for something new to watch, check it out. If not, there are plenty of better anime out there to see. ( I'm not done with this anime though. A few more episodes left. I already know what;s going to happen though. Like I said, the storyline is very shallow. If it throws me for a loop though I'll say so )edit - Ending was horrible and predictable. Last episode felt completely thrown in there as a filler and a sad excuse to say "LOL BUY MY MANGA PLZKTHX"Elfen Lied - Another anime I decided to watch over. If you haven't seen it, it's one I would really suggest watching. Be warned though, it's very dark and full of gore. The storyline, character development, and action are well worth it though. There isn't even much to say besides watch it.--------------------------I plan on re-watching Outlaw Star ( My first anime, unless you could Sailor Moon and Speed Racer, lol ) and then I'll probably move on to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I have seen both anime, but it's been a long time and I love them both. Still looking for something new to watch that really catches my eye though.I wish I had the actual time to read the mangas. Anime is just easier to multi-task with though :<

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I plan on re-watching Outlaw Star ( My first anime, unless you could Sailor Moon and Speed Racer, lol ) and then I'll probably move on to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I have seen both anime, but it's been a long time and I love them both. Still looking for something new to watch that really catches my eye though.I wish I had the actual time to read the mangas. Anime is just easier to multi-task with though :<

I plan on watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann at some point. Also its interesting that you say you don't have the time to read the manga, I actually generally do it because its quicker to read, but I can definitely agree with the multi-tasking thing, manga requires your full attention in order for you to have any understanding of whats going on...and even then sometimes its far more difficult than it would be in anime (mainly fight scenes)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to the NHK is my all-time favorite anime. I don't watch much though, have only seen the basics of Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Azumanga Daioh.

I hadn't heard of Welcome to the NHK, it actually seems quite interesting though. I should watch it at some stage but there's so much I want to watch/read and not enough time :(
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