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Default Page and Link Changes


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"Home", as it is currently known, is now the actual default Eldersouls.com page. I'm also considering making the forums eldersouls.com/forums or community.eldersouls.com. Thoughts?I personally think using a subdomain (community.eldersouls.com) is more professional looking than a subfolder (eldersouls.com/community). After that discussion comes the forums (or "forum"?) vs. community debate.Right now our home page is default, and eldersouls.com/index is the forum, which is more or less exactly the same as it was.

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I actually like the (community.eldersouls.com) style, like you said it looks more professional and not a subforum/folder.

For instance when telling people people about trr.eldersouls.com it eliminates possible confusion that people might have and it's something unique in the sense that (I personally) don't see much of 'blahblahblah.website.com' I usually see 'www.website.com/forum-home'

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First of all, I think you made a mistake. The forums address is just Eldersouls.com while the home page is Eldersouls.com/index. Just letting you know.Also, I like Eldersouls/forums better. Forums.Eldersouls makes it look like a completely different website, in my opinion. Just my two cents, and I am fine with either. I also like forums better than community, since isn't community an area in the forums?

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First of all, I think you made a mistake. The forums address is just Eldersouls.com while the home page is Eldersouls.com/index. Just letting you know.Also, I like Eldersouls/forums better. Forums.Eldersouls makes it look like a completely different website, in my opinion. Just my two cents, and I am fine with either. I also like forums better than community, since isn't community an area in the forums?

I was just talking about what the URL points to. Eldersouls.com goes to the home page now.One thing I just realized with naming it domain.com/forum is that when you're viewing a forum like Skyrim General Discussion the domain will be domain.com/forum/forum/1-Skyrim-General-Discussion.Since having "forum" twice in the URL is a definite no-no I think I'm leaning towards community.eldersouls or eldersouls.com/community. This is also better because of things like blogs; domain.com/forum/blogs is kind of contradictory. Are you on a forum or blog? Community (or /board) is more general.
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Alright, I've removed /page/index.html/* from ALL links involving content/articles, which I'm MUCH happier with now. ElderSouls.com stays as such when you type it in to go to the main page. All articles URL's are also much shorter and more user friendly...

The old URL should redirect to the new. Only downside is that all pre-existing social sharing such as facebook likes are lost since facebook keeps track of them according to the URL. This will still work in the future, though.The forum default is still eldersouls.com/index. The topics/forums are completely unchanged and ignore the /index, though, so I'm slightly concerned that's being dropped when clicking on them since it doesn't make much sense. If I change to eldersouls.com/community that will be static even when viewing threads, so that it's eldersouls.com/community on the index, and "eldersouls.com/community/forum/topic/Skyrim-Water" instead of "eldersouls.com/forum/topic/Skyrim-Water". It's longer but I think it's less confusing, no?Thanks for giving me feedback so far, it really does help even if to all of you it seems ridiculous/pointless/confusing/meaningless.
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