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Vacation Suggestions


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So I ran into some money and my parents are letting me go on vacation pretty much any where in the world. Sounds a bit unbelievable, and I thought so too, but they assured me I can go anywhere. So one place in particular to mind.Would you guys recommend I go to 1230 Hubbard Drive in Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109?

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You keep dropping this shit randomly into your posts and I've yet to find out where you're getting any of it. :rolleyes:I would recommend Ann Arbor, even though that's not my address anymore. I'll meet up with you and we can find ways to blow that money.EDIT: You probably whois'd the site?

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EDIT: You probably whois'd the site?

Yeah I was looking at that Alexa thing and it took me to GoDaddy.Honestly, I'll probably go either Florida or New York as I have family/friends in multiple places there.Edit: Also I think I'm limited to the U.S, but not sure.
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Oh, the premise of the thread is serious? I thought it was just a backdrop to work that address into something.

I would of put it in Spam if I wasn't srs bsns yo.

I would go to Washington, DC to visit the Smithsonian. They have a new exhibit called "The Art of Video Games." I've been wanting to visit and check that out.

For some reason, DC slipped my mind. It'd be pretty cool to go there.
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