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Skyrim's Mounted Combat Beta

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As the Skyrim 1.6 update comes out, Bethesda is allowing Steam users ( :sad:) to get a sneak peak and beta test the soon to be added mounted combat system. This will be the only addition to the game with this patch, along with a handful of bug fixes.

As far as I've seen from screenshots and forum posts, it seems to work alright. Two complaints I thought of already, though these are based on my thinking about the update rather than actually playing it.

[*]It says you can melee and range from horse back, but it doesn't mention spell casting. I would understand not being able to do the master level fire and ice spells, maybe even the master lighting one, but this kind of sucks.

[*]How often will you use it? I actually ride horses all the time and the ability to attack while on the horse instead of having to dismount is actually appealing to me, but I recognize a lot of players don't bother with them.

And I have one question for anybody who plays on Steam. When something attacks you, does it attack you directly, the horse until it dies and you are forced to dismount, or both depending on where they hit or decide to do?

Screenshots of the action.

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You sonuvabitch, I was seconds from posting this.1. That would blow. If true, I'm going to hold out hope that they're just going to release a large magic update/overhaul together somewhere down the road. Right now... It just kind of sucks.2. I get attacked by wolves whenever I'm on a horse, and the annoyance of having to slowly dismount just to fight them off is one of the big reasons that I don't bother in the first place. This is a needed addition and I'm sure a lot of people will use it just because it looks badass.

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