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Trying to marry Taarie

Guest tenthreeleader


Guest tenthreeleader

My high elf Alchemy mage wanted to marry Taarie - did the Radiant Raiment quest, then went to the Temple of Mara in Riften. When he came back however to Solitude and he went inside the store, for some bizarre reason his follower went in and slayed Taarie and Endarie (I have no idea why this happened, I've never had anything like it happen before). Unfortunately by the time I'd figured out what happened, I had autosaved over my prior saves to the point where I would have to go back 2 hours of playing time to my last normal save.

So I used the code player.placeatme to bring Taarie back and also did setrelationshiprank player 4 and addfac 19809 1 but neither of these seem to work.

Role playing is a big part of my enjoyment of Skyrim and Taarie is the only available high elf female. Any thoughts out there let me know.


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First let me just say that I don't have a ton of experience with console commands since I don't play on the PC.

Is Taarie targeted when you're inputting those commands? Also, try doing them in the following order:

    [*]addfac 19809 0 oraddfac 19809 1 . "addtofaction" can also be used in place of addfac.

    [*]setrelationshiprank <actor> 4

Hopefully that will cause marriage dialogue options to appear.

I've checked the wiki's, and they both mention that there is a chance that this is an unfixable bug. If the console commands don't work, you could try reloading the previous save and attempting to marry her then (though I'd keep the updated save in case it doesn't make a different). Let us know if it works, if not, we can see if there's something else.


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Guest Tenthreeleader

No none of it helped. So I went back to where I left off 2 hours ago, played up to that point, but she still wouldn't marry me. I guess I'll have to save up to buy Proudspire Manor and see if that helps. If she still doesn't think I'm good enough for her, Jordis should be available.

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Guest Guest

ok, she won't marry you because you have to do TWO things to get the option. first, you've already done the quest. Second, you must invest in her business. THEN you can marry her.

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