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What is your favorite way of taking down a dragon?

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I watch friends fight Dragons and some are more efficient than others when it comes to killing them. Even I have problems sometimes being that I prefer to be an Archer. I'm fairly good when it comes to killing them, but something tells me that it should be a quicker fight being that I am level 31(Mind you I'd rather it be a long battle, because thats what makes it challenging and so darn fun). I don't have Dragonrend yet though because I'm having a helluva time exploring(My favorite aspect of the game) and taking on miscellaneous quests and joining factions. My main question here though is, What is you approach to slaying those Winged Beasts?

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I guess I also enjoy Archery. I can run away, hide, take a shot and hide again. The sort of panic killing is what makes dragon killing the most fun.Also, if I get the chance, I'll sneak up and get a sneak attack on a dragon with a dagger. It usually one hit kills it, so it'll take off to fly, crash land, get up again, and die. It is actually kind of funny.

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I snipe at it with the expert lightning spell, and by the time it lands it's at half health or less just from that. From there I run up and wack it a few times with my enchanted daedric sword and it's dead in about 10-15 seconds. Of course, nothing offers much of a challenge after level 50 or so. I used to have to be much more strategic.

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It seems you guys are a lot stronger than I am. Is there any other way to get Daedric weapons other than smithing them yourself? Maybe I'm not that effective because instead of focusing on certain skills, I invest a few perk points in various ones. This may be the reason I keep starting over now that I think about it. I'm on my 5th playthrough and only have completed the main story once, all because I wasn't satisfied on how I chose to level up my character. I don't know :confused: ...

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I think you can only smith Daedric items, however for whatever reason a vendor in the Ragged Flagon (don't remember who) sold me a Daedric Bow of Damnation. mind you i am level 81, but i found it odd. I guess it is possible just extremely rare.

Yeah, fences have been known to give awesome enchanted weapons once you get high enough, like a bow that does 40 fire damage, and that was at level 40 something.
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  • 2 weeks later...

With Dragonrend?ShoutHack'n SlashRepeatProfitWithout Dragonrend?Run around in circles for twenty bloody minutes dodging fireballs and frost breath.Watch it land. Charge.Hack'n SlashBegin swearing as it takes off again.Rinse RepeatProfit

Yeah, this... I feel I'm pigeonholed into using archery/magic half the time when fighting them things though and that sucks.
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Like i said before, after enough time on a single character, they just become extremely bothersome. My main 81 with like 370 hours has killed almost 100 dragons and 60% were Ancients, and Master is my difficulty of choice. for those of you who are unsure why any of it is relavent, take your highest level and put the game on master fighting a dragon. you most likely will not survive, especially in a CQC fight with a sword, it's suicide. I suppose I would enjoy fighting them if they weren't so deadly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You seem to be very OP to me too, I have a daedric bow that does around 100 damage and I consider myself semi-godly already, wearing dragonscale armor (that still doesn't reach the armor cap). I also play on adept because expert and master is just so damn hard. So Ive been trying to get to the level that you guys play on but I just can't do it. This is also my first RPG game I've played so I'm still fairly new. But back on topic I don't really have a dragonslaying strategy I just use whatever method seems right for the situation.

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You seem to be very OP to me too, I have a daedric bow that does around 100 damage and I consider myself semi-godly already, wearing dragonscale armor (that still doesn't reach the armor cap). I also play on adept because expert and master is just so damn hard. So Ive been trying to get to the level that you guys play on but I just can't do it. This is also my first RPG game I've played so I'm still fairly new. But back on topic I don't really have a dragonslaying strategy I just use whatever method seems right for the situation.

Best for Adept and Expert would be Archery, then Shouts + 1h War Axes and Restoration (aside ancients, then you are done pretty much no matter what) Also, I think I'm one of the only who play on master and I've played Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Oblivion so it isn't my first "rodeo". Everything about Master makes it more challenging but dragons on master will always probably be too hard, aside low level ones like the weaker Blood dragons or just normal dragons. Elders and Ancients and Dawnguards legendary (which appear around 71 occasionally) are practically impossibly due to the Difficulty setting which i'll explain in a moment.

Bethesda's typical damage table:


[th]Difficulty[/th] [th]Player Damage[/th] [th]NPC Damage[/th]

[td]Very Easy or Novice[/td] [td]200%[/td] [td]50%[/td]

[td]Easy or Apprentice[/td] [td]150%[/td] [td]75%[/td]

[td]Normal or Adept[/td] [td]100%[/td] [td]100%[/td]

[td]Hard or Expert[/td] [td]75%[/td] [td]150%[/td]

[td]Very Hard or Master[/td] [td]50%[/td] [td]200%[/td]


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for weapons it goes like this:Bows are by themselves but are better than crossbows (I'm pretty sure, also more range) and they range fromlongbowhunting bowetc.Glass bowEbony bowDaedricand (Dawnguard craftable DLC bow) Dragonbone BowAs for weapons, the damage and speed vary for both one hand and two hand.for one hand Swords are the fastest but "weakest" and War Axes are stronger than Swords but a little slower, and finally Maces do the most damage but are the slowest overall.(And maces are the best Paladin melee class weapon due to the 3/3 perk which grants 75% armor passing per hit. [i.e if a person has a Daedric mace that does 150, and the enemy is wearing Daedric armor which has 100 armor, the maxed perk will make that mace hit for 125 instead of 50. this is because removing 75% of 100 = 25, and 150 - 25 = 125 :D])Two handed follow the same rules where 2H swords do the least but swing the fastest (while still possibly slower than a Mace) and Battleaxes are basically the neutral and Warhammers are the slowest yet most damaging in the game.

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