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how to install mods on the ps3?



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Jailbreaking your PS3 will obviously void whatever warranty you have and possibly brick it, I would advise against it unless you have 1 old PS3 with nothing else on it and bucket loads of money to the extent you don't care if it's destroyed. Even if you did manage to install them there's no telling how stable/workable they'd be.

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Jailbreaking your PS3 will obviously void whatever warrenty you have and possible brick it, I would advise against it unless you have 1 old PS3 with nothing else on it and bucket loads of money to the extent you don't care if it's destroyed. Even if you did manage to install them there's no telling how stable/workable they'd be.

that's true, and the ps3 i have is a new well oiled machine, so i'll stick with ur advice. thx:)
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As a last note, As far as everything goes and as of right now, there is no way to mod either console (Xbox and PS3). From my knowledge, there is no program out for Skyrim, yet due to it's relatively young age I can only expect it to come out soon. Both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, however do have programs for modification on the console and they get A LOT done, which is no understatement.If you also play the Fallout series, and have some want to modify it (I've tested both a lot, thought for the New Vegas if you do modify it a lot, or mess with a lot of things in your inventory, you can mess your game up)Fallout New Vegas:http://www.game-tuts.com/community/f116/app-falloutnv-ve-v-4-1-a-41317/Fallout 3:

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Guest DRTmusic

Not true, most modders who make them have that in mind and will leave you in the relative beginning of the game. The only thing you lose out on is leveling, which is tedious anyways.

what do you mean with leveling .. the story leveling or mltiplayer leveling ??

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What I mean is that pending on what save you come across, I know of one that made you level 250. you started off in a slightly (heavily) modded room in the starting area where you could loot basically any item in the game, then continue on with the very very beginning of the game. There is no "multiplayer" and story leveling will already be maxed at 50 due to that specific saves level. most people mod Skyrim to break level caps (which there shortly should not be), modify inventory carry weight, max out a skill (or all skills) and just to give the person using it a much much different and more "free" experience to do what he/she pleases.

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Sir, 99-100% of all PS3 and Xbox "mods" are modded via your gamesave and if you which to get physical PC mods such as a graphics mod for example, you'd need a J-Tag (aka Developer's kit) or for a PS3 i'm unsure. Some people find using glitches, exploits and mods fun. There is really no risk involved either. Aside a Jtag, but you shouldn't be using it online anyways.

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I agree with Dova, it is the easy way and some people's save will have mods encased within them, such as a map edited area or added items like that, but an actual mod such as the "better body" mod (which is actually required for a lot of more serious clothing mods) and mods that add armor or clothes are only available on PC or (to my knowledge) a Developer's Xbox, J-Tag. 

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I have been playing skyrim since around when it came out I only have the ps3 version is there a way to mod it without getting my ps3/account banned or without jail breaking it I only have one ps3 and it is basically my only source of entertainment -yes I have no life- and wouldn't want it or my account to get banned?

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I have been playing skyrim since around when it came out I only have the ps3 version is there a way to mod it without getting my ps3/account banned or without jail breaking it I only have one ps3 and it is basically my only source of entertainment -yes I have no life- and wouldn't want it or my account to get banned?


In short -- no.


If you have your heart set on modding Skyrim you should just buy the PC version, which can be found on sale for ~$35 with all DLC if you go for the Legendary edition.


There's honestly a lot of misinformation in this thread. You can't mod Skyrim on your PS3 in a similar manner to the PC without jail-breaking it (which you don't want to ever do), and even if you did, you open both your game saves and PS3 to a myriad of unsolvable issues. It's not even close to worth it for mods that likely won't work anyway.


Now, what people have been discussing in this thread is a bit different. Some people download "modded" Skyrim save files from the internet and just add them to their PS3 with a USB stick. All that these generally consist of are a few additional sets of armor/weapons already in the game. You have no ability to actually "mod" anything yourself, it's like what would happen if you saved your Skyrim file to a USB stick and traded with a friend for theirs. If you want to have control over what the file contains you would need Skyrim on the PC anyway: people take a PS3 save, convert it to PC, edit it, and then convert it back. During these conversions there are a lot of opportunities for screw-ups that waste the whole process.


tl;dr buy the PC version if you want mods. Any claimed alternative methods for consoles are a waste of time or complete BS.

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Unlike what David said, most of the methods described in this thread are legitimate sources; however, he had one thing correct. It is a HUGE waste of time. He is correct that there is a lot of ways to mess up on all of the conversions. It actually took me a moment to figure them all out myself. As he said though, there is NO physical way to mod Skyrim for PS3 or Xbox 360. This Thread is helpful yet full of scattered replies. Somebody should compile all of the methods and do a "fact/myth" post.

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Guest Billybob

You can get the mods on ps3, my friend did it for me all you have to do is save to file on a flash drive with your existing account, it won't mess anything up. I played the game without mods for a long time and my file was corrupted so I made a new game with mods and have gone from there

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that's true, and the ps3 i have is a new well oiled machine, so i'll stick with ur advice. thx:)

I happen to have a list of 22 pre modded gamesaves that can be played on the ps3 after a simple action using a flashdrive/USB device to move them from the PC to ps3 (I have no association with these mods nor their developers) xD but no .. seriously [email protected] request trough email, i'd be willing to share a link to all 22 no jailbreak bs .. PS. unless gamesaves are resigned your unable to save and earn trophies .. but I also have the ability to resign them using a copy of your current save.

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I happen to have a list of 22 pre modded gamesaves that can be played on the ps3 after a simple action using a flashdrive/USB device to move them from the PC to ps3 (I have no association with these mods nor their developers) xD but no .. seriously [email protected] request trough email, i'd be willing to share a link to all 22 no jailbreak bs .. PS. unless gamesaves are resigned your unable to save and earn trophies .. but I also have the ability to resign them using a copy of your current save.

feel free to wear my underwear lol... 22 pairs

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