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With respect meant, and appreciation for the asistance and guidance given... I feel I am not right for this clan/kin/linkshell.

I guess I am a prude or naming conventions mean different to me. I can say judging by a name is not good but it is something that happens.

9 11's a lie is a perfect example. People praise him but personally I hope he burns in hell for taking a name like that.

Contracept... he tells me that it isn't allways pertaining to sexual. I will ask him to please point out a different meaning then what I found.

'Contraception is the prevention of the fusion of gametes during or after sexual activity.'

The Pantless....

Do any of you ( and I mean the ones with 'joke' names..) have any shame or pride?

There are others.. but this is just a couple examples.

Point is this, I have enjoyed my time here. However I do not feel I am the right type of person for your kin. I am a prude and too rpish. I think if your going to take a name, you should have meaning behind it. Not just 'I'm going to see how many jaws I can drop or offend people'.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you all do well with your gaming experience.

I have quit the clan and shall not further post here unless requested to at a case by case by the admins.

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While it saddens me to see you go, I understand your reasoning, even if I don't personally agree with them, they are *your* reasons.I applaud you for standing up for what you believe is right and moving on when some members in this clan have different interests than your own.Thank you for the fun times we shared, you are a nice friend I would like to keep :] Best of luck, m'dear<3

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Hm, I get your point, well yes, you either fit in a clan like this one, or not... I, personally (age nearly 21), still appreciate the 'jokes' you mentioned, but I can totally relate to your point.Best of luck in whatever you're going to do next.Huygens <3

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Not to be "that guy" but you are taking things too far. They are just names, just meant to be read, enjoyed, ignored, or identified. Nothing else. Sure, you can judge, which nobody clan blame you."911 is a lie" is a horrible name. Honestly, I told him his name is stupid and is an ass for having it, but that is all I can really do. Honestly, I don't like him as a person, so it's quite alright. He doesn't read the forums anyway, so that's fine too.Contracept is just a joker, so nothing to explain about that. And my name, The Pantless, is also an inside joke that started in IRC. It is just for fun. I do take names seriously, which is why I always return to my original everytime I change. Basically, I, and most other players, don't have the kind of grasp on Rs as you do.You probably won't read this, but good luck on finding a clan who also shares a collective stick up the collective ass.

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  On 7/19/2012 at 8:06 PM, 'Blexun said:

You probably won't read this, but good luck on finding a clan who also shares a collective stick up the collective ass.

Theres really no need for this at all, Is she not allow to give her reasoning for leaving and not be patronized for doing so? I for one, appreciate honesty and that alma could say what she did. Whats it to you if she has a problem with your name. She's surely aloud to say it and not be bothered for that reason.
  On 7/19/2012 at 8:06 PM, 'Blexun said:

Basically, I, and most other players, don't have the kind of grasp on Rs as you do.

Some people find this sort of thing as vulgar. Of course your given the choice to pick and choose as you may. People should be allowed to voice their opinion in the same sense.
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