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Destruction magic affects Enchanting bonus?



Just like the title states, I've read elsewhere that if I level my destruction magic up, it will give my enchanting(say Fire damage) a bigger bonus. Is that true? I'm building a character who I'm putting ZERO points into Magika at all, and focusing on Health/Stamina only.My issue is that I don't want to level up my destruction to gain higher character levels, as I'd rather use the skills I'm specializing in(sneak, 1H, archery, light armor, etc) because the game scales with your level.I would like higher enchantment damage for my 1-handed weapons...instead of Fire damage +15 points, i'd rather it be more like 20 or higher. Any way around this? Sorry for the noob question.

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Increasing the destruction skill only reduces the magicka cost required to cast spells that are in that school of magic. It does not actually increase the damage of any of the spells; it does, however, allow you to unlock more powerful spells as you achieve a milestone (adept, expert, master, etc.).I'm confused as to what you mean by the enchanting bonus. Enchanting works because you can add various different enchantments on to your gear and weapons which will improve your skills. Now, I don't see what is meant by destruction giving enchanting a bonus, perhaps you could link us to what it was that you read? I could just be confused by how it's being phrased.If you don't want to use destuction in combat, I'd say just ignore destruction completely if you don't want to level it. I should add that if you enchant your apparel with "Fortify *Magic School*" (destruction included), you can achieve -100% MP cost (e.g. 0, so you can spam spells as much as you want) for up to two schools of magic (100 enchanting required).Welcome to the site by the way. Let me know if that helps; if not, feel free to reply back and we'll try again. :smile:

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If you wanna raise the damage of a fire enchantment, raise your enchanting level, invest in perks that increases enchantment strength and fire damage, and drink a potion that increases enchanting.Destruction doesn't raise fire enchantments on weapons.

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Thanks...that's what I thought too. I had read somewhere that you can increase your enchantments for fire, frost and shock with the destruction tree. I'm on my 4th character, btw...this one is more pure archer/thief/melee with emphasis on the archery tree, 1-H, and NO magic, but I plan to add fire and shock as my enchantments, use swords or daggers, etc....basically a typical sneak build.....I haven't tried one yet, and everyone seems to love them. Last character was an Orc offensive 1-H, heavy, etc and I got bored around lv.53 or so.

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No problem, feel free to make new threads if any other questions come up. :)I'm surprised that you've already made that many characters, I'm only on my second. If you want, you could most some more information on each of those builds in the Skyrim General Discussion forum. Those types of threads are always popular.

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They're builds that have been done already...a paladin...imperial, resto, 1-h, heavy, etc....orc was a 1-h, axes dual wielder, and redguard dual wielder. Got to about lv.45 or better with each.....I haven't built a mage yet....I'm more of a warrior type, so this archer/stealth build is new territory for me....I'm lv.11 right now and just got to whiterun. Already 3 perks into overdraw, 1in stealth, 2 in armsman, 1 in light armor, 1 in smithing and enchanting...more in archery and stealth too.

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So lv.13, with archery up to 55, mostly thanks to Faendal, put perks into overdraw, sneak, and 1-h, and my khajiit can 1-hit most stuff already, using a dwarven bow I looted. About to go get the DBH gear then kill 1st dragon, then maybe work on the thieves guild stuff for awhile...

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what you're looking for is 100 Enchanting and to use a Grand Soul Gem (GSG) on your item while using said Fire enchanent. this resulting effect should give you the standard highest Fire damage value in the game. Drinking a potion on top of that is just "gravy" to the total fire damage. Since it is archer stealth, you may want Alchemy just on the side, have it for boosting enchantments/smithing. the highest fortify smithing potion i've ever made was +120%. Side note: 99.9% of builds should have 100 Enchanting because it is so beneficial.

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I do love enchanting/alchemy, no matter what build or character I have....sometimes its harder to put a point into one or the other when other things I haven't filled yet(Armsman, Overdraw, Sneak) still have a few points left out of their 5/5 firsts....or other skills that I love using like Deadly Aim.Do you power level your enchant/alch. or just do it naturally? I don't want to power level my stealth build because I don't want to become overwhelmed early on.

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Do you power level your enchant/alch. or just do it naturally? I don't want to power level my stealth build because I don't want to become overwhelmed early on.

Enchanting is more of a slow and steady process for me, partly because I always run out of iron daggers, soul gems or filled soul gems.
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I noticed that early even with a few perks in alchemy they potions are still rather weak...the only one I craft, is to sell...is the giants toe/wheat combo. As far as enchantments go, early I like to use fire, regardless and soul trap on my weapons....I'm thinking of making two bows, one with soul trap and one with fire just because I'm more of a ranger right now. I just got all the DBH gear, so that should help with my stealth. I'm only going to do the first 3 kills from Nazir, and then go right to high hrothgar, get my shouts, then do the thieves guild for awhile. Also, just hit level 16 and bought my house in whiterun.I have 1 perk in smithing, but I'm going to follow the right side for the better weapons, Kao.ly bows and swords, although I am odd and like using axes for some reason :-)

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Hate to be a sore sport, but there isn't a need to post anymore in this thread. You can create one about your character build you are planning and ask for suggestions in the Skyrim Discussion sub-forum.

Welcome to the site by the way. :)

Thanks again....yep you guys helped out with my build so I know which direction to go and see if I like this character type. If not, I'm going to try a mage, because its one of the only ones I haven't used yet....pure mage.
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