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Hideouts ?

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Hey everyone, once in awhile i like to play as a bandit, assassin, necromancer, evil human etc (Right now i'm a necromancer, clothing, no armor, using conjuration, destruction & enchanting mainly, i dabble a little bit in alchemy. I also have a mace to bludgeoun inncoent villagers with, then reanimate their bodies and make families fight to the death because i'm a souless monster :) I'm currently holed up in south/north brittleshin pass so i can terrorize both falkreath & whiterun hold during the cover of night. its got a bed or a hay pile rather, enchanting table, a barrel to store food, apothecary satchel to store my ingredients & potions. no alchemy table though, does anyone know of any good caves, forts, mines etc anywheres relatively close to civilization (to pillage and experiment on) that has a place to sleep with an enchanting table & alchemy station ? those three are a must, blacksmith forge, grindstone, workbench, tanning rack, dressers, chests, cupboards, wardrobes, bookshelves, fireplaces with cooking pots etc are all bonuses. Any explorers out there that can remember any places like that ? A quick response would be appreciated, but not needed.

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Sounds good to me..was that the dark elf mage ? and its near a base of a mountain and that hunters rufuge area ?& every now and then I like to move my hideout around, i've ravaged most of whiteruns country side now collecting souls for enchanting, even thier chickens and cows>=) I suspect ill head north soon so drelas cottage could be a good choice, but like I say i'm always looking for new hideouts, thanks though i'll check it out it sounds great.Found it, and love it the only thing is that i can't sleep for the bonus or wait to pretend that i'm sleeping haha, other than that it was great, thanks !

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I remember this shack with an enchanting and alchemy table and a bed, but guarded by some Night Elf. That was where I would settle down when I didn't have a house.I also like the vampire cave near Falkreath (me thinks?) and would settle down there as well.

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Sounds good to me..was that the dark elf mage ? and its near a base of a mountain and that hunters rufuge area ?& every now and then I like to move my hideout around, i've ravaged most of whiteruns country side now collecting souls for enchanting, even thier chickens and cows>=) I suspect ill head north soon so drelas cottage could be a good choice, but like I say i'm always looking for new hideouts, thanks though i'll check it out it sounds great.Found it, and love it the only thing is that i can't sleep for the bonus or wait to pretend that i'm sleeping haha, other than that it was great, thanks !

your welcome :)
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Hello everyone. First post but I am and have been a fan of this site for some months now. I have found it to be a most useful resource... As for the topic at hand: Has anyone been able to confirm safe storage in Drela's Cottage?

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I'm going to test Drela's Cottage for safe storage and post the results. Also, does anyone know if the chest in Lunds Hut is safe? I just stumbled across the hut and found an imperial soldier running away from it. When I approached I was attacked by four Skeevers. There were three more inside the house and Lund lay dead in his bed. Looked as if the Skeevers were pets of his as there are bowls on the floor with pheasant meat in them...I don't own a home in Skyrim with any of my characters and usually try to find a hideout to stash the very few items that I keep. For the most part, I use the Orc strongholds or a thieves guild chest as I don't like going into or interacting with city folk much. Sometimes I use the alchemy shack or in the case of my Khajiit character, I use that Forsworn stronghold you get after escaping prison in Markarth (though I've never kept anything there long enough to make sure it is safe). At this point, my main character has evolved to the point where I am ready to keep certain items for rp purposes and need safe (private) storage outside of home ownership.EDIT:My Argonian is also married to the female Argonian NPC. I let her stay at the Argonian Assembly for RP purposes and used it as a homebase for awhile. The satchel there is not safe as I lost all of my stuff in it when the inventory reset. I did however leave a book in a bedside dresser that hasn't disappeared yet. Not saying it's safe as I wasn't actually testing it out.

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Hello everyone. First post but I am and have been a fan of this site for some months now. I have found it to be a most useful resource

Welcome to the site (officially)! It's good to see us converting a few regular guests into members/posters. On that subject, since I think you have a unique perspective as a recent guest, perhaps you could share some suggestions on converting other "lurkers" into members. No worries if nothing comes to mind. If something does, however, feel free to PM me any time. :smile:On topic, I myself haven't ever stored anything in Drela's Cottage so I can't say for sure any of the storage there is safe. The wiki lists the respawn time for the zone at "10 days or 30 days," though, so be wary of putting anything valuable on the floor for extended periods. Doesn't mention any safe chests.
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Ive found that Anise's cabin is a good starter home because it is just out of helgen and gives you some Mage robes if memory serves and you are strong enough to kill anise it has a basement with some ingredients an enchanting table and an alchemy station I believe the satchel in the basement should be safe but don't blame me if it's not as I haven't tried. I am also fairly new to Elder Souls and have already made a few posts.

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I was playing on a new account, that correlates with the Challenge that I posted and well... I found Fort Snowhawk which is roughly a little North and West of Morthal. Also Meeko's Lodge works pretty well which is south of Solitude. Fort Snowhawk, you need to kill off the necromancers but it has an Enchanting table, Alchemy lab and at least a Grindstone. so you're pretty set.

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