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August 1st, 2012 - The End of TRR (ed. HYPOTHETICAL)


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Dunno if all the flaming has carried on from pages 1 and 2 because i got bored of reading the posts.Anyway, i'll hang around the forums, and donate if we need some extra cash - i dont play, so i dont know if its worth it, but im sure David wouldn't lead me down the garden path.

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Internet was down for a 5 days. I come back to this topic.

[*]Glad to see the creation of this topic. Although I can see how this can be seen as a "stupid" way to end the clan, even though it was never an official end to the clan, similar topics have bolstered activity for awhile.

[*]OMFG IT'S HENRY!#!#!#@!@!#@!#!#@!

[*]Well I'm the only moderator, so I guess I'm the one guilty of moderating abuse. If you are referring to me closing your topic for posting in the wrong forum, then I'm guilty. If you are referring to me wishing you luck in finding a mature clan with members such as yourself, then no, that isn't moderation abuse. Neither is the other thing, but I digress.


[*]I guess everybody is to blame, more or less. I know I've been lazy on the TRR side of things, though I've been focusing on ElderSouls. So naturally, I'm aiming for TRR leader. Comments?

So let's put all the negative things that were said behind us and focus on a brighter tomorrow.

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Don't pretend you weren't moved.
In spite of what you've addressed Blex. The "hypothetical" part in the topic name was left out and it was just "the end of trr August 1st. Then the Comments that followed up until the claification that Traagien wasnt actually ending trr.

Lastly. Welcome Back Edwin.

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Des.I dont understand how RS won't load for you.Uninstall Flash player, it should be in the usual Control Panel/Uninstall Programs.Then go to the RS website, and try and load RS - tell me what it says, it should say "Plugin not installed" or some shit close to that.From there you can either install Flash from the link the page will give you, or report here what it actually says, so someone can help you -theres only so much i know, but this method should give us an idea of what is fucked up.

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