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Some thoughts on leveling

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Not sure if I would call it ironic, but I agree with you for the most part. While I never had a problem with dungeons, except when I was trying to use Novice level spells throughout the whole game, sometimes dragon fights seem to be a bit difficult. However, these difficult fights were probably the most fun I had fighting dragons in the game. More fun than just killing a dragon in 10 seconds.Then again, it depends on how fast you level and how you spend your perks.

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Dragon fights should be difficult, though. By the time your level 20 they'll be easier and a cake-walk by 30.All I can say is, that as originally a pure-mage character, the early levels were horribly difficult. I simply didn't have enough mana or spells powerful enough to do any damage whatsoever so I had to do hit-and-run tactics that made every cave last hours. As soon as I converted my character into using spells as support while using enchanted weapons for damage, the game got much easier. Magic seems to just be weaker in the game compared to melee. Haven't tried archery much.

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Archery, in my opinion is rather OP, considering how a well built archer can easily have an unenchanted bow (firing Daedric) doing around 600-800 damage normally. now add the possible x3 with the sneak perk, and you're at a whopping 1800-2400 damage. Melee can get roughly there but nothing like that. maybe a dagger (like 100-300 damage with a 15 or 30 sneak bonus, [1500-3000] - [4500/9000]) if your shit is whack like that.Personally, I wish that magic was more integral to the game, because aside restoration (which was oddly less useful and more of a hassle to level in Oblivion) every spell aside the adept + spells at levels 30-81 are just medicore. @David, if you make an Archer, it'll be a little rough getting enchants and mats. for them early on, but if you know what you're doing you can get them pretty fast, but you'll generally breeze through the game. Can't say much on Melee as it's tried and tested by trial of fire and everybody knows more or less what does and doesn't work.This has been my breakdown, enjoy my rant xD

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