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Site Graphic Request


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I'd like to request one of the talented artists in the community to submit a few things for the site with the following dimensions...

    [*]728 x 90 Leaderboard and/or Banner (468 x 60)

    [*]Large Rectangle (336 x 280) and/or Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)

Choose whichever dimension you feel suits you the best from each number. If you can get enough cool looking stuff in there, go with the bigger ones (as long as it doesn't look like it's cluttered/too much).

These graphics are going to be enticing members to create and account on the site, so they should match the sites theme as much as possible and display "Create an Account" in text. Possibilities in addition to that are...

    [*]Elder Souls


    [*]Looking for More?

    [*]Unlock Other Features

You get the idea, but they all MUST indicate "Create an Account" or some variation of it.

Other Requirements

    [*]1-2px border. Black or #393939

    [*]Transparent background (so I can easily alter it as they'll have to go different places) IF you go one color only. Some sort of cool design is still preferred otherwise.

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They're completely off right now. It's probably only temporary, but even if I bring them back some can be replaced with the images mentioned here, or they can be rotated with ads automatically.

can I get a screenie of where they were so I can know what it would look like
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can I get a screenie of where they were so I can know what it would look like

Here's an example of the sizes I listed - http://support.googl...n&answer=185665

The large/medium rectangle can go on the guest message where the Elder Souls logo is now (note this only appears when you're logged out as a Guest and on the Elder Souls site, not TRR)...

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As well as at the end of articles...

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The medium rectangle can also go on the side-bar blocks on the forum index (like where the recent status updates are). Though they're probably not as flexible as...

The Leaderboard. It can go on the header or footer anywhere on the site, kind of like where the gallery used to be. It's also placed after the first post in threads.

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Here are what I used for adsense. You don't need to stick strictly to it. Everything is in the hex format, which photoshop/gimp/etc all support.Background: #121212 (used to match the side blocks.)Titles: #FFA500 (orange)Border: #393939Sub-Title: #6295AC (blue)Text: #939393 (silver/light gray; matches the rest of the site)Text2: #FFFFFF (does not match the rest of the site directly, but sticks out a bit more and still goes with it.)When there are two of something use your judgement.

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Here are what I used for adsense. You don't need to stick strictly to it. Everything is in the hex format, which photoshop/gimp/etc all support.

Background: #121212 (used to match the side blocks.)

Titles: #FFA500 (orange)

Border: #393939

Sub-Title: #6295AC (blue)

Text: #939393 (silver/light gray; matches the rest of the site)

Text2: #FFFFFF (does not match the rest of the site directly, but sticks out a bit more and still goes with it.)

When there are two of something use your judgement.

yeah that's what I meant thanks..I'll get to work on them when I have some free time so maybe if anything...tomorrow...Saturday afternoon or Monday


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EDIT: still working more on it...can't decide if I should use a image for the background

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Edited by Anarchy
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Like how it's going so far.One adjustment, though. I've discovered that there are actually multiple *slightly* different versions of the gray used on the site; so far I've found #101010, #111111, and #121212. So for the examples you've posted so far that just have the 1 background color, can they be made so that the background is transparent instead? If you make any that have an image-based background, then obviously that takes precedent and it won't matter.I just noticed looking at the guest message on an article ( http://eldersouls.co...ble-apparel-r25 ) and you can tell there is a slight color difference if you look closely (then again my screen is very HD), whereas the current BG matches perfectly with the header message.

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Those really look fantastic Anarchy. :smile: Great job. I've updated the articles with them."Guide" should be "Guides" though, minor typo.Oh, and can you remove the border on the transparent one? The border on the other two looks great, but the transparent one will be best used in places that already have borders. I know that's not what I told you earlier, so I apologize. :(EDIT: Rep pos-bang for this.

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Maybe it is just me, but 100% Free on sites always scare me and makes me thing there is some catch.None the less, they all look fantastic. You are pretty talented Cons. I feel bad asking for a new Sackboy signature.

LMFAO i just took that in, that also scares me too...but it's up to David really I just suggested it cause there would be a big gapalso no worries I can make you one
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If you like it, then by all means keep it. Just telling you from my large experience with pornography, "100% Free" usually means "Just give us your Credit Card info".Actually, it is probably fine the way it is. I doubt too many people will think of any catch coming from a gaming website.

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If you like it, then by all means keep it. Just telling you from my large experience with pornography, "100% Free" usually means "Just give us your Credit Card info".Actually, it is probably fine the way it is. I doubt too many people will think of any catch coming from a gaming website.

I'm willing to change them if David wants, Also Blexun give me the details on how you want your signature.
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It's fine for now. Could you upload the .PSD to Downloads so I can quickly make small edits if needed, though ((I'll edit it to private)? All of my graphic artists always leave and then I have to have completely new stuff made. :( It's up to you, though.Oh, and are you going to work on the leaderboard/skyscraper version as well? If so, there's no rush at all so take your time if you're busy. I'm just wondering.

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It's fine for now. Could you upload the .PSD to Downloads so I can quickly make small edits if needed, though ((I'll edit it to private)? All of my graphic artists always leave and then I have to have completely new stuff made. :( It's up to you, though.Oh, and are you going to work on the leaderboard/skyscraper version as well? If so, there's no rush at all so take your time if you're busy. I'm just wondering.

Yeah sure just give me the run down on how you want it, cause even though they a similar the style will need to change cause ones a banner style and the other is a column style
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