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D: sorta. my absence


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Hey guys, just a quick heads up as some of you may know i havent been very active in RS lately and thats all due to the fact that ive been busy with exams in the next week and CoD. The reason for CoD is our clan is in MLG now (yay) and ive been making a smexy sniping montage. Ive been working on those and haven't found the time to play RS. SO yeah, still here and relatively active, just not on RS for like three weeks lol.

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haha yea i play 360 mw3. I finished my montage by putting no effort into along with laggy clips so its really shitty lol but here it is

also as for clan one of our first recorded games that we put on youtube can be found herehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vAj7V9n25o&feature=plcp

and with that said I'M BACK!

also if you didnt relise my name is l3gacy96 on xbox

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haha yea i play 360 mw3. I finished my montage by putting no effort into along with laggy clips so its really shitty lol but here it is

also as for clan one of our first recorded games that we put on youtube can be found herehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vAj7V9n25o&feature=plcp

and with that said I'M BACK!

also if you didnt relise my name is l3gacy96 on xbox

Did you edit this? :P

and what do you record with? :)

send me some clips, I might start editing again :P I started to a few months back, but lack of clips meant i stopped lol


I did a couple of tests a few months ago :P Jezza xD's clips in 2 of them. Would like to try a proper minitage again though haha

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Did you edit this? :P

No lol just slowed one clip down XD too lazy lol

and what do you record with? :)

Just call of duty elite way to lazy to get a recorder or capture card

send me some clips, I might start editing again :P I started to a few months back, but lack of clips meant i stopped lol


sounds good

I did a couple of tests a few months ago :P Jezza xD's clips in 2 of them. Would like to try a proper minitage again though haha

sounds good

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