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Dawnguard - Everyone Attacks Me



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Guest Poomeow

I have the same problem but im not a vampire. Everytime i go to fort dawnguard someone attacks me. Ive also finished the vampires but am not currently a vampire

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Guest chris
  On 6/28/2012 at 6:35 PM, 'LivJaeTisha said:

I have just downloaded the new DLC and i want to know why once i have started the dawnguard quest and enter the dawnguard area, why do i get attacked on sight by the people who i am ment to be talking with to complete the quest? this is really annoying me! PLEASE HELP SOMEONE!

i had to pay off a $5 bounty in markath, that cleared it up
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not to ask a stupid question, but I've found some people (though high level) don't know things about skyrim. Please for anybody who is unsure about the vamparism aspect, here is a small bit:To look at all diseases, and things magically affecting you, bring up your main menu and go from Magic to Active effects. this is helpful also to stop vamparism, because the effect I think takes 2-3 full in-game days to turn you. the pre-camparism disease is called Polymorphic Hemophilia, just pop a cure disease potion or run along to your nearest shrine to clear yourself up.As for the armor being a problem. that is false because of one simple thing, there is no distinct faction armor in Skyrim, unlike in Fallout: New Vegas which has NCR, Legion, etc. This is easily tested because wearing some sort or armor/mages robes do not bring out unique dialogue in people. For instance, being in the thieves guild with Nightingale, nobody cares. yes the armor is mentioned by Karliah at the end of the questline (Under New Management) but aside that, nobody really cares. Also goes along with Daedric artifacts etc. you can walk into markarth wearing full Forsworn and nobody will probably care. Why this is, is unknown but I think it's just that it is too much work for something that doesn't need to be implimented into Skyrim.Finally, to go with Blexun and Traag, your best bet would be to check your bounty and apparently it may apply to all 9 holds, so before starting, check if you have a bounty and close loose ends and pay your dues.side note, maybe you're better off being a vampire if you have a bouty and can't pay your fines, Dawnguard don't want law breakers and criminals.

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Guest DakotaJCampbell

I have found that sometimes if you have a follower it makes the Dawnguard attack you instantly. What i did was told my follower to wait outisde or the cavern and waited 24 hours and then they were passive after taking off all my daedric armor off also! Hope that helps

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I have the same problem and still can't find out what to do. I have gone to each and every single province and stolen a small thing and gotten rid of my bounty that way so it's not that problem I have heard that wearing daedric armor sometimes makes them attack you but I'm wearing roughspun robes and I do not have a follower. I am a Vampire and have completed the Vampire lord questline but i changed back into a werewolf and they still attack me. I need help!!!!

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As I posted in the "how do i re-become a werewolf" thread, this may apply to the vamprism aspect and how they treat you:

  On 7/6/2012 at 6:27 AM, 'Unknown ProbLem said:

I agree with Blex, guess it's time to don some dark robes, put on the eyeshadow and get dark and blood thirsty.As far as i'm aware, curing is usually a permanent thing and if the game was like a database, your character would be "flagged" for having been cured of lycanthropy which would mean the game knows you are "immune" to it. guess if your want for being a werewolf outweighs your love for your current character, you could always make a new one. Skyrim doesn't seem to mind one more Dragonborne in the world..

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Guest AlphaWolf

Have no bounties no followers not wearing daedric armor the only thing I can think of is that it has something to do with the stormcloaks questline.

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I am having this exact same problem.I have completed the Vampire Lord quests and then been through the VERY long tedious quest to cure myself of vampirism. I revisited Aela (my wife in game) and became a werewolf again to earn the achievement for Werewolf Mastery. I have also been to EVERY major city and cleared my bounty (being part of the guild this is expensive but easy). It now states no bounty at all under the Crime section of General Stats on the pause screen.I wear Dragonbone armour and have no followers.Does anyone have any clues?I can only think of two options: Cure myself of lycanthropyGo back to a MUCH earlier save.

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