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99 Fire Making

Carroll 1

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First day back since my internt broke and I get to merge 3 of Carroll's post together. [/liekabaws]

good work though. I'm at 93 at the moment, so we're pretty much neck and neck. :P Hopefully you can get members by the time you hit 99.

thats the plan man. I got a membership waiting for me whenever i get close to 99 =)

Posted Image 3m xp left!!!

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OK!!, so i'm 880k away from 99 so i do expect to be done this and be close to 99 within a week. Are there anytimes people wont be available at? I would like to know now, also if theres speficied times people would prefer also mention that as well.I'm currently hoping to have a house party at a clan members home (Trevor's is my only idea at the moment, although he never did confirm that.) if anyone would be gracious enough to allow us trr members to trash their place also mention it to me either on here or in game.I WOULD LOVE for this to be a good turn out. As it is my first 99, but hey! im no drama king, i wont make a big deal about it if not many people come. So as for now I'm unsure of a date to have it, but will post it when i know along with 2-3days grace to say the least. Hope to see you all thereResurr3ction/Carroll 1Trr Diplomat

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I'd love to be there! My schedule is kinda crazy right now: friends/family drop by every other day or so, I take a couple naps a day, too xD

But if it's during the week: M-Th, I should be able to attend. Of course, if the majority want it at a different time, its understandable; I hope you have fun!


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