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Sig Pls?<3


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Hello there~

I was wondering if anyone would like to practice their artistic/creative capabilities and make me a signature?:] I'm not really picky on how it should look, just want something cool that's allll mine! :turned:

Image: Do not have one D: Anything cool/badass/awesome/fun. Anime/'real life' pictures both accepted so long as we don't break any rules ;]

Colors: Any really: blues, purple, TRR greens, black, charcoal grey, yellow; Pastels, brights - I like most colors

Main Text: Tcee

Subtext: >.> Idk what else should go on it.

Could you make one w/TRR logo & copy without? Just to see the diff?:]

First request :blush:

Thanks in advanced!!<3

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Worked on it for 5 hours, but I'm pleased with the final product

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DUDE! This is hardcore adorable! <3 All the colors, too! I'm a lil confused about the quote lol x] Sounds dirty.

I miss playing LBP, I had like 40 characters saved;

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I actually like how I said it took me 5 hours for that horrible MS Paint creation, but I replied to this topic 2 hours after you created it. As for the sub text, it doesn't mean anything as far as I know. You just didn't give me directions.

Let Anarchy do something. He actually does this sort of thing. He even created my signature years ago.

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I actually like how I said it took me 5 hours for that horrible MS Paint creation, but I replied to this topic 2 hours after you created it. As for the sub text, it doesn't mean anything as far as I know. You just didn't give me directions.

Let Anarchy do something. He actually does this sort of thing. He even created my signature years ago.

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OMGOSH memories (: I would make you a new one too if you want (: that looks so bad compared to now :/
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