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Just found this on a Dutch GW community site:

Tussen vrijdagavond 21:00 (de start van BWE3) en zondagochtend 03:00 (dus beide Nederlandse tijd) is hetgratis om tussen thuiswerelden te verhuizen. Na zondagochtend 03:00 kost het verhuizen tussen werelden het volgende:

[*]1800 gems om te verhuizen naar een high population wereld

[*]1000 gems om te verhuizen naar een medium population wereld

[*]500 gems om te verhuizen naar een low population wereld

Lees de originele post op het GW2 forum voor informatie over hoe gems worden doorbelast.


Between Friday evening 9pm (start of BWE3) and Sundaymorning 03am (Dutch times) it's free to move your 'homeworld'. After Sundaymorning this will cost you:

1800 gems to move to a high population world

1000 gems to move to a medium population world

500 gems to move to a low population world

Not sure I want a high or low population world, though. As long as it's English (or Dutch), I'm fine I guess

Edit: sorry for double post

Edited by Huygens
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I think all your characters will be limited to one server, but I know that you can buy gems for real money and change your homeworld.Also, found these sites:http://www.guildwars...english-server/http://gw2news.net/w...lds-collection/I'd like to play on a low-pop English server. Then again, it's probably better with higher pop to do good in PvP. We need to decide what pop we want to play on aswell. Desolation sound alright to me, but that will probably be a mid/high-pop server.Edit: Maybe we should play on a server with mostly PvP clans, but few clans. Then we might do alright in PvP. Whiteside Ridge sound alright.

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I think all your characters will be limited to one server, but I know that you can buy gems for real money and change your homeworld.Also, found these sites:http://www.guildwars...english-server/http://gw2news.net/w...lds-collection/I'd like to play on a low-pop English server. Then again, it's probably better with higher pop to do good in PvP. We need to decide what pop we want to play on aswell. Desolation sound alright to me, but that will probably be a mid/high-pop server.Edit: Maybe we should play on a server with mostly PvP clans, but few clans. Then we might do alright in PvP. Whiteside Ridge sound alright.

First off welcome back :P How was your trip?I personally havent played many server games like this :P but when I have its always been on High Pop Servers, I go by the logic: I like to talk, theres more players !Also surely if we did the server PvP thingie a High Pop would be better? but I dont really know a lot :')But I was on Piken Sqaure on the beta and i only ever spoke to english speaking people :/ so that could be a good choice for low pop?they also said something about guesting on that first link eric? anyone got any ideas what that is?
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First off welcome back :P How was your trip?I personally havent played many server games like this :P but when I have its always been on High Pop Servers, I go by the logic: I like to talk, theres more players !Also surely if we did the server PvP thingie a High Pop would be better? but I dont really know a lot :')But I was on Piken Sqaure on the beta and i only ever spoke to english speaking people :/ so that could be a good choice for low pop?they also said something about guesting on that first link eric? anyone got any ideas what that is?

My trip was alright, was called in at the hospital though to take some tests of my liver. I might have a very rare congenital disease.You do get some advantages for being low-pop vs. high-pop. I think that high-pop still will have the advantages though. I think a mid-pop server will be best, although a high-pop server is fine for me. The reason I wanted low-pop was because I hated when there was lots of people around and the monsters got too hard to kill, and I like exploring without lots of people around me. Seafarer’s Rest and look like a nice server for english mid-pop, Desolation and Gandara looks like nice servers for high-pop.
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