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New Forums!


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Thanks to the extremely kind and generous MstrMonopoly, we once again have decent forums with which to administrate TRR. David, Delroth, and I will be working hard to get these forums back to the bastion of freedom, justice, and lulz they were in years past, so keep coming and posting as much as you can!

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Don't forget me, I'm here too!!!! Thanks again for getting us great forums and if I find myself with lots of extra money, I will definently consider donating.

=DWe'll really need all the help we can get. Organizing an event or two would do wonders for the clan, and we'd really appreciate any and all donations we could get (a real URL would be nice, and we're going to need these forums for more than two measly months). Thanks for staying on, you're a really valuable clan member and I wouldn't want to lose you.
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