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Deleting Trophies


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My brother and I share a PSN account. He recently bought a Dreamcast and Unreal Tournament 2. Liking it, he bought UT 3 for Ps3. Well, now he decided he doesn't like it, and plans to return it. Well, now I'm stuck with a 0% on my trophy list.He bought Modern Warfare 2 in late 2009. I tried it, and it was the worst game I ever played. He never bothered with the single player. I'm now stuck with a 37% on the list.He bought Modern Warfare 3 in late 2011. It was just as terrible as I expected. I'm now stuck with a 35% on the list.Here's the worst one. He bought FIFA 10 in late 2009. He bought Modern Warfare 2 shortly after, and therefore hardly ever played it. Well, now the online servers are shut down, it's IMPOSSIBLE to platinum the game. The percentage is 7%.People may say, "have him make a seperate account." Well, first of all, the damage has been done. Second of all, he believes he has as much right to the current account as me. Third of all, I'm not about to give up my 20 platinums with a new account for myself.Anyone else think we should be able to delete trophies? This is really bugging me, and I lose respect for Sony every day this issue goes unnoticed.

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Yeah I guess they thought people wouldn't of made such a big deal about having 100% in all of the games they've ever played.I guess it's more of an honor thing. Same reason I got pissed off when I was about to pull off a no death play through on Resident Evil 4, only to have Ashely pop her head in front of me and take a bullet.

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I don't understand how it can matter. No part of the trophy system rewards you for percentages, it's all about getting as many as you can total... So why delete any of them? The goal is not to achieve 100% trophies in the games you own.

I guess I am just a serious completionist, and it really bothers me to see games that I know I will never make 100% on. It's also a clutter issue. Games that have 0% serve no purpose in the trophy list, and I should definitely be able to delete them. It just seems like something so obvious. Even the 360 has the feature.
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I don't know, I'm just remembering GameCube where I would access the memory card, find the game and delete just it when I wanted to restart

ps2 was kinda like that but it was differnet because it had a memory card. like i said my ps3 got the yellow light of death and i never knew much about all the harddrive stuff and all.... so i suppose it would be worth a shot but hopefully he doesnt delete all his stuff.. id laugh... cry and feel horrible and then feel upmost sincere pity because that would suck...balls...
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