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A little cheeky scenario


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Right then guys the forums seem to be a bit bare atm :oso basically what the title says! I'm gona start posting up a load of scenarios and see how people would handle it :)Pre-scenario!Your chilling in the crib after shooting some bball outside of school, when a couple of guys come upto you, and hand you some flyers for a club opening! FREE DRINKS UNTIL 1AM!!! great you say lets go fkn mental nananaaaa your mate says heck why not #YOLO.So now were at home getting ready, the drinks are flying pre-gaming cause your a cheap skate. You pound it into town and get on it HEAVY at the club, free drinks youd be mad not to go overkill.The rest of the night is a complete blur, you wake up in your back garden and find your house keys on the floor near the door.What do you do now?

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kill myself for drinking before an open bar. open bars save you money,why spend before you get there? it like using a payphone to make a call when you have a perfetly functioning cell phone in your pocket...after any blackout, check for wallet, keys and cell- that order. then call who i was out with.. and if it starts like "holy shit dude. you..." listen, and try tonot go back to that bar- ever.

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