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Job Openings for Elder Souls Staff


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I've decided that it's time to expand the staff a little bit.

General Staff Duties

All positions will be granted access to a hidden staff forum, where issues surround the site and its members can be discussed in private. Through this forum, you are responsible for contributing ideas and suggestions for the improvement of our site and community.

All of these positions require a time commitment: if you don't maintain activity you will be moved back to member. The same applies if there is any issue with your job performance, though I don't expect to have many of those issues.

Available Positions

Forum Moderator - Video Game Deals

Forum Moderators are similar to Category Moderators in that they maintain a specific area of the site. However, Forum Mods are tasked with a single forum. Currently, we have an opening for our "Video Game Deals" forum. This job will require special tasks in addition to general moderating. Namely...

    [*]Check whether or not the deals are still "live" daily. Expired deals must be marked as such.

    [*]Check various sites for deals to add to our own forum (additional instructions supplied in Staff forum).

    [*]Check outbound links for quality (e.g. members are not allowed to post personal affiliate links for themselves)

Content Team

I haven't quite worked everything out with this group, yet. However, I'm planning a large re-write of our Guides/Content page, and it will eventually take the place of the forums as the main page that eldersouls.com points to (the forums will just change to forums.eldersouls.com or eldersouls.com/forums, so don't panic). Anyways, informative, humorous, or interesting high-quality articles are all going to be at a premium. I'm looking for people interested in writing and submitting some. They'll all have to be approved, and a good word count to shoot for is over 1,000 (though this isn't necessary and it will ultimately depend on the subject). It's a cool way to get some exposure by having your work published.


To apply, simply complete the following form and post it below (it will be moved to a hidden forum, so don't be surprised if it disappears).

What position are you applying for?

How old are you?

What are some suggestions that you have for ElderSouls.com (in general and specific to the job you're applying for)?

Do you have any previous experience with a similar job?

Why should we select you over another user?

Additional Comments:

Closed Positions

Category Moderator

Category Moderators are charged with maintaining the quality of a certain group of forums. You are tasked with making sure order and civility exists between posting members, as well as making sure all forum and site rules are followed. In addition to these generic Mod tasks, you are essentially a "director" of your section; you should do your best in supporting your mini-community and try to bring in new members. This is going to be a rather large part of your job, as there's currently not much need for more generic post-deleting moderators.

Feel free to respond to this thread if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 2 months later...

What position are you applying for?


Forum Moderator.

How old are you?


19. Born in January.

What are some suggestions that you have for ElderSouls.com (in general and specific to the job you're applying for)?


More manuverability.

Do you have any previous experience with a similar job?

I've managed forums on guild sites before.

Why should we select you over another user?

Because I am experienced and am one of the only applicants

Additional Comments:



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  • 5 weeks later...

I remember the good old days when people used to work hard for months to have a colored forum name. Can't give it away now. :(


Dug this up. Had to search for every .txt file on my old computer. Lol.


Back in 2010. Wow I talked so much shit.


1) What position(s) are you applying for?

I am applying for Council, but I will happily take Moderator.
2) Would you be willing to actively use IRC (If you don't already), and have you maintained activity in the clan chat and forums up to this point? Activity in all 3 is mandatory for most clan ranks.
I am in IRC for most of each day besides when I am not online, but I am online quiet a lot each day. My forum activity is pretty outstanding will an average of 10-15 posts a day at a minimum. My Clan Chat activeness isn't  great but it is still decent, because of my disadvantage of not being able to talk on my main account, I usually talk in our Clan Chat when I am advertising events, which I do in IRC too.
3) What is your opinion on how the clan is currently operating?
The clan is currently operating smoothly, besides the trolls in our Clan Chat and all the fighting. If more CC Mods were introduced then it could help or else give CC Mod to the people who are active in our Clan Chat a lot and know how to moderate maturely and kick at the right time/
4) If you would make any changes to the clan, what would they be?
I feel that making our Weekly Clan Wars Practises mandatory would be a good idea, so everyone can experience Clan Wars and prepare for Official Wars. Also if we get another Ventrilo server, it should be required for everyone to have Ventrilo for Official Wars, it is twice as fast to talk than type.
5) What qualifications do you have for this job, and why do you think you deserve it?
I have many qualifications which include, my activeness which is very high. I am an honest, straight forward person who wishes to make friends with everyone whether they have just joined TRR or if they are a long-term veteran. As Council or Moderator I would be willing to Moderate all three of forms of communication. I am also been a very successful Diplomat, and even though I am not a Event Coordinator I have broke the record of events in one week, wrote reflections and took pictures for the reflection along with advertising every event 30 minutes beforehand, and closed old topics when the event has past. This doesn't mean I will stop that if I get a higher rank in TRR.
I would also qualify in all these too....

* Answering questions from regular clan members
* Moderating the CC/IRC/Forums
* Being called in as an emergency ET/RT
* Changing the direction of the clan
* Leading the weekly clan wars
* Promoting activity in each of the 3 major forms of communication
* Being an active member
* Encouraging other clan members to apply for promotions
* Doing whatever the leaders tell you <3

6) What new ideas and innovations do you have for the clan?
Everything I mentioned in question 3 and 4 could be implanted used. But at the moment, I haven't really got any good ideas at the moment, but this is an idea anyway. We already have Moderators for our Clan Chat, I was thinking why not have Moderators in our IRC Channel, some things they could do would involve, voice'ing people and kicking people if necessary. There doesn't need to be a huge amount of IRC Mods but a few who are there often enough to be able to moderate and voice people for the most of each day when they can.
I hope that I can be given this position in TRR, if I do get this postition I will do my job right, Thanks for reading.
Good Luck to all :)



And I only got moderator because I was only 12. :'( (Pfft, got High Council before I left anyway!) Remember Jackwooton taking Council and going ape-shit in the IRC because he was so shocked, lmao.

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